
Easy Love

Page 27


“I have no doubt,” I reply, and reach up to push his dark hair off his forehead. “You are pretty.”
“You already said that.”
“It’s true.”
“I think our sprouts are here,” he replies and kisses my hand before leaning away.
“Well, hello, Joe.” I smile up at the sexy waiter as he sets my food before me.
“Hello there,” he replies with a grin.
“You’re handsome,” I inform him. “May I please have another lemon drop?”
“You’re flirting with the waiter?” Eli asks with a laugh.
“He brings me delicious drinks,” I reply seriously and turn to Joe. “I would flirt with my date, but he took my drink away. That means no flirts for him.”
“I would be happy to bring you a water,” Joe replies and sets his hand on my shoulder. “And then another lemon drop after you get some food in you.”
“You have strong hands, Joe.” Eli growls next to me, but I ignore him. “Are you sure I can’t have just one little teeny tiny drink now?”
I bat my eyelashes, but Joe just laughs. Laughs! Maybe my flirter is broken.
“I’ll be right back with that water.”
“My flirter is broken.”
“No, it’s doing just fine,” Eli replies and holds a Brussels sprout up on the end of his fork for me to eat. “Try this.”
“It’s a bloody Brussels sprout.”
His eyes flare at the word bloody, and suddenly I’m thinking about his lips against mine telling me to say fuck.
“Fuck,” I whisper, watching his lips. He swears under his breath, then leans in to whisper in my ear.
“Eat, Kate. Please. You’re killing me here.”
“I am?” I smile widely, ridiculously proud of myself.
“Yes.” He takes my hand in his and guides it under the table to his lap. “See?”
“Wow,” I whisper, letting my hand roam over the bulge in his pants. “This is impressive.”
“Thank you.” He laughs and takes a drink of water, and when I squeeze my hand, just a little, he chokes on it. “Kate.”
“I mean, you won’t have any problem getting this in.”
“Stop.” He tugs my hand away, kisses my palm, and lays my hand back on the table. “The bartender gave you some strong drinks.”
He offers me the Brussels sprout again, and I open my mouth, obliging him.
“It’s good,” I say, surprised.
“Told you.”
“You’re good at food.”
“I’m glad you think so.”
I eat two more of the delicious vegetables. “I do.”
“Here’s your water, miss.” Joe smiles down at me with those super blue eyes, and I sigh, just a little.
“It’s too bad you didn’t give in to my flirting, Joe. You’re almost as delicious as these Brussels sprouts.”
“Kate.” I glance at Eli, who is pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.
“So, liquor makes you come on to men, then? Is it true that tequila makes your clothes fall off?”
“No, tequila makes me throw up. Vodka makes my clothes fall off.” I grin and sip my water. “You might want to take notes.”
“No need. I don’t think I’ll ever forget anything about you.”
“Oh.” I sigh and lick my lips. “You say really great things.”
“Only the truth.”
I want to say more, but I clench my lips together, determined to not give too much away in my drunken stupor. Thankfully, Joe returns with our entrees, and Eli and I both dig in, enjoying the sounds of the diners around us, the night birds, and crickets. My cheeks feel warm from the alcohol, but the fuzzy haze is clearing from my head a bit with the food. Eli finally places the rest of the lemon drop he confiscated in front of me to finish with a grin.
“I’ve learned something about you tonight, cher.”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
“You have a three drink limit,” he replies with a laugh. “And, from now on, I’m asking for the oldest, ugliest waiter on staff.”
“I probably wouldn’t have dumped you for Joe,” I inform him with a grin. “Although, the man is pretty hot. And has strong hands. And brings me drinks.”
“Are those your requirements?” Eli asks.
“Some of them.”
“What are the rest?”
“What are your requirements?” I ask, rather than answer him.
“As of about a week ago, I only have one requirement. That she be you.”
I blink at him, unsure that those words actually came out of his mouth.
“You’re charming.”
He shrugs one shoulder, watching me closely. “Call it what you want.”
Eli settles the check and then holds his hand out for mine, pulling me to my feet. He leans in and kisses the corner of my mouth sweetly, then whispers in my ear, “You’re all I want, Kate.”
My nipples tighten, and the expensive lacy panties I’m wearing under my black maxi skirt are soaked as he leads me back to the sidewalk and toward our homes. I slip my hand in his and link our fingers, loving the way his big hand feels in mine. I lean back just a bit and take a quick look at his tight butt in his khaki slacks. He’s wearing a white button-down with the sleeves rolls up on his forearms, showing off the sinewy muscles that flex and move under his skin.