
Beautiful Secret

Page 78


“I’d like to see that,” I said, grinning now. “You and Max as teenagers, running up and down the field. You’d both be shirtless in this scenario, yes?”
Niall pinned me with a glare that had me erupting in giggles.
“And what about you, where would you be, Miss Ruby?”
“I miss San Diego.”
“Do you not enjoy London?”
“I love London, getting to live there has been sort of a dream, but it’s expensive, it rains a lot, and I miss everyone.”
“My roommates, Lola and London. And especially my brother.”
“It must have been hard being away from them.”
“The time difference sucks,” I said, groaning. “It’s like we get four hours to be awake in the same day and those are early in the morning or late at night.”
Niall nodded, continuing to run his fingers through the front of my hair. I began to feel my eyes droop. “But you’ll stay in London?” he asked, and I wondered if I imagined the hint of anxiousness there.
“Through school, at the very least.”
“So a few years.”
The words burned on the tip of my tongue. “Hopefully,” I said at last.
“And tell me about San Diego. What was it like growing up there?”
“Have you ever been to California?” I asked.
“I’ve been to Los Angeles,” he said. “Perfect weather and palm trees. Lots of blond people.”
“LA is not San Diego,” I said, shaking my head but feeling my chest warm just thinking about home. “LA is cement and cars and people. San Diego is green palms and blue sky and ocean everywhere. When I was younger, Crain and I would head over to a friend’s house just a few blocks from the beach. We’d load everything up in the baskets on the front of our bikes and just stay there, all day.”
“What would you do?” he asked.
“Nothing,” I said blissfully. “We’d just lie around in the sand all day, play volleyball or read or talk, listen to music. When we got hot we’d jump into the water, maybe take turns on someone’s paddleboard, when we got hungry we’d eat the lunch we packed. My mom would see us in the morning and then not until the sun went down.”
“Sounds brilliant. I quite like the image of teenage Ruby,” he said, wrapping a finger around a piece of hair and tugging. “Hair bleached from the summer and freckles across your nose. Tan skin and tiny bikini.” He seemed to consider how this sounded for a moment before clearing his throat and adding, “We’re going to imagine I’m teenage Niall in this scenario, as well.”
I laughed, pulling the sheet up around my body. “Carlsbad was an amazing place to grow up, you know? Before I left the States I was sharing this great apartment with two of my best friends. We could see the ocean from our dining room window,” I said, missing them so much in that moment it was like a physical ache. “Between our work schedules it felt like we hardly saw each other, but when we finally managed to all be there at the same time we’d make cappuccinos so we could stay up late and talk, sometimes watching the sun come up over the marina. Maybe that’s why it was so easy to leave . . . We’d all grown so busy we barely saw each other anymore.”
“Maybe. Or perhaps, you knew something bigger was on its way. Waiting for you.”
I looked at him for a long time when he said that, wondering if he meant school and work, or more. “You should go there someday. Lie on the beach, go to Disneyland, ride Space Mountain.”
Niall scrunched up his nose in distaste, but I leaned in and kissed him anyway. “Disneyland?”
“You didn’t think you’d like the concert, either. Remember? Sometimes it’s fun to just be silly.”
He was quiet for a moment before nodding once and tilting his chin toward me for another kiss. “You’re right, I suppose,” he said against my mouth. “And what do you think of New York? Do you enjoy yourself?”
“It’s big and loud, but . . . sort of exhilarating. I’ll never forget it,” I said, eyes still on the comforter.
“Maybe you’ll come back.”
I lifted a shoulder in a small shrug. “Maybe. Might not be the same without the company, though.”
“Who would buy you hot dogs and tease you about mustard?”
“Or grope me on the subway?”
“Exactly. So school first and then you’ll what? Go back to San Diego?”
We’d been so honest tonight and I didn’t want to give that up. “I’m not sure,” I said. “It depends on a lot of things.”