"Ari, this is Aimee James. She’s different, like you.” The old lady smiled brightly, “Until you get to know each other, I wouldn’t go holding hands. Who knows what’ll happen.”
This is the second book of the completed series, The Devil's Roses
Aimee is now a Devil's Rose. She has a ring that makes her brand of deadly force acceptable. She has killed every flavor of bad. Vampires, shifters, weres, demons, Nephilim. She has lived through nearly every kind of loss, and yet that still can't prepare her for the arrival of Ari.
Tattoo's, piercings, scars, and a poor attitude are pasted across the girl's face when she arrives at the old haunted house where Aimee has found refuge.
The problem with Ari, this isn't Ari. She isn't the girl she was a day ago. She's something else.
Something powerful and dark and dangerous.
Something very few have ever seen.
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