
Dare To Love

Page 15


His c**k surged between her legs, teasing her sex until she shuddered with the need to feel him inside her. His kisses, the way his hands roamed over her body, tortured her, made her need their joining with desperation.
And still, all he did was kiss her, move against her, palm her sex with his hand and caress her in easy, gentle strokes that stoked the fire inside her to an inferno. She was going to cl**ax—for the second time tonight—and Jake hadn’t even had his first one yet.
But she couldn’t stop it, not the way he possessed her with masterful strokes, easy and yet demanding, taking her ever higher until she had no hope to maintain control. She burst into a fiery orgasm, arching against his hand and whimpering as she rode the flames he stoked, holding tight to Jake until she collapsed.
He stroked her br**sts and belly until she turned to him and smiled, then he kissed her, cupped her sex, and began again, sliding his fingers inside her and bringing her desire up full force yet again. She tore her lips from his and searched his face.
“Jake, please.”
His jaw was set tight as he looked down at her. But she knew it wasn’t anger in his expression—it was the same gripping need she felt. He rolled over and opened the drawer on his night stand and pulled out a condom, tore open the package and put it on, then parted her thighs as he moved between them. He slipped one hand underneath her, raising her butt, and settled on top of her, sliding his tongue along her bottom lip, then kissing her with a feather light touch that made her shudder.
He slid inside her, slow and easy, his gaze glued to hers as he did. It was such a powerful, emotional moment. She knew she was making too much of it, that it was just sex and nothing more. But this whole night had been so different than any other for her, she couldn’t help it. Jake was special, and despite the internal warning in her head to keep her heart intact, as soon as he scooped her up and held her tight and started moving against her, it was so sweet and so tender, her heart just lost it. She was invested and she knew she was hopelessly in love with him.
He shifted, flexed his fingers against her hip and surged, giving her more. She dug her heels into the mattress and arched against him, meeting his every thrust. He stroked her breasts, her neck, kissing her with such depth it moved her to tears. Lucy took it all in with wonder and excitement, exploring everything—the way he possessed her, the look on his face, the way he made her feel—special and loved. And maybe she was making all this up. Maybe Jake didn’t really feel that way about her. But right now, she was the only woman in the world to him, and nothing else mattered. It was the two of them, every other care and concern shut out. He was focused only on her, and she on him.
And when Jake began to increase the pace, shifting so he held tight to her, pushed harder, faster, she was along for the ride, right there with him, tightening inside and close to orgasm. He slid both hands underneath her buttocks to lift her, then buried himself deep inside her. The intimacy unraveled her, and when he pressed his lips to hers, sliding his tongue between them to lick at hers with the softest, velvety strokes that tingled all over, she shattered, her orgasm bursting throughout her body. Jake thrust once more and shuddered against her, burying his face in her neck, licking the column of her throat and sending shivers along her skin to couple with the lightning sensations already devastating her senses.
She floated back to reality like a falling leaf on a no wind day—easy, gently. Jake stroked her sweat-soaked body in slow, measured movements, from her collarbone to her neck to her hips, still moving inside her.
“Mmmm,” was all she could manage.
Jake rolled to the side, bringing her with him. She loved looking at him, the way his eyes had this satisfied, kind of glazed-over look. Did she look the same way? She hoped so.
He let his fingers roam over her hip, gently squeezing, and still he moved against her, her body coming to life once again. She raised her leg over his hip and rocked against him. Jake’s lips curled. “I never took you for insatiable.”
“Do you know how long it’s been?”
“No. Tell me.”
“I don’t have sex often. Hardly ever, actually.” She probably shouldn’t tell him that.
Too late now.
“So you’re making up for lost time?”
She nodded. “Yes. I hope you’re up for it. I might be on a roll now.” Jake arched a brow, then withdrew from her only long enough to dispose of the condom and reach for the box in the bedside drawer. “Good thing I’m well prepared.”
She laughed, loving that she could be herself with him. She reached into the box and took out a packet, handing it to him with a smile. “Good thing.” He grabbed the packet in his hand, then gathered her in his arms. “I have a feeling neither of us is going to get any sleep tonight.” As Jake took her mouth in a deep, lingering kiss, Lucy had a feeling neither of them was going to complain about the lack of sleep.
Chapter Ten
Lucy stood at the door to Jake’s trailer a little before noon on Monday, her heart pounding in excitement and trepidation. She had a bag of sandwiches and thought she’d surprise him by bringing him lunch. A little presumptuous on her part, but after spending the weekend with him, she was pretty certain things between them had changed.
Still, maybe she should have called first.
You’re being ridiculous. He’ll be happy to see you. Just knock.
She did, and cringed when his curt “What?” followed. Maybe she should just turn around and hightail it out of there. No, that would be stupid. She’d walked all the way over here from her office. She was going to suck it up and tell him she was here.
He would be happy to see her, she knew it.
“Jake, it’s Lucy.”
He jerked the door open, and her smile died. Maybe it wasn’t a good day for lunch after all.
“Did I come at a bad time?”
“No. Come in. Sorry.”
He held the door open while she climbed the stairs up and into the trailer.
“Am I interrupting?” She smoothed loose tendrils of hair back from her face, then took a quick glance at his desk. Papers and blueprints were spread out everywhere, and lots of other paperwork—crumpled up and tossed—littered the floor of the trailer.
“No. I’m just dealing with some…stuff today.”
“Bad stuff?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Obviously. “I brought lunch.” She tried again for a smile.
“Uh, I already ate.”
Again, her smile died. “Oh. I’m sorry. I should have called first. I just thought you might enjoy a little break.”
“Like I said. It’s a bad day, Lucy. I don’t have much time for a break.” Heat rose up her neck and cheeks. She snatched up the lunch bag and crushed it between her hands. “I’m really sorry, Jake. I should have called. I just assumed…”
“Well, call next time, okay?”
Oh, God. This hurt. It was like being dismissed by her father all over again. That taciturn look of disapproval, like she was bothering him when all she wanted was a little attention.
You are so needy, Lucille Fairchild. When are you going to get over that?
The throb of hurt swelled through her body. She wanted to crumple right there, but she couldn’t, refused to do it. She’d never let Jake see that he’d hurt her. It was such a silly thing, really. He’d never understand. It wasn’t his fault. It was hers.
Tears welled and she had to get out of there before she made an utter fool of herself.
“Of course. I only had a few minutes, anyway. I need to go.”
“No, really.” She already had the door open. “I’ll talk to you later, Jake.” Just a few steps down and she could make her escape.
“Lucy, wait.”
Please, please don’t follow me. She felt stupid already. She pulled the door shut behind her and nearly flew down the stairs, grateful she’d worn a pantsuit and flats today.
She made quick time across the gravel yard and onto the sidewalk, hurrying back to the office. Thankfully it was the lunch hour and no one was about. She tucked herself into her office and shut the door, leaving a message for her secretary that she didn’t want to take any calls for the rest of the afternoon. She pulled off her jacket and fell into her chair, tossing the lunch bag on her desk with a grimace.
She grabbed a tissue and wiped away her foolish tears, then leaned back in her chair.
Stupid idea, anyway. What was she thinking? That one weekend of sex and she and Jake were now a couple? That she could just show up on his jobsite and interrupt his day?
He was busy. Just like she was. Instead of mooning over her all day long, Jake was actually doing his job. Which was exactly what she should have been doing today.
Instead, she’d spent the morning thinking about Jake, about their weekend, about the time they’d spent in bed together.
Ugh. She was such a…woman.
Damn estrogen anyway.
They weren’t a couple. They weren’t even dating, for God’s sake. She’d helped him out with his party. They had chemistry together, so they’d made a mutually agreeable decision and had sex. They were both mature, consenting adults who could do what they want. There was no commitment, no relationship.
They had nothing together.
And she thought she was in love with Jake.
She had to grow up, had to stop living out this fantasy where she could find the perfect guy who would swoop in and take all the hurt away.
That kind of guy didn’t exist. Not in her world. Maybe he didn’t exist at all.
She really needed to get out more. She’d already invested too much of her heart in a man who clearly didn’t want the same things.
It was time for her to move on, before she really got hurt.
She spent the rest of the day deeply involved in work projects, which helped to rid her mind of anything and everything having to do with Jake. By the time she got home that night, she felt immensely better.
That is, until she’d changed clothes and went in search of her father, hoping spending the evening with him would be a nice distraction.
She found her father in the library.
With Alex.
Ugh. As if the day hadn’t already been a disaster. She plastered on a polite smile and walked in.
“Lucy. You look lovely, as usual.”
“Thank you. What a…surprise to see you here.” She couldn’t bring herself to call it a nice surprise.
“I had a case to go over with your father, and he kindly invited me over for cocktails.”
“I see.” She smelled setup. She slanted a glance at her father, who beamed a smile like he was the father of the bride and today was her wedding day.
In your dreams, Daddy.
“We were just finishing up, Lucille,” her father said. “I was hoping you’d come home in time.”
Lucy arched a brow. “In time for what?”
“To go out to dinner with me,” Alex said.
Setup. She knew it. “I’m exhausted, Alex. It’s been a really long day.” Alex took her hand and slid it in the crook of his arm. “Nonsense. A nice quiet dinner at an out-of-the-way place, a glass of wine to relax you, and I’ll have you home in a couple hours. It’s only seven thirty.”
Dammit. Why couldn’t she be bitchy and just tell him she didn’t like him, that she’d rather eat dinner with the servants than share a meal at a fancy restaurant with him? The servants were better company, and infinitely more fun to talk to.
Because she was terrible at saying no. And her father knew it, because he had that knowing smile on his face that said he’d already won.
Besides, what else would she do tonight? Eat with her father, who would no doubt lecture her? Or she could spend the evening in her room moping about Jake and feeling sorry for herself.
At least spending a couple hours with Alex would take her mind off her own problems. Alex was famous for talking about himself. He’d keep her thoughts occupied by steering the conversation around to all things Alex. And she’d be utterly bored to exhaustion and could then come home and fall into a coma.
“Uh, sure. Why not? But we have to make an early evening of it. I have to be in court first thing in the morning.”
“Of course.” Alex was already leading her toward the door. “Good night, Ray.”
“Good night, Alex, Lucille. You two have fun and don’t worry about staying out too late. I’ll be fine here.”
Oh, sure. He was fine when she went out with Alex, but near dying whenever she was with Jake. Honestly. The man was as transparent as tape.
Alex drove them into the city, one of the newer restaurants serving California food, which meant high-priced meals, very little food on the plate. Lucy would have preferred a cheeseburger. Or maybe barbecue.
Don’t think of Jake. Though it was difficult not to, considering Alex droned on and on with talk of himself, his job, his successes, his new car, the house he was buying.
He ordered the very best wine on the menu, the highest price food, then presumed to order her dinner like she was some blithering idiot who couldn’t read the menu and decide for herself. Before she could complain about that, he launched into the case he’d won today as if he were the best attorney in the city. He never bothered to ask about her day, her week, her month, anything about her life or how she was doing.
Did everything have to be about him? He could be at the table by himself—or with anyone, frankly—and it wouldn’t matter. The man was completely narcissistic and a pretentious snob. She had nothing in common with him, and the thought of ever marrying a man like Alex nauseated her.