

Page 36


“Whoa, whoa,” I said, gently. “I didn’t do anything. Had to go to the bathroom.”
He shoved his hand in his hair. “You can’t seem to do much of anything anymore, without getting into trouble. Next time take Josie. Into the restroom. Please?”
I hugged my brother. “Okay. Promise.” I glanced at Josie. She simply shrugged and grinned. “Now, let’s go.”
We ran into the city and hit a club called Meter 59, a hole-in-the-wall punk club just on the edge of the historic district. We filed in, and the music, the lights, thumped through my body. The place was packed with more black leather, black lace, spiked hair and severe piercings than I’d seen in years. This was a rough bunch. We spread out. Eli, of course, stayed on my tail.
Eli grabbed me by the hips and pushed me into the crowd of dancers; we moved to the music. His hooded gaze locked on mine, and I almost forgot we were there to scout newlings, or those in their quickening. We brushed, not touching but seductively close, and as he turned me, his hand trailing down my back to my ass, I spotted them—three in all; two guys, one girl.
“I see them,” Eli said, his mouth brushing my ear, making me shiver and making it hard to concentrate. His hands skimmed my ribs. “I’ve told the others. They’re looking for more. We’ll keep our eyes on these three.”
I nodded, and, keeping with the blasting tunes of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, I moved my backside against Eli’s front. To others we looked like a normal, average horny couple dancing and enjoying the music. Well … we were all that. But we also had our sites locked on almostvampires. I knew from experience they were mean little fuckers. They wouldn’t be easy to take down.
“You’re driving me crazy,” he said against my ear. His hand settled seductively over my stomach, then slipped lower over my hip. “Jesus, Ri.”
I smiled at that. My insides quivered. I wanted him. And from the hardness pressing against my back, he wanted me, too.
A low growl rumbled in Eli’s chest.
Then, the three started to move to the back. They had two mortals with them. “Let’s go,” I said, and began to weave through the crowd.
We followed them through the dancers, to the back exit. They’d already managed to get out into the alley by the time we hit the door. The moment I stepped out, the scent of old trash, urine, and brine mixed in my senses. I could have easily barfed, it was so pungent. One of the guys had a knife and was ready to use it on the kid they’d convinced to follow them. The three almost-newlings looked up. The biggest one glared at me.
“Get the fuck outta here,” he warned.
I sighed. “I don’t think so.”
Eli lunged before I did as all three came at me. The girl skirted Eli, hit the ground, rolled, and shot up running. Crazed and out of control, I braced myself for her. Summoning all of my strength, I clotheslined her as she lunged. She snapped back and hit the concrete flat on her back. She leapt right back up in one motion, teeth gnashing and gnarling. I didn’t have time to see what Eli was doing. The one I had was a handful.
We fought. She was strong as hell, but I swept her legs out from under her and she fell again. This time, I pinned her throat with my foot, retrieved one of my blades, and held it to her face. “Chill,” I instructed.
Opaque eyes stared crazed up at me. She didn’t move. I glanced over at Eli. His face had contorted. Both almost-newlings were out cold.
Noah and Phin burst out of the exit door and ran to us. “I’ve already called Garr’s guys,” Noah said. They’re on their way.”
Eli, his face returned to normal—well, at least my normal—locked his gaze on mine. “You okay?”
I glanced down at the girl, whose face looked murderous, inhuman. I pressed my foot a little harder into her throat. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
By the time the ruckus finally wrapped up, it was close to four a.m. Garr’s guys came to collect the three, and we ran the roofs till nearly dawn before heading back to the battery. We encountered no further rogue vampires, no further newlings or those in the quickening, and although I wanted them off the streets, I was glad. Exhaustion began its descent, and I wanted nothing more than to crash. We said good-bye to Noah and his group, split, and headed to Jake’s.
Inside, my brother grabbed my arm. “Are you okay, Ri? Seriously?” Seth asked. “You don’t look so good.”
“Sure, squirt. I’m cool. Just tired. See ya in a bit, huh?”
He nodded. “I’m not tired yet, so I’ll hang with Josie down here. Call me if you need me, though.” He glanced at Eli, who stood directly behind me. “Take care of my sister.”
“I will,” Eli said gently. “I got her.”
I gave my sweet brother a smile and trudged up the stairs, Eli’s hand resting possessively against the small of my back the whole way up. With each step I wondered how in hell I’d made it through the night, jumping from buildings like a freaking monkey, fight after fight. Adrenaline had obviously kept me going. Well, that had worn off now, and I felt like Indiana Jones after one of his big fights. I hurt everywhere. Now that the action was over, I felt like a wet noodle. I needed a shower, then rest. I made it to my room and pushed inside.
“I’ll be right back,” Eli said. “I need a word with my brothers. For just a few minutes.”
“Okay,” I answered, my tongue feeling heavy in my mouth. Eli left out, and I scanned my room—Jake’s room.
Lamplight from the riverfront streamed in through my balcony door, casting a narrow beam across the floor. I eased to the bench at the foot of the bed and sat down softly, pushed my Vans off with each opposite foot, peeled my socks off, and just … sat for a second. Every muscle, every joint, even my skin ached. Slowly, I shrugged out of my tank, stood and peeled off my jeans, and dropped them on the floor. With my blades still sheathed to my various body parts, and in only my bra and panties, I hobbled to the balcony door, opened it, and stepped out onto the veranda. A slight breeze lifted my ponytail, and I reached up, pulled off the elastic band holding it together, and let my hair down. Overhead, thunder boomed; a few seconds later, a streak of lightning lit the sky. Red blinking lights flashed in the harbor as shrimp boats and fishing boats headed out to sea. As the briny breeze caught the palm fronds, they crackled, rubbing against one another. I let the sounds and smells and sights of normalcy wash over me. I leaned against the veranda’s railing and closed my eyes. I stood there for a while; how long, I didn’t know.
My eyes flashed open, and my heart leapt at the voice. A dream. Of Eli. In my head. I’d fallen asleep standing up on the veranda.
“No,” Eli said against my ear with a soft laugh. “Not a dream.”
Gently, with both hands, Eli grasped my face and tilted my head up. He looked down at me, his eyes searching mine. The lamplight gleamed in their blue depths, and a small smile tipped his sexy mouth. “I missed you, Riley Poe.”
“Ow,” I said as he pressed closer. “Easy, easy. Not so hard.” My body ached everywhere.
“I’ll be gentle,” he whispered against my lips.
“Ah,” I said, flinching. Even my damn lips hurt. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to taste his skin. I wanted him to kiss me. But I freaking hurt.
Eli’s gaze searched mine. He kissed me gently; yet I felt the power he used to restrain himself. He pulled back, searching my eyes. “I’ll stop if you hurt too much.”
I looked at him, puzzled. “Are you crazy?”
In his eyes shined possession, fierce longing, and something way deeper I had no desire to dwell on at the moment. “Come in here,” he said, grasping my hand and pulling me into the room. I followed.
Inside, he stood me next to the long antique dresser facing one wall. “Stand still.”
I did as he asked.
Slowly, and one by one, Eli’s deft fingers moved over my skin to the blades I had sheathed against my body. Loosening each one, he removed them and set them on the dresser. My eyes closed as his fingers trailed down each hip, unclasped the sheath, moved to the next ones, lower on my thighs, then on my shins. When they were all removed, he stood there, simply staring. He grasped my hand. “Come with me.”
Leading me across the floor, my gasped breath hitching with each step as the pain in my body shot through me, Eli drew me into the massive bathroom. A large, walk-in tiled shower with multiple water jets faced one wall; a claw-footed bathtub faced the other. Eli walked to the shower, turned on the jets, adjusted the water temperature, then dimmed the lights. When he returned to me, he stood there, staring down, his eyes devouring me. I felt it; I craved it. I craved him.
A small smile lifted his mouth at the corner. “I love how unshy you are.”
Steam quickly filled the room; Eli grasped his shirt at the hem and yanked it over his head. In fascination I watched the muscles pull and grow taut with movement. His eyes never left mine. In less than five seconds he had his jeans and boots off and shoved against the wall. My vampire stood there, looking at me with wild hunger and desire in his eyes and not wearing a stitch of clothing.
My body involuntarily shook.
He came to me, then; close, his body brushed mine. His fingers eased over my shoulders, across my collarbone, down the front where my bra clasped between my breasts. He released it, eased the straps down, and, as I held my arms straight, I winced. With a gentleness that no longer surprised me, he pushed the silky material off my body and dropped it to the floor.
Inside, I was dying; outside, my body raged with pain.
“I know, baby,” he said, slipping his fingers through the waistband of my panties and easing them to the floor. “I’m going to fix that.”
My heart leapt.
Slowly, Eli grasped my shoulders and walked me into the shower. Although it was equipped with pulsating, massaging jets, he’d adjusted the water stream to a soft, soothing, and very, very hot waterfall. Guiding me beneath it, he followed. “Close your eyes,” he whispered. I did.