
Blue Lines

Page 103


“Pain meds, stat,” Piper said, fighting for oxygen.
“First let me check you,” the doctor said, bending Piper’s legs. “Are the contractions close?”
“Yes, a minute and a half apart,” a nurse said from the side, holding a long sheet of paper. “Wow, have you been having contractions all day?” he asked before sticking his hand up into Piper.
Piper let out a hiss of breath as she nodded her head. “Yeah, but I thought they were Braxton Hicks.”
“Apparently not, because, darling, you are in active labor.”
“Well obviously! My water broke!” Piper yelled. Her knuckles were turning white from where she was squeezing her thighs. Worried she might bruise herself, Erik took her hand in his, letting her squeeze him instead.
Dr. I’m Too Sexy laughed and Erik saw one of the nurses swoon as he said, “Oh hush.”
He pushed his hand inside her a little farther, biting his lip as he appeared to be thinking.
“So I have good news and bad; which do you want first?”
“Oh my God, Bryan, I don’t give two shits, just get him out!”
Dr. I’m Too Sexy laughed again, shaking his head. “That’s the bad news, Piper: You are at eight centimeters and seventy-five percent effaced, and so there is no time for an epidural. I have a feeling we are going to have a bouncing baby boy sooner rather than later.”
“What?!” Piper screamed as her head fell back. Tears rushed down the side of her face as she took in strangled breaths.
Erik watched as the doctor took off his glove and then came to Piper’s side to smile down at her. “You’ll be fine,” the doctor said.
“It hurts.”
“Well, yeah, but just think of the prize at the end. Sit tight; it’s almost baby time,” he said, patting her knee.
“But it’s early; will he be okay?” she cried.
He gave her a reassuring smile. “He was measuring a week ahead, Piper. I have a good feeling he will be fine, but just in case I’ll have the NICU girls in here, too. Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine.” He turned to say something to a nurse.
Erik moved his hand along Piper’s face, catching her tears as his other hand rubbed her belly. “I’m here, remember. I’ll be here for you to claw at,” he said softly, as the tears poured down her face.
“I’m so scared,” she whispered, as she took in shuddering breaths.
“I know, I am, too, but we can do this together,” he whispered back, kissing her nose. “Piper, you are so strong, so beautiful, and the most amazing woman in the world, sweetheart. I am so lucky you came into my life and brought this amazing gift to me.” He moved his gentle hand up to hold her beautiful chin. “We got this baby and I—”
For f**k sakes!
Erik turned to see Rowan running toward the bed with Harper and Reese flanking her. When Alla came in behind them, with Cooper and Blake, Erik knew that his moment to tell Piper he loved her was gone. Letting out a frustrated breath, he backed away as Rowan leaned over and kissed Piper on her sweaty head. “My goodness, are you okay?”
“No, I can’t have an epidural; the baby is coming too quickly,” Piper cried as she whipped her hands along her cheeks. Her makeup was smeared to hell but she didn’t care. Alla came up beside him, wrapping her arms around his middle.
“How are you?” she asked quietly.
He gave her a pained looked as he said, “Scared.”
“It’s to be expected,” Cooper said, wrapping an arm around Erik’s shoulders. “Everything will be fine, though.”
“You two looked pretty close when we entered,” Alla whispered as they all watched Piper’s family fuss over her.
Looking back down at his mom, he said, “I was about to tell her I love her but we keep getting interrupted and I’m starting to think I’m not supposed to tell her.”
Alla smiled as she shook her head. “You just wait, the perfect moment will come.”
“Ah, Erik, Erik, ah, oh my God.”
Erik moved from his parents and through the circle of family that surrounded Piper. Her face was showing her pain, sweat dripping from her brow.
Taking her hand in his, he kissed her knuckles before saying, “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay.”
“Ah, it f**king hurts!”
“That’s childbirth,” Harper said with a laugh.
Erik swore it was like he was in the movie The Exorcist. Piper whipped her head around and almost came off the bed, shaking her fist at Harper.
“Shut the hell up!” she yelled as she leaned her head back.
“Ha-ha, she’s gonna kick your ass,” Reese said as she ran her hand up and down Piper’s other hand. “It’s okay, sis, you got this,” she said reassuringly as she smiled down at Piper.
“This sucks. I feel like a crazy person,” Piper cried as she squeezed Erik’s hand.
A nurse came in at that moment. Going to the end of the bed, she looked up from her chart and over at Piper.
“All these people can’t be in here, honey; you are too close to delivery,” she informed them.
Cooper threw his hands up. “Well that’s my cue to make my exit,” he said, coming toward the bed to kiss Piper before patting Erik on the back. “I’m proud of both of you, and I can’t wait to see this little guy. Good luck. You can do this, Piper.”