
Beautiful Bombshell

Page 33


I let her feel my breath and my fingers, kissed her stomach, tasted her skin. Fuck, she’s beautiful, I thought, with her arms stretched over her head, her hands searching for the anchor the rest of her didn’t seem to feel. Her hips rolled in front of me, searching, and finally I couldn’t take the seduction of her, the warmth and sweetness anymore. I kissed her gently just once, closing my eyes against the intensity of it.
I wanted more. I wanted, as always, to find a way to taste and f**k her simultaneously and the second my tongue slipped out to glide across the small rise of her clit I was f**king done, mouth open and sucking, devouring. With a cry, she dug her hands fully into my hair, hips sliding and rocking into me and it became a rhythm we fell into without effort, without stutter. She was silky and warm and her legs found their way over my shoulders, down my back, closing around me until the only thing I could hear was the muffled sound of her pleas, the rustle of sheets beneath her as she moved up into me.
Her body couldn’t decide what it wanted—tongue or the pressure of my lips—so I made the decision for her, hungry after a night of secretive, hurried sex and so little intimacy. I surrounded her with my mouth, sucking and reminding her this is how I love you, both soft and wild.
I am f**king lost in you.
Her body was so familiar to me, its dips and curves, the flavor of her sex as she went from sleeping to wild. And although I’d started this wanting to tease her, I couldn’t; her release was a precursor to mine. She came quickly, legs falling away, back bowed until her cries quieted and thighs stopped trembling. She propped herself up on her elbows, watching me.
I kissed up her navel, pushing my shirt up her body as I went, and exposing the soft fullness of her br**sts.
“Hello, my lovelies.”
“Did you have fun tonight?” she asked, voice still groggy with sleep and pleasure.
“It was definitely interesting.” My teeth found the bottom swell of her breast, and then my tongue slid up the curve, found her nipple.
I paused my gentle attack on her chest to look up and catch the uncertainty on her face. “Hmm?”
“Is it really okay that we did this? That I crashed your bachelor party? I mean, it basically hijacked your first night here.”
“Do you think I’m at all surprised you decided to take charge at the club?”
She closed her eyes, smiling a little. But only a little. “Not being surprised isn’t the same thing as being glad that I did it.”
I pushed my shirt the rest of the way up her arms, trapping her wrists above her head and using it to tie her hands together. “We have all weekend to celebrate the bachelor thing. It’s really okay that you did this.” I leaned down, sucked her neck. “In fact, if you ever stop doing crazy things like that, stop being wild and foolish because you want me so much, it might just ruin me a little.”
“A little?” I could hear the smile in her voice.
Looking down at her face, at her hair fanned across the pillow, eyes heavy with desire and satisfaction in equal measure, I had the sense of being pulled backward through a cable in time. How the f**k had we gotten here? This woman beneath me was the same one I’d despised so viciously for months, the one I’d f**ked with such combustible need and hate. And now, she was in my room, on the weekend of my bachelor party, wearing my grandmother’s ring, hands tied over her head with my favorite T-shirt, the one she’d claimed as her own months ago.
Chloe tilted her head, catching my eye. “Where did you go?”
I closed my eyes, swallowing. “Just remembering.”
She waited, eyes studying me.
“I was just remembering everything and . . .”
“Thinking about how we started . . . and what it was like before. I was trying to remember the last woman I was with before you. . . . I don’t think I ever told you about that night.”
Beneath me, she laughed. “This has the potential to be such a romantic conversation.” She wiggled a little, rubbing her slick skin along the underside of my cock.
“Just listen,” I murmured, bending to kiss her. Pulling back, I said, “She was my date at the fund-raiser for Millennium Organics. You were there, too. . . .”
“I remember,” she whispered, watching my lips.
“You had on this dress . . .” I exhaled. “Fuck. That dress. It was—”
“Yes. But not just red. Fire engine red. Siren red. You looked like a f**king beacon, a devil . . . which is pretty appropriate, considering. Anyway, Amber was my date, and—”