

Page 33


Once he was ready, he pulled his hips back only to slide back in. It was a slower, sensual, punishing pace. His fingers slid into my pu**y at the same time his c**k filled my ass.
“Baby, God, your f**king ass loves my cock, doesn’t it? Yeah, all of you loves my cock. I could f**k you all day long. So f**king sexy.”
My arms reached behind me, grabbing onto his hair, tugging.
“Nathan…shit, I love your cock!” I was shaking, with each thrust as I grew closer to another orgasm.
“Getting close again? Fucking naughty girl, so sexy when you come.”
He licked up the side of my neck; his teeth scraping against my skin. I whimpered, my body shuddering, a silent scream building on my lips as my orgasm ripped through me, making me clench around his c**k and fingers.
“That’s it baby. Shit, f**king come…oh f**k!”
His fingers closed around my neck, squeezing as his muscles tensed before he exploded inside me.
His body relaxed, his strength giving out, and we fell to the bed. His arms were still wrapped around me, one hand at my chest, the other cupping my sex.
We laid there for a moment to catch our breaths. His lips ghosted across my neck, his tongue peeking out to taste.
“Mine,” he whispered.
I turned my head to look behind me, my body twisting in his arms. I pressed my lips to his and he leaned forward to deepen the kiss, his arms pulling me tighter to him.
“Mine,” I whispered in return.
He took a deep shuddering breath before pulling the blanket over us and sending us into what would hopefully be a peaceful sleep.
It was dark, midnight black. Everything was. It always was.
It was my room, but it wasn’t…not anymore; it hadn’t been for a long time. It was sparse. Empty. Nothing on the walls, not even color. Blank.
A dream or a nightmare; I didn’t know which.
I heard…nothing. It was safe to move. I exited the room, my feet sliding across the hardwood.
I stumbled through the dark; my hands found the wall and I followed it to the open space of the living room. An eerie glow appeared, shining through the window, illuminating little, but it wasn’t enough to create shadows.
They moved against the wall, sending shivers through me.
I knew the place, or I had known it. It had been many years since I was last here. Since I last saw…
My head was flung to the side, my body twisting with the momentum, my hand slapping against the wall to keep me upright. My eyes opened, but I kept looking down. I turned my head as slow as possible. I started shaking more and more as my gaze inched upwards. Before I could see what was in front of me, I felt breath caress my skin; hot and heavy. A scathing voice spoke into my ear.
“Don’t look at me. Keep your f**king eyes down. I can‘t stand to see you looking at me.”
I complied, not wanting to anger him further.
“I told you. No one will ever love you.”
I heard another familiar voice, not far away.
The first figure backed away. “You disgust me. Looking just like her with my eyes.”
I heard footsteps grow closer. There was a slamming on either side of my head, and I cowered, the tears already stinging my eyes for what was to come.
“You are still such a stupid f**king girl,” he growled, inches from my face.
I continued to look down, hoping my silence would stay him.
“Everyone hates you. You should just f**king leave.”
“The moment you turn eighteen, you are gone. I don’t have to support your sorry ass anymore.” Dad’s voice called from somewhere in the darkness.
“Hear that? Gone,” my stepmother, Cheryl, spat. “Maybe if you spread those prude legs of yours and take someone in, they’ll let you stay with them. I hear virgins can fetch a high price. Just throw a bag over your head, that way they won’t have to look at your pathetic face. Because you are pathetic.”
There was a reprieve, a short silence before Adam’s hot breath was in my ear. “Do you think he will ever love you? You know the answer; it’s no. How could he? You have nothing to offer him but your pu**y.”
“Please, stop,” I begged.
I tilted my head up to meet his eyes; they were as black as obsidian. He glared down at me, snarling, and his body was shaking. He was the meanest son of a bitch to ever come near me.
His head flew back in laughter; full of menace and hate. To my horror, I watched as his black hair turned brown, and when his eyes returned to mine, Nathan’s sea-blue’s glared back, bright and menacing.
“They’re right. Do you honestly think you can ’fix’ me and that I’ll love you, Lila?”
My eyes dropped back to the ground. I was shaking, hard. My chest was too tight.
“How could I ever love you?”
My whole body was moving; my stomach clenching. I felt like I was going to be sick.
“Look at me and then look at yourself. Do you really think someone like me could ever be with someone like you?”
The shaking continued, rattling my body back and forth.
My eyes snapped wide open. Light greeted me, and I found myself staring straight into blue; Nathan’s eyes. His real eyes, bright and full of worry.
The darkness was gone.
My stomach turned, and the bile was rising up, escaping. I kicked off the covers and rolled to the side, pushing my body up from the bed. I could still hear him calling to me as I attempted to run.
In my haste and dizziness, I began stumbling, almost falling to the ground. I managed to pick myself up before I went crashing to the floor. I made it to the bathroom, and reached the toilet. My retching echoed off the walls as I heaved the bile and acid flying from my stomach.
Dry heaves racked me, my body attempting to expunge the dream, to purge it from my mind and soul. Every part of me was shaking, and it took a moment to gain the strength to stand.
Years. It had been years since I had a nightmare like that: intense, real, terrifying. The magnitude was so great my body attempted to rid itself of the images, of the words. I sat on the floor in front of the toilet, while my breathing regulated. My heart was hammering against my chest, beating furiously in an attempt to escape.
Flee. Everything in me wanted to flee.