
Branded Sanctuary

Page 53


Unlace the front.
Easier said than done, with hands that were almost shaking with the power of his need. Rip it, she suggested, and almost before the words were out of her mouth, hed put his hands on it and yanked. It didnt rip, but it loosened enough that her breasts spilled free and his hands closed over them, at the same moment she shoved him back down again. She slid up his body with her eyes fixed on him in hot demand.
First, you eat my pussy. I want to come on your face. You wont come until I say its okay. I want to feel that hard cock inside me.
Was it the clothes? He didnt care what made her act like this wanton vamp now, as long as it was genuine, and he could tell it was, a role she was delighted to play. Something in her face told him she was on the right path again. Not necessarily the girl shed been before her attack, but some new compilation of her own sculpting.
A s for him, he didnt care if one night she was Chloe, the vampire of his dreams, or tender, giggling Chloe, retying the bow on Princes plush neck. Or pensive Chloe, gluing pictures in her happiness book. Mischievous Chloe, winking as she slipped him and Tyler pieces of free cake at Tea Leaves when she thought the eagle-eyed Marguerite didnt see. He wanted to discover every face. He wanted to make her happy and enjoy every damn day of knowing she was his.
He told her that, in rough, broken language as she covered his face, straddling him but staying just out of reach of his mouth as he spoke, his breath caressing her labia, already moist with her honey.
Good, she whispered, and came down on him, letting him bury his mouth and nose into that bliss. His hands came up, cupped her bare bottom through the strips of the barely there skirt. The slick surface of her boots pressed against his sides, the hard heels turned in toward his rib cage, digging in as if he were her personal mount.
He was good at oral sex, and he used all his skill now, sucking on her clit, taking slow, dragging licks of the outer labia and then penetrating her like his cock, swirling inside and closing his mouth over the whole vulva to put light pressure on it as his tongue came out, darted here and there, went back in, making her work herself against his face. Her breath came faster, a dew of perspiration and the moisture of the fog on her flesh. He made noises of his hunger against her, and she tortured him further. Leaning back, she wrapped her small hand around his cock, tugging hard on it as she rocked against his mouth.
A h, God He couldnt come. He wouldnt, as much as he wanted her, because shed told him not to, because oh hell.
He had so much control, but hed missed her too much, and having her cunt in his face, her bottom rubbing against his chest, her knowledgeable fingers on his cock, was just too much for any man. He prided himself on obeying a Mistresss most outrageous demand, but all he managed was a strangled protest against her. She didnt take the hint, didnt let up. In fact, she deliberately tightened her grip and rolled it up the length of his shaft, flicking the vein beneath with her thumb, letting him feel the bite of the long nail in his tightening testicles.
She flipped in a quick, lithe movement he hadnt expected, straddling his head from the other direction, and put her mouth over him just as he released. She took him into the back of her throat as her ass moved rhythmically in front of his face, her pussy brushing his chin so he angled his head and made damn sure the vibrations of his guttural roars were felt all the way up through her womb as his hips bucked up, driving his cock into her mouth.
It was the pleasure of nearly a month of self-denial, all for her, everything he wanted. It made him wonder why it really had been so hard for him to say, but he knew. A nd he owed it to her to explain why.
However, first things first. A s the orgasm slowly died away, even in the grip of the agonizing aftershocks, he applied himself to her cunt again, nibbling, thrusting, and giving her the occasional tease on her anal rim with his nose, the press of his lips.
She enjoyed the hell out of it, gasping and moving on him, but just as he sensed her about to approach that peak, she turned, taking it away from him. She sat back down on his loins like a queen on her throne, chin up and skin flushed, breath coming fast, nipples taunting him over the loosened corset.
If you want me to come, youll have to get hard for me again, she said in a throaty voice. But first youll have to be punished, wont you? Because you broke your promise to me. The promise you made in the park.
Yes. Whatever she wanted to do was fine with him. Hell, she could shove a poker up his ass and he would take it from her.
Then get up and face that wall over there.
* * * * *
Chloe could tell there were things he wanted to say to her. Marguerite had said things would boil up once the wound was lanced, but she wanted to make it even easier for him, break him open so it would all come out at once. When he rose, his height shadowed her such that she trembled with the desire to move into that shelter, hold him to her. She could do that if she wanted to. She could be and do anything here with him, because he wanted her. Everything she was. In some ways, hed been telling her the truth all along, though it hadnt hit the target dead on, as shed sensed. He did want to please her, make her happy, do as she desired, because that was what you did when you wanted, needed and loved someone with all your heart. It amazed her that it had been so difficult for both of them to say and acknowledge such a gift, embrace it with everything they were from the very first moment.
However, the one thing shed always known about humansthey werent always very sensible.
Or predictable. Because, though she wanted the comfort of his embrace, she wanted something more right now. She wanted to test something in herself, see if she could navigate that roller coaster of angry, lustful emotions shed felt at the carnival.
He moved past her, his eyes on her face, but had to break the contact to go to the wall. She enjoyed the view, the graceful power of his male body. Shed had him refasten the snug trousers and dwelled on the way his ass shifted, the flex of muscle in his back and broad shoulders. A ll hers, every fine inch of him. When he reached the wall, she spoke again.
Put your hands on the wall, just above your head, out to either side.
He did, and she glanced to the corner. In another cluster of artfully placed shadows, a variety of tools appropriate to the environment had been hung on a brick façade. She moved to it, conscious that his head had turned, tracking her movements, and probably indulging in an eyeful of her walk in those heeled boots, the sway of her hips. She could feel the dampness of her thighs from his mouth and the arousal that had trickled down, tickled by the strips of the skirt. Her shoulders were bare and pale in the dim light. Her curls were pinned up, exposing her neck and the silk cord of the pendant.
Conscious of his regard, she knew he would be anticipating her turn back toward him in the corset, pulled open to show her breasts fully, but still supported so they thrust out provocatively. She could torment him by making him close his eyes, but she wanted to feel the heat of that gaze on her. Revel in the clean, healthy desire of it.
She passed her fingers over a riding crop, a flail and what appeared to be an electric cattle prod. A coiled whip, paddles, switches. Shed read enough to know which ones to leave alone, knowing they required skills she didnt have to use safely. Perhaps leaving them here anyway had been a test of Marguerites, or proof to boost her self confidence, showing how much shed progressed in just these three weeks from her unreasoning anger.
She paused over an item she didnt know. A teardrop-shaped hoop, slightly larger than her hand, attached to a handle. The hoop appeared to be made of some kind of semi-firm rubber. She picked it up, liking the weight and that it wasnt much longer than her arm from elbow to fingertip.
She came back to him. The minute she turned, hed returned his attention to the wall as if he hadnt been staring at her, though she could tell he was watching her out of the corner of his eye. Suppressing a smile, she came up behind him and used the top edge of the thing to trace the line of his spine, from nape to the waistband of his trousers.
What is this?
He cleared his throat. Its a branding hoop. It leaves temporary marks.
Mmm. Reaching forward with her free hand, she tugged the shirt that was mostly off anyway out of the pants, dropped it to the side. Undo the top buttons of the trousers again. I want them low enough that I can see all of your back.
So she could see that brand, now that she knew whod done it, why it was there. She needed to see it, see how it made her feel.
Hed hesitated at that, but then he lowered his left arm, moved the hand in front of him and obeyed. The fabric tightened over his buttocks briefly, even more than it was already, then he tugged and the trousers dropped several inches, sliding away from the fleur de lis , and coming to rest just past the rise of his ass.
When she traced the brand with her fingertips, he trembled. How does this make you feel? she murmured.
Good. He rested his forehead against the wall, both sets of fingers back above him, curling inward in response to the sensation. It feelslike youre taking ownership of it.
A lmost exactly an echo of what shed felt the first day shed seen it, not knowing then even what it was.
I am, she said. His fingers tightened further, his body rippling with a wave of emotion she could feel. It was overpowering to know they were both feeling something so strongly, even barely touching. He awaited her pleasure, and she could take as long as she wanted to absorb the emotion, savor it. She didnt need to give him anything else until she was ready.
A ll right, she said at last. You should have told me about the brand from the beginning, shouldnt you have?
Yes, she echoed, affirming it. You should have told me that you wanted me.
You shouldnt have come, because you promised me you wouldnt, not until I said those two words.
No. A s he pressed his forehead to the wall, she saw the fierce desire gripping his expression, making her even more needy for him.
She took a step back, gauging where shed need to be. Does this hurt a lot?
It can, depending on how much strength you use.
Level Ten pain threshold. She remembered that from his program entry, the night of the auction. But still Is there any way I can hurt you incorrectly with it?
Its a good idea, with any tool, to stay above the kidneys. Reaching back, he showed her where with a fingertip pressed above that area on his back. Then he returned his palm to the wall. Best also to stop before you draw blood, though this will only do that if you keep hitting the welts it creates, over and over. The Zone doesnt allow bloodletting without special permission.