

Page 63


I used to have what I would have called a normal sex drive. Some of my friends were beyond obsessed with it, though. I guess they thought it would fill the void of purposelessness so many in my generation are afflicted with while trying to find our place in the world.
But being Pri-ya changed me, left me with a voracious awareness of all things sexual. Or maybe sex with Barrons did it—I don’t know. All I know is that I’m far more attuned to erotic nuances than I used to be. The Seelie Prince’s murmur was a full-body caress, and I appreciated it for a moment before shrugging it off.
“V’lane!” Dani exclaimed.
He laughed, and if I hadn’t been immune to death-by-sex Fae glamour, I would have been in serious trouble. He was putting on the seduction, beautiful golden Fae radiating pure sexual heat. I’ve begun to think it’s simply part of his nature, that he can’t help it any more than some men can prevent themselves from oozing testosterone. I think some males of both species just have more.
Dani wasn’t immune. Her eyes were feverishly bright, her skin flushed, her lips parted. I caught a glimpse in that moment of the woman she would become. “Stop it, V’lane. Leave her alone.”
“I do not believe she wishes me to. Who better to awaken her to the shape and texture of Eros? Set the bar, so to speak.”
“Uh-huh,” Dani said thickly. “I’d like that.”
“I don’t care what you believe or what she wishes, and you will not be setting the bar. She’s going to have a normal life.” At least, as close to normal as I could make it. “Dani, get inside the bookstore. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”
“But I don’t wanna—”
“Now,” I said.
She glared.
“I bet Barrons is there,” I dangled. To V’lane I said, “Dampen yourself so she can shake the thrall.”
He lifted and dropped one shoulder.
Dani made a soft sigh, as if abruptly released from some inner tension she wasn’t entirely glad to be free of, then glanced from V’lane to the bookstore and back again, as if trying to choose between a banana split and a fudge sundae. Then, “Fine,” she said, and flashed out. At the door, she tossed a saucy grin over a shoulder and said, “Take your time, Mac. Me and Barrons, we got stuff to talk about.”
I bit back a snort of laughter, remembering my own teen crushes. They’d been nightmares of awkwardness and nervous tension. Of feeling gauche, too clumsy for words, and needy. I trusted that Barrons would deftly deflect her hero worship. It was only with me that he was a constant jackass.
I watched until she was safely inside and the door closed behind her. Although there were no indications the Dark Zone that had once neighbored BB&B still existed, I didn’t trust those shadow-filled streets beyond the bookstore.
I looked back at V’lane. He was studying me intently.
“You have been battling. Are you well, MacKayla?”
“I’m fine.” My reflexes had been dynamite tonight. Even though I took a few crushing blows, I’d managed to duck or pull back at the last minute and minimize the impact every time. I didn’t even feel bruised anywhere. No cuts. No contusions. I felt fantastic. I loved this sleeker, stronger me.
The floodlights on the top of BB&B flashed on. The street was suddenly blindingly bright. I had no doubt Barrons was about to step outside.
V’lane shot the bookstore a beautifully imitated look of disgust, then his arms were around me and we were gone.
We reappeared, high in the dark night sky.
He was holding my hand.
I made the horrific mistake of glancing down briefly. I yanked my gaze back up again. I was standing on nothing. Black air beneath my feet.
Why wasn’t I falling?
As soon as I thought that, I began to fall. I lunged at him, wrapped my arms and legs around him, and clung for dear life.
His arms cradled me instantly. “I should have done this long ago, MacKayla,” he purred. “Be at ease. I will not let you fall. Look down.”
“That’s a definite not.” I had no idea how high up we were, but it was cold. I squeezed my eyes shut. “Are we just hanging in the sky? Floating here?” This distressed me tremendously. I’m quite certain we were created with feet because we’re supposed to walk on the surface of the planet. Key word there being “surface”: not above it, not below it.
“You would feel safer in one of those conveyances that frequently plummet?”
“Not that frequently.”
“All that is required to end a mortal life is one such fall, yet you assume the risk. Humans are irrational and foolish.”
“This irrational, foolish human wants her feet on the ground.”
“I have a gift for you, MacKayla. I have … what is that word …” He trailed off, and I was startled to realize there was a teasing note in his voice. “Ah, I have it,” he said lightly. “Labored. I have worked to give you this gift. I have not merely waved my fairy wand and made it so.”
He was teasing. I wasn’t sure what disconcerted me more: hanging in the night sky or listening to V’lane tease. The LM claimed that he was changed by exposure to humans. Was V’lane?
“This is the best way to present my gift.”
“I looked down when we got here. Lots of dark space. I think I saw stars.”
“The stars are above us. Look again.” His tone made it clear he was going to keep us hanging here all night if I didn’t do what he said.