
Burning Dawn

Page 56


She had two different smiles. One she gave to the Downfall’s patrons. He’d been treated to it during his meeting with the Sent Ones. And then there was the one she’d given to him in the elevator. The first was sort of mechanical, definitely forced. The other was soft and sweet, loaded with promise.
What do you know about her, besides the physical?
She was a startling combination of attitude, kindness, and wit. Oh, was she amusing. Who else wanted to open a bakery when her culinary dishes tasted like cardboard—at best? Who else offered to go to first base so hard? Or teased him about playing games?
She’d missed Bellorie, a female who had caused her untold horror. She had found a demon’s screams too much to bear. She was merciful.
He remembered the hurt in her eyes after he’d pushed her off his lap. He remembered the way she’d bravely withstood his shouts of accusation, refusing to back down even though he could have ended her life with a flick of his wrist. She was sensitive, and she was brave.
She wasn’t going to survive with the Phoenix. Not this time. The warrior Orson—the one who’d had that twisted gleam in his eyes when he’d insisted the halfling be returned—wanted her for sinister purposes. He would break her.
He imagined Elin chained to the male’s bed. Her face battered and swollen, marked by tears. Her skin black-and-blue with bruises. He imagined her cries for help going unheeded—or worse, being met with laughter. He imagined her spirit broken, her sparkle forever extinguished.
The thoughts utterly shredded him.
He’d made a huge mistake, hadn’t he.
Elin wasn’t a weed. She was a rose. And one day, when he stood at the end of his life and looked back, he was going to regret his actions this day. More than anything else he’d ever done. He felt the knowledge in every cell in his body.
He didn’t bother slowing his momentum. He simply dived and twisted, heading back in the direction he’d come.
Keep Elin at the club, he projected to both Xerxes and Bjorn.
A tense pause razed his nerves. Then, I’m sorry, my friend, Xerxes said, but it’s too late for that.
Is she with the Phoenix? No. Please, no.
She isn’t. I dropped her off at her human home.
Thane’s fault. All his fault. She was alone, without any means of protection. But at least she wasn’t with the Phoenix. He was glad his friend had more sense than he. Where?
Xerxes rattled off the address. There’s something you should know.
More? Tell me.
You won’t like it.
He wouldn’t groan. Tell me anyway.
Very well. I...bonded with her. I can speak inside her mind, and she can speak into mine.
A violent wave of possessiveness surfaced, and he had to swallow a mouthful of threats. Only Thane should have the privilege. Even if he didn’t deserve it. Why?
I knew you’d want her back, and I wanted to keep a line of communication open.
Wise. But he should have been the one to do it. Foolish Thane. Thank you, my friend.
That’s not all. I saw into her memories, Thane. They’re bad. Really bad.
* * *
Elin nearly broke down when Xerxes deposited her on her parents’ old doorstep. The four-bedroom spread in the valley, with the gorgeous red mountains in the backyard, brought back the best—and worst—memories. She decided not to ask the new owners for a tour, and left.
She trudged four miles to the strip and pawned one of her bracelets. Though the diamond band was worth thousands, she only got five hundred. A hose job, but whatever. Because she was without any type of ID, she was unable to rent a car. Or rent a room. No one was gonna fall for the old “the dog ate it” excuse. But thanks to the daily paper she purchased from the convenience store across the road, she had been able to call people selling cars. Problem was, most of the sellers either hadn’t answered or had already sold their vehicles.
What was she going to do?
New life goal: come up with new life goals.
Without a coat, she was cold. Her shoulders ached from lugging around a ten-thousand-pound bag filled with clothes and jewels. Needing a quick rest, she leaned against a shadowed wall in the alley between two buildings crying out for major repair, and sipped the hot chocolate she’d purchased with the paper.
Maybe it was a good thing she was without any ID. The entire world might think she’d killed her father and Bay, and abducted her mother. Her name might come with media attention she couldn’t afford. Ugh. From now on, she was off grid. Anything to keep the Phoenix from finding her. Heck, anything to keep Thane from finding her.
As if he’d really look. Prejudiced winger! He had to go and ruin everything.
From the corner of her eye, she noticed the shifting of certain shadows. Heart pounding, she turned to watch more intently. A moment passed. Then another. All remained still.
No. Not true. A snakelike creature peeked from behind a trash bin. She said snakelike because the thing had gnarled antlers rising from its head, and its fangs were so long they almost scraped the ground. As it opened its mouth to unfurl its forked tongue, she saw there was another set of teeth in back.
Elin straightened and backed away from it. Glowing red eyes followed her.
Another snakelike creature emerged from the shadows. Then another. And another. Each one focused on her, slithering closer.
What the heck were those things?
“The prince would like to ssspeak with you,” the one closest to her said. “Preferably alive.”
The others chortled.
Keep a cool head.
Use someone. Who? Xerxes? No. You’ve cut ties, remember? And there was no way she would throw innocents in the path of these...things.
She dropped her chocolate, and, as the liquid gushed out, she ran, her bag slamming against her side, slowing her down. Dang it. Money or escape? She couldn’t have both.
She released the handle and, without the weight, picked up speed.
Even still, the chortles pursued her...and closed in.

XERXES, SHE’S NOT HERE. Frantic, Thane checked the entire house, misting through the walls. Two human adults and two human children were inside, but not Elin.
Try this location. The warrior rattled off another address.
Even more frantic now, Thane darted across the night sky. The apartment was close to the college, and young partygoers were spilling from the building. He performed the same visual sweep, scanning every face in every room. Still no sign of Elin.