

Page 13


He stopped and stared at me, his eyes blinking as he tried to process a veiled accusation that I didn’t actually mean.  It had just come out of my mouth in a heated moment in which I wasn’t thinking straight.  Damn those scenarios I’d mentally flicked through last night; they were putting ideas in my head.
“I’m going to forget you said that,” he said in a low, angry voice.
Trying to calm down, I took a couple of deep breaths.  It didn’t really work though; the adrenaline was coursing through me and I was at the point where I needed answers.  I needed to know what was going on in his head.  “J, where are you?”
He looked confused.  “What?”
I shook my head; more at myself than him.  That question hadn’t come out right.  I tried again.  “I mean, there’s something going on in your head and you’re withdrawing from me.  I need to know where your head’s at.”  I took another deep breath before adding the one thing I didn’t want to say.  “If you don’t want to be with me, you need to tell me.”
His response was swift.  He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to him roughly.  His lips brushed across the top of my forehead.  I sank into him.  This was what I needed; this closeness.  J and I connected when we touched.  It was like air to us; without it we stumbled.
“I fucking love you so don’t ever confuse my distance for a lack of desire or commitment.  I’ve just had some club shit to deal with, babe.”
My hands ran over his back muscles.  He was tense; rock hard.  I wanted him to let me in.  But he seemed to still be working out how to do that.  So, I decided to give him that; to give him the time to figure his shit out.  I had his words of commitment for now and that would have to be enough until he could give me more.
I pulled away.  “I love you too,” I said softly.
He tipped my chin so that our eyes met.  “I thought I’d been clear that I wasn’t ever going to leave you again.”
“J, a woman needs more than words.  She needs to be shown that a man means what he says.  You’ve been avoiding me, leaving early for work, coming home late and not having sex with me.  I wasn’t sure what to think because those are not the actions of a man who can’t get enough of his woman.”
He sighed.  “You overthink this shit; you always have, babe.  I don’t say shit for the fucking sake of saying shit.  You need to take it in that when I tell you something, I mean it.”
“And you need to back up the shit you say with actions.  Thinking is what women do.  And yeah, sometimes we overthink stuff but that’s only because the men in our lives give us mixed fucking signals.”
“Mixed signals?  Fuck, babe, women are the fucking masters of that shit.”
“Well, let me just tell you that when your man who normally can’t get enough of you stops wanting sex, that’s the biggest mixed signal.  So, I’m telling you, get that shit together otherwise we’re going to have problems.”  I jabbed him in the chest as I said this.
A growl came from deep in his chest and he roughly pulled me to him.  “Sweetheart, my cock will never get enough of you.  Don’t ever overthink that.”
I reached up and pulled his face down to mine.  “Show me,” I whispered.
He didn’t hesitate.  His arms moved down my body and wrapped around my ass to lift me up.  My legs wound around him as he backed me up against the wall.  He bent his head and kissed me.  Hard.  Relentlessly.  There was so much emotion behind this kiss and I took in the full force of his passion for me.  It was his way of showing me that he meant what he’d said.
He ended the kiss and growled, “Nothing better than you, your legs around me, your pussy tight against me and your mouth on me, babe.  I walk around with a fucking hard on for you every damn day, and as for other women, they’re not even on my fucking radar anymore, sweetheart.  Haven’t been for over six years since I made you mine, and even when you weren’t mine, none of them came close.”  His gaze intensified as he continued, “We clear on that now?  Or do you need me to count the fucking ways I want to show you and your pussy how far gone I am?”
I sucked in a breath.  If that wasn’t clear, then I was a fucking moron.  I murmured, “We’re clear, baby.”
He nodded.  And then his gaze dropped to my chest.  “Need to get these clothes off you, babe.  Need your tits in my mouth.  And then I’m going to eat you for fucking dinner.”
I smiled.  My man was back.
Chapter 4
I yawned as I entered the kitchen the next morning and took in the sight before me.  J was leaning against the kitchen counter, drinking coffee, and tracking my movements.  To say this gave me tingles was an understatement.  Last night after his declaration of love for me and my pussy, he’d taken me to bed and spent hours showing me how true his words were.  This morning I was sore and exhausted, but in a good way.  A very good way.
“You got the day off?” he asked after he scanned down my body and took in that I was dressed in shorts and a tank rather than work clothes.
“Yeah,” I answered as I moved into his space.
He placed his coffee mug on the bench as I reached up and took hold of his face with both my hands.  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.  His mouth opened to let me in. His hands landed on my ass, and he drew me closer.