
Blue Lines

Page 101


“Because of you. You have helped me become the man I want to be; you have been there to encourage me, to believe in me. Baby, I would still be f**king anything with legs if you hadn’t come into my life and rocked it to the core. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up and when I go to sleep at night. I miss not having you in my arms at night and I haven’t been sleeping right since I left your bed. You are the one for me, and Piper, I am going to fight for us until the day I die.”
“No, wait,” he said, putting his finger along her plump lips. He smiled as he continued. “From this moment, I’m not scared, not as long as you are beside me. I can conquer all my demons as long as I have you. I can do anything and only you can give me that feeling.”
He looked down at her expectantly and she shook her head as she watched him, a pained look on her beautiful face.
“That is the most you’ve ever said to me, Erik, and what kills me is that you haven’t said the one thing that could make everything you’ve done wrong go away.”
“Huh?” he asked, confused. He was proud of his speech, thought it was a real winner. Was he wrong?
“I love you, so much, and I am so glad that I have helped you and that you are finally realizing that you can trust me, but Erik, I want your love. I want you to love me. I don’t want all these other words. I want you to love me forever and to show me that you will always love me.”
Erik looked down at her confused. Hadn’t he said that?
“You have always been a creature of action. You always acted before you spoke and I adore that of you. But please, show me you love me, tell me you do, but if you don’t, then I’m sorry, I can’t do this. No matter how much I’ve helped you change and how it will probably kill me to walk away, I can’t be with you if you don’t love me.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I just can’t.”
“But Piper, I do—”
“Oh f**k,” she gasped, interrupting his proclamation of love. She bent over, holding her middle as she took in a deep, shuddering breath.
“Piper?” he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Are you okay?”
She shook her head with tears rushing down her face, then looked up at him and said, “My water just broke.”
“What? What are you talking about? I’ll get you another cup after we are done talking,” he said, shaking his head. She interrupted him because she was out of water? Wait, she didn’t have any water. Looking into her wide eyes, he said, “You aren’t talking about your drink, are you?” She shook her head quickly, tears falling in heaps down her rosy cheeks. He looked down at her stomach and then back into her eyes and asked, “The baby is coming, isn’t he?”
Oh f**k.
Chapter 26
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” Piper panted as Erik stood there staring at her.
His heart was beating at speeds unimaginable and he had no clue what to do. How was this happening? She still had a month until it was time for the baby to come.
Yeah, this was not happening.
“Wait, are you sure?”
She nodded. “Yes, I feel water rushing down my legs.”
“Are you sure you didn’t just piss yourself?” he asked frantically, moving closer to hold her hand.
She shook her head desperately as she doubled over, her nails digging into his wrist. “Oh f**k no, we gotta go. Like now.”
“Oh my God.” Erik was freaking out.
“Unless you want me having our child in the middle of my best friend’s wedding, we gotta f**king go!” she screamed, causing everyone to turn and look at them.
“What’s wrong?” Erik turned to see Shea coming up to them. “Everything okay?”
“No, the baby is coming,” Piper hissed out. “Erik.”
But he wasn’t moving.
When a hard slap came to Erik’s back, he jumped in surprise. “Titov, get it together, man!” Shea yelled. “You need to take your wife to the hospital now.”
“Right,” Erik said, moving to her side to start for the front of the barn.
“Someone get Titov’s car!” Shea yelled, taking Erik’s keys and throwing them to someone. Erik was too busy trying to get Piper to walk. She was digging her nails into his arms, trying to keep from screaming. He could tell she was hurting and he had no clue what to do.
“Baby, tell me what to do,” he asked as they slowly made their way through the mass of people.
“I don’t know,” she hissed out.
“Piper, are you okay?”
They both turned to see Audrey rushing toward her. Piper nodded her head quickly as she said, “Just fine, I went into labor, no big deal, go be merry and happy.” Piper waved her off as she flashed a pained, scary grin at her. Erik wanted to laugh, but he knew better.
“What? You’re having the baby?” Audrey screeched.
“Yeah, no big deal, I’ll call you later,” Piper said before she bent over, gripping his arm as she gasped for air. “Oh f**k, I’m dying.”
“Shit! Don’t say that!” Erik yelled as Karson came running toward him.
“Your car is out front,” Karson said, handing Erik his keys. “Good luck, dude.”
Erik nodded. “Thanks, King. Baby, can we get to the car?”