
Breaking Away

Page 20


Her crush on Kevin was disgusting, and being in the room with him had her belly in knots. Because of this, she tried to distract herself, practicing the main leg stretch for the performance. It didn’t work though. He was still staring at her, and he was stunning. Big brown eyes that could stop a girl in her tracks, long, blond hair that dusted his shoulders in a rebel way, which told her he didn’t give a shit if people told him to cut it. His body was a thing of the Gods. Toned arms and legs, with an eight pack that could make a girl come at just the sight of it. He was a dream, but when he danced, breathing wasn’t optional. He glided along the floor, his body strong, and his movement fluid. He was mesmerizing, but being a senior dancer meant one thing.
Hands off, especially when she was a freshman.
All the girls thought he was the most gorgeous thing in the world and he loved the attention, flirting with anything with tits, but never with Reese. She didn’t understand it. Even if it was against the rules and could get her in trouble, she still yearned for his attention. She dressed in skimpy dance clothes only for him, when she usually wore wear ratty ones. She even put on makeup, for God’s sake! What the hell was wrong with her? She was a good-looking girl, great ass, fantastic tits, and she could dance the socks off anyone, so why didn’t he flirt with her? They were great together; she knew that after only a week of dancing together. They joked, they teased, and they had a great time together. So what the hell was the problem?
"I really do hate this dance," he said, standing up and looking down at her.
Reese looked over at him and shrugged her shoulders.
"It’s okay," she said, standing up. "It could be better."
She hated saying that. She respected Demi, the choreographer of the dance, but she spoke the truth.
He flashed a wide grin, his eyes dark as he held her gaze.
"Oh yeah? How?"
Reese just shrugged again. She shouldn’t have said anything. This was her chance to show the company that she was a team player, that she was working material, but there she was, badmouthing the choreographer’s work, just to impress Kevin. God, she was an idiot.
“I don’t know,” she said, standing up and looking away from him. Her breathing was erratic, her body was tingling, and she wanted nothing more than to throw this gorgeous man against the mirrors and promptly show him that she was not only the best dancer in the company, but that she could also f**k him senseless.
When his hand shot out, gripping her wrist, she looked down at it, before looking back up.
“Show me how you would make it better,” he said in a low, husky way that made every part of Reese scream.
She took in a deep breath, her eyes locked with his, as she slowly let the breath out. She didn’t know why, but she nodded, and when his face broke into a grin, she knew she was in trouble with this one. Letting her wrist go, he ran to the stereo, hitting play to their song, “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon. Standing in the middle of the floor, Reese watched as he moved to the music for his part as her mind went crazy thinking how she could make her part even better. When it came time, she danced the way her heart told her to. When the partnering came, Reese went with it, putting her whole soul into the dance, pulling tricks that surprised not only him, but her too. Kevin was there though, catching her, going with it. It was like he knew what she was going to do before she did it, and when he caught her midair, spinning her as she wrapped her body around his, he stopped and she slid off him, onto the floor. He came with her, lying on her as the song ended, their breath mingled together, their chests touching, as they both took in lungfuls of air, and then he kissed her.
She was shocked, frozen, but when his hand came up into her hair, she snapped out of it and kissed him back, arching her body into his. He gasped against her lips, deepening the kiss, moving his tongue along hers as her mind went crazy. Was this real or was this supposed to make the dance better? When he pulled away, breathing hard, his eyes clouded with lust, he whispered, “I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time.”
Reese was staggered she could even breathe. What surprised her most was when she said, “Well, don’t stop now.”
It was the start of the greatest love of her life, but like all great things, it came to a crashing end.
“So what do you think?”
Reese blinked before looking up at Claire, her heart aching for the touch of that man’s lips again. Even after finding out he lied to her for a year, and knowing that it had been three years since she left him, her heart still yearned for him. It was sad and disgusting but still, she couldn’t help but miss him.
“Are you in there?”
“Yeah,” Reese said, shaking her head. “Sorry, I dazed out. I was listening to the music.”
“So you didn’t even watch me?”
“No, I’m so sorry. Can you do it again?”
Claire looked irritated but she did it again, and like always, Reese was completely impressed with her. When she landed the stretch that looked like she was doing a split standing up, Reese wanted to scream out in delight. She reminded her so much of how she used to dance when she was younger that it gave Reese a rush of excitement. She couldn’t wait to watch this girl grow. Standing up with a grin on her face, she closed the distance between them and said, “Excellent. You landed the stretch.”
“Damn right I did. I’ve been working on it all week.”
Reese grinned as she said, “I’m proud of you.”