

Page 50


“You were a very bad boy today, Mr. Thorne. I don’t know if I should let you in tonight,” I teased, attempting to sound aloof once the elevator doors closed.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smirk before turning to me. “Oh, really? And how are you going to manage that when I have a key?”
“Hmm, good point.” Titling my head, I pondered how I could torture him. My index finger tapped against my lips. “I could deny you access.”
His eyebrow quirked as he looked down at me. “Could you?”
“I think I could,” I said trying to sound confident in my answer, but already knowing I would never deny him. I needed him more than he needed me; I needed his growing affections and the want that rolled off his body.
Leaning further over me and stepping closer, he had me pinned to the elevator wall, one of his hands on either side of my head. With his head next to mine, he whispered in my ear, teasing me. “Could you?”
His lips met mine and my mouth opened up to him. It took a few sparse seconds before our bodies were pressed together, arms pulling each other closer.
I fisted his hair and pulled his head back so his eyes met mine. “Could you?”
“Never,” he admitted with panting breaths. “I could never deny you.”
Somehow, I felt there was a double meaning to his words, but I didn’t have time to ponder it because his lips were back on me, his tongue massaging mine. Our actions changed to a more desperate pace, and we were moaning while frantically trying to rid each other of our clothes.
The elevator signaled our arrival and we stumbled out of the carriage and straight into the wall on the opposite side. We were impatient as we attempted to disrobe each other. Hands and arms tangled with clothing and bags while we bumped against the walls on our journey down to my condo.
I somehow managed to get the top three buttons of his shirt undone, my tongue lapping at his skin, and was working on getting his suit jacket off, but couldn’t get it past one shoulder. Nathan reached down and grabbed my thigh and brought it up to his hip. Unbalanced, we hopped backward until my back crashed into the wall where the hallway branched off to the different condos.
With my back braced against the wall, he picked up my other leg and pushed my skirt up my legs so he could nestle between my thighs. My legs locked around his waist and he pushed his hips forward, grinding his hard c**k into my center.
He nipped down my jaw, panting and groaning. “You aren’t going to walk straight when I’m done with you tonight.”
I moaned and pushed my hips down against him. His teeth nipped at my neck while I continued my pursuit to rid him of his jacket.
“What the f**king shit is going on?” Andrew’s voice roared from the end of the hall, grabbing our attention and making us stop as we turned our heads to look.
I stared at his tall figure in…surprise, horror, terror, shock? I couldn’t decide which emotion, so I chose all.
Well, if Andrew didn’t know before, he certainly knew now.
Nathan turned back to me, his head buried in my neck, hissing “fuck” over and over into my skin. His fingers dug into the flesh of my ass.
My face fell as my heart plummeted while I stared at Andrew. How could I have been so reckless? The whole day had been one bad judgment call after the other. We’d been so good, so careful, over the past few months, but it was obvious we’d slipped.
I’d never seen Andrew anywhere near as angry as he was in that moment; red faced, tense, seething, and shooting death glares at Nathan.
“I told you to f**king stay away from her!” he yelled. “And I told you to stay away from him!”
At that, Nathan released my thighs with a heavy sigh, and once my feet were seated on the ground, he let go of me completely. I was straightening my skirt and didn’t notice Nathan had started down the hall toward Andrew. The muscles in his back were tense, and I chased after him in an attempt to diffuse the situation…or at least get us inside.
“What f**king right do you have to f**king say that to either of us?” Nathan questioned, staring Andrew down.
Andrew sneered while stepping forward and leaning over Nathan. “I can’t f**king stand you. Now, get the f**k away from her.”
Nathan’s spine straightened, pushing him forward. “Make me. If she wants me to get away from her, she needs to do it, not some overgrown, jealous Neanderthal.”
The situation was escalating, and I needed to get them out of the hall.
I pushed past them. “Boys, we need to get inside before my neighbor comes out, and you both know how she is.”
I began searching for my keys, which ended up taking longer because I was going too fast. After a moment of not finding them, Nathan pushed his keys into my hand.
Andrew gasped behind me, and I could imagine the look on his face.
I located the key and unlocked my door, ushering them both inside before handing Nathan back his keys.
“Are you kidding me? He has a f**king key? To your condo? Hell no,” Andrew all but bellowed.
I slammed my bags down on the ground before shutting the door. “Andrew! You don’t know anything about what is going on, so shut up.”
“He’s f**king playing with you, Lila. Open your eyes. He sticks his f**king dick in anything that has a pu**y!”
At that, Nathan growled, and was standing inches in front of him.
If I thought I had seen an angry Nathan before, it didn’t compare to the Nathan in front of me now. Every muscle was tightly coiled, his glare bone chilling.
His lips twitched as he snarled. “You don’t know anything.”
“How long have you been stringing her along? Making her think she’s different from the other girls?” Andrew’s posture mimicked Nathan’s. I moved to pick up the glass vase from the entry table to protect it from being a casualty. In my mind, I was preparing to use all of my weight to force Andrew out the door to keep them from breaking out into a fist fight.
“As I said, you don’t know anything. Because if you did, you would know the only woman I’ve been with for almost four months is Lila.”
That revelation caught Andrew’s attention. His head snapped in my direction, looking for confirmation. My arms were crossed over my chest, and I stared back at him. I hoped my expression was coming across as bored. Because that was how I was starting to feel about their little tiff.