

Page 44


“No weapons,” Logan breathes against my ear. “Don’t give him a reason.”
He’s right, but I don’t take my hand away from the outline of my knife.
The Commander greets his citizens, says a few words about the honorable tradition of Claiming and how protecting the innocent among us keeps us strong, and gestures toward a girl on his left. Her Protector brings her forward, and a young man steps to the stage to Claim her.
My hands shake, but my thoughts are clear.
The girl’s Protector accepts the young man’s claim and hands over his daughter.
The Commander expects Logan to defy tradition and Claim me even though he’s also my Protector.
The girl places her hand into that of her new Protector and recites her vow of obedience while her mother dabs her eyes and her new Protector looks slightly stunned by his good fortune.
He expects me to turn Logan down and ask to be a ward of the state.
Another girl is called. Another man steps forward. Another vow of obedience.
Another step closer to sealing my fate.
I can’t make this look like I’m defying the Commander’s direct orders. Instead, I have to make it look like I’m just another girl, excited to see her dream of being Claimed come true, while Logan makes it look like he’s clueless about the Commander’s plan. The Commander can’t alter the Claiming ceremony for me in front of all these people without raising serious questions. He’ll have to accept the turn of events, at least publicly. We just need to get out of his reach before he finds an opportunity to deal with us privately.
Sylph’s name is called, and she hurries to center stage, casting one anxious glance my way as she goes.
I don’t know if she’s anxious for me or for herself, but I can’t afford to think about it. Not when I’m about to commit treason while making it look like I have no idea what I’m doing.
Smithson West steps forward to Claim her, but so does Rowan Hughes. The Commander turns the choice over to Sylph’s father as is proper, and he doesn’t even glance at Sylph as he chooses Smithson West. Sylph laughs and hugs her father, before remembering the requirements of decorum and subsiding into respectful silence.
She is repeating her vow when I look up to see the Commander’s fierce dark eyes locked on mine.
I’m next.
The Brute Squad breaks formation and circles the stage. They expect trouble. They expect Logan to draw his sword against the Commander and give them a reason to act.
I’m grateful Logan is prepared to play his part.
I look back at the Commander, at the sly, feral smile twisting his scar as he calls my name, and wish for it to be over quickly. The ribbons behind him glow crimson in the sunlight, and as I walk toward the Commander on legs that feel like saplings in a storm, the poisonous anger within me spreads. Logan walks behind me, his hand resting lightly on the small of my back.
“Rachel Adams, you are here without your true Protector.” The Commander’s voice booms across the Square.
This is the man who shattered my life.
The man who covered me in crimson.
“I am her assigned Protector,” Logan says, his voice calm.
“And are you willing to give answer to any who wish to Claim her?” The Commander’s tone mocks him, and I struggle to breathe.
This is the man who took my father. Oliver. And wants to take Logan, too.
“I am,” Logan says, and the group of eligible townsmen murmur amongst themselves.
I doubt any of them will step forward to claim me. I’d hardly make a suitable wife.
The Commander laughs, a hideous parody of mirth, and shakes his head. Turning to the group of men below him, he asks, “Who will step forward to Claim this woman?”
He expects Logan to see this as an opening. A way to negotiate my safety. Instead, Logan waits quietly like any other Protector would do. The only sign of tension he gives is the slight increase in the pressure of his hand against my back.
Peter Carmine steps forward. “I will Claim her.”
Logan’s fist clenches a handful of my dress.
The Commander frowns at Peter and turns to face Logan. “And do you accept this man’s Claim?”
Logan doesn’t hesitate. “I do.”
If he pulls on the back of my dress any harder, it’s going to rip.
The Commander looks from me to Logan, and the cold calculation on his face chills me. I press my arm against my side, feeling the weight of my knife bite into my hip. Behind me, I sense Logan change his stance, rolling to the balls of his feet.
The Commander pins me with his dark eyes. “In the absence of your father, I feel I should ask you, Rachel Adams, if you want to be Claimed.” He wraps his hand over my arm and squeezes.
Heat sears a path through my brain, and I shake off his hand before I think better of it. This isn’t the way it’s supposed to go. He isn’t supposed to deviate from the Claiming ceremony script in front of all these witnesses. I can’t say I want to be Claimed without the Commander realizing I’m going against his orders. I can’t say I don’t want to be Claimed without giving him the leverage he needs to separate me from Logan since Logan has already given his permission.
I hope Logan thought of a plan for this scenario.
Logan’s voice rings out across the Square. “As is proper, Rachel will not choose whether she gets Claimed. I choose for her.”
There’s no arguing with the protocol Logan has invoked unless the Commander wants to set an ugly precedent with the rest of the citizens. I see the moment this realization hits the Commander. He looks from me to Logan, and my stomach sinks.