
Burning Dawn

Page 60


A muscle twitched below Thane’s eye, but he released her wrist.
Why am I striking at him like this?
But then, she already knew the answer. The nicer he was to her, the harder it was to remain detached from him. She had to provoke his temper.
“I’m sorry, okay, but I’m gonna go now,” she said, and walked away. Her knees knocked all the way to the bar. One of her customers flagged her down, and she rushed over.
“Yes? May I help you?”
May I.
The words got stuck in her head, reminding her of the erotic game she and Thane had played in the elevator; she...freaking...shivered.
Rather than place a drink order, the female, a siren, said, “I heard Thane rescued you from a Phoenix camp.”
“You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” Rescued was not the word Elin would use. Not anymore.
“Hmm” was the reply. Somehow, the brunette managed to put a wealth of disapproval in that one sound. “Well, I’m much prettier than you, so I should have no trouble getting him to rescue me from my orgasmless situation.”
The ensuing scratch of jealousy left a raw, angry wound in Elin’s chest.
Jealousy? No! She refused to feel it.
She killed a nasty reply. I’m better than this.
No, actually, she wasn’t better. She offered the girl a double-birded salute. Then, donning an expression she’d often seen on Bellorie, she said, “News flash. No one’s prettier than me.” And it felt good.
The girl hissed at her.
“You want a go at me?”
Before the girl could reply, two wolf-shifters jumped to their feet at the table to her left, chairs skidding backward as they growled obscenities at each other. Both males looked ready to fight each other to the death.
Get in line.
Adrian walked over and casually announced, “There’s a new house rule. Shed blood inside the building, and get staked immediately. Who wants to be first?”
The males glared at each other but eased back into their chairs.
The girl wilted in her seat, now unwilling to spar with Elin.
The Harpies at the table across from the shifters—well, well, Blondie had come back for more Thane-and-chains time—groaned with disappointment.
“What are we supposed to do for fun now?”
“Why can’t we shed blood? Huh, huh? Tell!”
Yeah. Why? Because... Oh, no. Had Thane put the rule in place for her?
He must have. There was no other explanation.
Beautiful warmth spread through Elin’s entire body.
Not going to fall under his enchantment, remember?
But she should definitely be nicer to him.
Maybe it was even time to baby-step again. He wasn’t a bad guy. He’d just made a bad choice. A really, really bad choice. One she’d said she’d forgiven him for. Am I all talk, or am I action, too?
Action. Definitely action.
Feeling lighter than she had since the start of her shift, she skipped to the bar to gather another round of drinks. She watched as Thane rose. She had a smile waiting just for him, but he never looked her way.
The sirens began to act upset over the “close call” with the shifters. He sauntered to their table and offered what might have been a few words of comfort. The girls thrilled at his attention.
Thane leaned down and kissed Prettier on the cheek.
Somehow, Elin managed to maintain a neutral expression. He was making out with someone right in front of her? Forget the baby steps. She’d give him one giant kick.
He held out his hand; Prettier twined her fingers with his and stood.
He was going to... Oh! How dare he!
Bellorie approached Elin’s side, her gaze following the same path. “Oh, Bonka. I’m so sorry.”
He’s not mine. He wasn’t ever mine. “It’s fine. I’m honestly fine. And I’m sorry you were sent away.”
Bellorie gave her a small smile. “You keep saying that, and I keep telling you it wasn’t your fault. Axel told me Thane is fighting his feelings for you, and that makes him volatile and unstable. Axel also told me we have to treat him like a wounded animal if we have any hope of surviving.”
“Clearly Axel is an idiot. Thane does not have feelings for me. Obviously.” Elin gestured to the display of pure male hobaggery taking place before their eyes. “Now, be quiet. I’m trying to listen to their conversation.”
“When did you become so bossy?” Bellorie grumbled.
“Today. Now, hush it.”
Thane and the girl were close enough to hear...would pass her at any moment.... Can’t attack. Really can’t attack. Besides, after her spanking in Arizona, Elin had no desire to ever fight again.
“Told you,” the girl muttered, flicking her dark hair over her shoulder and giving Elin a proud smirk.
Thane noticed and stopped in his tracks. “What did you tell her?” he asked the siren.
“Oh, uh...” The girl stumbled for a response, perhaps knowing she wouldn’t get away with a lie. “Hmm. Did I tell her something?”
Here, let me help you with your memory problem. “She said she’s prettier than me, and she would have no trouble getting you to nail her. Looks like she was right. But then, you aren’t exactly a man with discriminating tastes, are you?”
An insult to Thane...and herself. Ouch. She’d do better next time.
He dropped his hand from the siren as if he’d just discovered she liked to bathe in toxic waste and said, “You need to leave. Now.”
“No, I—”
“This isn’t a debate,” he said. “Leave.”
Hated hearing that before. Kinda sorta love it now.
“Surely you don’t mean—” the girl continued.
“You disrespect my human, you leave,” Thane snapped.
Funny. Thane had been about to go off and have sex with a siren, disrespecting Elin far more than mere words ever could.
“You don’t talk to her like that,” he continued. “Do you understand?” He spun, shouting, “That goes for all of you. Forget, and you die.”
“Does that go for you?” Elin muttered.
His gaze swung to her and narrowed. She turned her back and walked away.

THANE’S DARK EMOTIONS wound more tightly around his heart with every day that passed. Two weeks ago, Lucien had agreed to track Bjorn’s spiritual trail, hoping to discover every location the Sent One had visited lately, but the trail was so twisted, so tangled, he’d said when they met again today, he’d made little progress.