
Blue Lines

Page 93


Piper nodded. “He is.”
She looked down at where Alla held her and smiled. She was all baby.
“We came by to drop some stuff off and to check in on you,” Cooper said, giving her a half hug before turning to grab what seemed like a million bags.
“We kind of went a little crazy,” Alla mentioned as they passed by her, bringing bags into the house.
“A little crazy?” Piper said as her living room started to fill with packages from different baby stores.
Alla laughed as she helped Cooper bring in a bassinet. She turned with a smile on her face as she said, “Erik went with us, too. He wanted to make sure you have everything off your registry.”
Piper was excited that she now had everything she needed but was sad that Erik couldn’t even come over to drop it off himself. He sent his parents, which was basically like another knife being stabbed into her heart.
“He’s worried, you know,” Cooper said softly. “He said you won’t answer his calls.”
Piper looked away as she nodded. “There is nothing to talk about.”
“Maybe you could call him?”
“I can’t. Just let him know everything is fine.”
“Piper, honey, I know that you must be upset,” Alla said slowly. “But it doesn’t have to be like this. He still wants to …” She trailed off and Piper knew it was because she didn’t know what to say. Piper wanted to laugh at the uncertainty of that man, but she couldn’t; all she could do was cry.
“I can’t do it. I need time to get over him because I still love him and I miss him so much,” she cried, her hand resting over her broken heart. “And I can’t face him right now.”
“I understand,” Alla said softly.
“And we are sorry, Piper. I wish that things would have gone differently for you two,” Cooper said, reaching out to take her hand in his.
The tears came faster as she shook her head. “No, don’t be sorry, because it’s as much my fault as it is his. I didn’t fight hard enough for him and I’m sorry I gave up but it was so hard loving someone who didn’t love me back.”
Alla came over, taking Piper’s face in her hands. “No, Piper, you didn’t give up, he did, and he sees what he did was wrong,” she said sternly. “He loves you, so much. He is just afraid of hurting you and is trying to hide behind walls that have been up since he was a child.”
“I miss him,” Piper whispered. “But I can’t keep on the way we were. Me giving everything I can, while he just gave me pieces here and there. If I would have known what to do to convince him I would be here for him always, I would have. He is the most amazing man when he wants to be, but then he shields himself and doesn’t let me in. It hurts me and I don’t want to hurt anymore.”
“I know honey,” Alla said, taking her into her arms and holding her tight. “I know.”
* * *
“So you’ll be fine for the wedding, right?”
Piper nodded even though Audrey couldn’t see her. She had been making some beef and broccoli for dinner when Audrey called. With the phone cradled between her face and shoulder she started preparing the sauce. “Yes, I’ll be fine. I promise. I’m doing great.”
“Oh, well that’s good. I’ve been worried.”
“Nothing to worry about, I just ate something bad,” Piper said as she transferred some broccoli to a hot pot of water. “I’ll be okay.”
“Okay, so I’ll see you guys at two on Saturday?” Audrey asked, and Piper could hear the worry in her voice.
“Yup, I’m so excited!” Piper gushed, hoping to reassure Audrey with her enthusiasm. She didn’t want her worrying about her; the wedding was days away.
“Me, too,” Audrey squealed.
After saying goodbye to Audrey, Piper laid the phone on the counter. She could feel her tears wanting to fall but she couldn’t allow them. She had shed enough tears for Erik Titov and she refused to let any more fall. Pouring some rice into the pot, she leaned against the counter, playing on her phone as she waited for her food to cook. She was in the middle of checking her Facebook page when Elli’s picture came across her phone.
Piper bit her lip as she tried to figure out if she should answer it. By the third ring, she decided she would. “Hello?”
“Hey, is Erik there?”
Piper paused. “No, he isn’t.”
“Crap, okay, he isn’t answering his phone. I need him to go check on Phillip for me,” Elli said quickly, and Piper could tell that something was wrong.
“What’s wrong with Phillip?” Piper asked.
“His sister died. He says he’s fine but that was his sister, you know?”
Piper was shocked. She didn’t even know she had been sick. “Oh my goodness, that’s horrible. You can’t get ahold of Erik?”
“No, can you try? Do you know when he’ll be home?”
Piper bit her lip. Had he not told anyone that they weren’t together? Apparently only Alla and Cooper knew. Why hadn’t he told anyone? Confused and not knowing what to do, Piper said, “Um, I’m not sure. I’m pretty sure he is with Phillip, but I’ll call and make sure.”
“Great, let me know what happens; thank so much,” Elli said as a baby started to screech. “Owen is angry about something. Call me back when you hear anything.”