

Page 96


He’s up, past me, and out the door before I can even reply.
“Like an army falling one by one by one”
Fact: you can never know another person completely.
Fact: you are born alone and die alone.
Fact: there is no such thing as safety. Only vigilance, determination to survive, and a willingness to be ruthless about it.
Fact: love is not perfect.
Fact: neither am I.
Those five facts are the bile with which I digest the events of my day.
I marvel, as I sprawl on the chesterfield in front of my favorite gas fireplace aft of the bookstore, at the way my thought processes have refined. There used to be so many pit stops and detours between my mental points of departure and their eventual destinations, but now it goes kind of like this: Do I love him? Yes. Is he perfect? No. Am I? No. Will I leave him? No. Okay, that’s resolved. Time for a nap.
I wake when the doorbell tinkles, roll over, rub my eyes, and shove my hair out of my face. I slept hard. It occurs to me that I didn’t rehang the bell after Ryodan ripped it off the frame. Barrons must have done it.
First thing I do when I open my eyes is look down at my hand. Yup. Still invisible. Awesome! I’m in no hurry to give this up. Besides, I feel deep couch marks all over my right side, from my arm up to my cheek. I’ve been tufted. I hate walking around with sheet creases and now I have little sphincter-like explosions all over the side of my face.
I become aware of a slow burn in the pit of my stomach and leap up to an instant crouch, biting back a growl.
I smell Unseelie Prince.
I duck low to remain concealed behind the silhouette of the couch and begin inching quietly back toward the private-residence half of the bookstore, then remember they can’t see me. Duh.
I straighten up and peer through the low light, wondering what the hell my rapists are doing in my home.
I blink. They’re standing in the entry with Fade, Dageus and Drustan MacKeltar, and R’jan, who is attended by the new Seelie advisor-vote Ryodan recently approved.
The doorbell chimes two more times in quick succession as Barrons and Jada step in, dusting rain from their shoulders.
What the hell?
“Why did you ask me to come?” Jada says to Barrons. “And what are they doing here?” She narrows her eyes at the princes who hiss and posture aggressively.
“I didn’t.”
“I received your message.”
“I didn’t send one.”
Jada moves to leave. Barrons places a hand on her arm and she turns slowly back and looks up.
He says, “I would prefer you stay.”
I narrow my eyes. What is Barrons up to?
She stares at him for a moment then says, “I will honor your request. Once. In the future you will honor one for me.”
“A simple request of attendance. Nothing more.”
She inclines her head.
Right, she’s nice to Barrons but not me.
I like Jada. She’s strong. Smart. Lethal. Too bad she used to be Dani. Too bad she has no heart. I want Dani back. But I wouldn’t mind keeping Jada, too, once she gets with the program that reads: Mac is good, don’t hunt her. Speaking of why she’s hunting me—where the heck has the Sinsar Dubh gone? Three princes are standing here and I’m not hearing a single suggestion that I go postal and kill everyone in sight. The Book has been so quiet it’s starting to make me nervous.
Then the Unseelie Princes are asking why Barrons sent a message threatening to remove them from the council if the princes didn’t meet him here, and R’jan starts snarling about the threat he received from the Highlander to withdraw their protection if he didn’t come, and I smell Ryodan’s hand in things before I even catch a glimpse of him approaching through the rain beyond the beveled glass diamond panes of the front door.
When the urbane owner of Chester’s stalks in, the accusations escalate, all now directed toward him and his sleight of hand.
“Had I summoned, you wouldn’t have come,” Ryodan says to Rath, then barks, “Upstairs, at the table. All of you.”
Yeah, right. He just tried to order nine of the most uncooperative beings I know to cooperate en masse. It’s not going to happen.
Everyone starts growling and arguing again. Ryodan vanishes. Then R’jan’s new advisor is gone.
Long moments spin out while R’jan looks around wildly.
After nearly thirty seconds Ryodan reappears and tosses the body of R’jan’s new advisor at his feet. Dead. I almost laugh aloud at the look of consternation on R’jan’s face.
The Seelie Prince snarls, “You will cease doing that! You killed our fucking advisor! That is twice now you’ve insulted us with—”
“Little point devising new tactics when the old ones just keep working. Pull your head out of your ass and see it coming. The next one to die is you, then Rath. Get the fuck upstairs.”
Jada moves for the door.
Barrons says, “You will remain. Honor your pledge.”
A muscle works in her jaw but she slowly turns back around. “You have five minutes of my time.”
“Five is all I need,” Ryodan says.
Jada gives him a cool smile. “That’s what I’ve heard.”
I smirk.
Ryodan opens his mouth to reply then astounds me by closing it. I was ready for one of his frankly sexual remarks. I was rather looking forward to it. She deserved it for that one. From the look on Jada’s face, she was anticipating one, too.