

Page 38


The last thing I remember before waking and separating from the monster, was his laugh.
It was oddly familiar… .
I bolted up in bed, my surroundings unfamiliar for a split second. Only then did I notice Eli was gone. I looked around, noticing how dim it still was outside. Eli must have slipped out the moment I’d drifted off. The exhaustion I felt was too real, too thick, and no way could I get out of bed right now. I must have closed my eyes at the exact moment the monster decided to feed; unless he knew me and was torturing me on purpose. If Eli was right, and Valerian, despite how Eli and his brothers had destroyed him, had manifested himself into one of his newlings, then he was the monster. He did know me. And I was pretty fucking sure he wanted to torment me to the fullest. He was succeeding.
There was nothing else I could do; no one I could save. I needed sleep. As selfish as it sounds, I lay back down, pulled the sheet up to my chest, and closed my eyes, allowing slumber to take me. Hopefully, Eli would return and pull me into his arms. I slept so much better with him wrapped around me. My eyes grew heavy; Sleep claimed me again.
I slept for some time; I don’t know how long.
When I woke, I emerged in yet another dream state. I was sitting in the dark. A dark room, a closet; I was on the floor, my back against … something. I felt a presence, though; someone was with me. Immediately, I knew who.
“Where have you been?” I asked angrily.
Victorian’s low, sexy soft laugh filled the dark empty space. “Why? Have you missed me?”
I thought about it. “Yes. And no.”
“Please, tell me why yes first.”
“I have no freaking idea, other than you’re my connection to why I behave and feel the way I do, since it’s your DNA clinging to mine. Yours and Valerian’s. And I sort of like you. When you’re not being so pervy. And I’m glad Eli didn’t kill you.” His soft sigh filled the shadowy space we occupied together. “And that pleases you?”
“Well, I don’t exactly want you dead,” I said. “Not sure why, but somehow … it doesn’t seem right.”
He laughed. “I’ll take that as a compliment, I suppose.”
“If you want,” I said. “But believe me, I’m the only one who feels that way.”
“No doubt. And why not?” he continued.
His presence seemed closer; I can’t explain it, since we were in total darkness, but I felt as though his body was very close to mine. I shrugged, even though we were in total blackness. “Because it seems whenever I experience a terrible vision of the monster making a kill, it’s not long after that you appear. That concerns me.”
I felt the brush of his whisper against the column of my neck when he spoke. “Do you still think he and I are one and the same?”
I shook my head. “No, not at all. I’ve seen his skin, his arms—they’re not yours. But they’re Valerian’s, aren’t they? Manifested in another newling he created?”
“That you’ve paid such close attention to my physical detail makes me happy,” Victorian said, and that warm breath brushed my cheek. “Very happy. And to agree, yes. I fear your monster is my brother. He’s even more powerful than I ever was.”
“Well, hold on there, Tonto,” I said. “Don’t get too wound up. It’s kinda noticeable that you have youthful pale skin. The monster has older, tanned-like-leather skin. Didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.”
He laughed. “You wound me.”
“Whatever,” I said, resting my head against whatever hard thing was behind me. “Where are you?”
“Here, with you,” he answered. “And see what a good boy I’m being? Not once have I asked you to grope me.”
“Freaking miracle,” I answered, and he laughed again.
“It should hopefully win me points,” he said.
“I didn’t know we were working on a points system.”
“I’d work on anything to get in your good graces,” he said somberly. “If only you knew how much so.”
“Well, Vick, you’re not too difficult to read,” I answered. “How is it you’re able to totally block Eli from reading my thoughts, or yours, when we have these rendezvous?”
“Hmm. Is that what you consider our encounters? I think that turns me on, Riley.”
I chuckled. “What doesn’t turn you on, Vick? Now answer the question please.”
Victorian sighed. “Very well. It’s my strigoi nature. That part of my DNA is more potent than you can possibly imagine. You, Riley, have powers that have simply not manifested yet. When they do, you will … Let’s just say you will be amazed. Anyway, I am able to implant my thoughts, myself, into your thoughts and mind and keep any and all intruders out. I’m selfish that way.”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” I said. “And it also leads me to know that you have complete control over me. You can make me do whatever you want, can’t you?”
“I confess, it’s true. But because I’m a gentleman, I restrain.”
I chuckled. “You get another point, then, I guess.”
“Something’s bothering you,” he said next. “I can tell. What is it?”
I sighed. “You mean besides my being linked in a killer’s body while he feeds?” I asked.
With a soft chuckle, Victorian answered. “Yes.”
“I killed a vampire tonight,” I said. “She was young, and it bothers me.”
“Why?” he asked. “It was either you or her, and I for one am more than glad you emerged the victor.”
I laughed. “God, Victorian, you’ve got to brush up on your modern lingo. You sound like an old fart talking that way. Sometimes I forget you’re so old.”
Victorian laughed. “Perhaps I do. Maybe you should teach me your modern lingo? Now, finish telling this old fart why killing the female vampire bothered you.”
I thought for a second. “Because she was young. Before she was a vampire, a killer, she was a human. Someone’s sister, someone’s daughter. Someone’s loved one. It just makes me sad.”
“We all were, Riley Poe.”
I sighed again. “I know that.”
“Well, as much as I’d love to use my wiles to win your heart, or better yet,” he said seductively, “just do as I want with you, I shall not. To show you my restraint, I will leave you now, untouched, unkissed, and without orgasm—although it pains me to do so. You are a breathtaking beauty while in the throes of passion. It’s a vision I see inside my head all the time. A true vision of beauty. Good night, Riley Poe.”
“Later, Vick,” I said. “I’m impressed.”
“Aren’t you going to stop me?” he pressed.
I laughed. “No. Get out of here—wherever here is.”
“It’s wherever you want it to be….
The week passed—flew by actually. We worked well as a newling/vamp/quickening victim recovery team. We hit every seedy club after hours we could find and rounded up at least a dozen and a half newlings and almost-newlings. Only two were destroyed, but it was unavoidable. They were freaking everywhere, and not all were being ruled by the monster. I call him the monster, even though I know he was a newly manifested Valerian. We still haven’t tracked him, but we will. He’s here. We all feel it.
We hit the fight club on the appointed night. The newlings were looking for me. Why I had impressed them so much, I had no clue. There were some pretty badass chicks in the club; none with the same DNA as me, I guess, and that made a difference. I quickly rose to the top as a club favorite. Seth hated it. Eli hated it. Noah and Luc loved it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were taking bets on the side. Phin and Zetty were unreadable. I’d be in the ring, fighting a guy, a girl—didn’t matter. My gaze would scan, catch either of theirs, and I’d see pride mixed with a hooded scolding look that nearly cracked me up.
Zetty—now that was a fighter right there. I’m pretty sure his unique tats across his forehead and his sheer size made him a ringside favorite, just like mine did. He was a silent fighter, though. His expression hardly changed at all, even when some crazy ass high on crack would slug him in the jaw. I swear, he was probably exactly the same even before he had tendencies. Zet-Man was cool as shit, and I was damn glad he was on our side.
Eli’s fighting fascinated me. I know, that sounds sick. But he’s, well, a sick fighter. What can I say? Maybe it’s the fact that I know he’s holding back, and using a fuck-load of restraint to do so. The newlings wanted him to fight. They didn’t suspect he was anything other than a cocky mortal, but because of his beauty, I imagine, they wanted him in that ring. I even think they wanted someone to take him out. And I was pretty damn sure they wanted that someone to be me.
I wasn’t surprised when they had us fight each other.
They didn’t give us any time to dispute it.
The crowd roared. Eli frowned.
I glanced out at the spectators and found Noah. A smile lifted his mouth. Dick.
Inside my head, I spoke to Eli. “Don’t worry. Land a few on me for show. It won’t hurt too much. But obviously, I have to win. So be ready to hit the floor.” I grinned.
By the look on Eli’s face, I knew he hated this.
Not one punch landed on me. His knuckles grazed the air next to my chin, enough to make my head snap back out of reflex. But mine landed. We danced and played for several minutes as if we were killing each other. Then, Eli hit the ground. He stayed. I won.
The newlings, despite their sunglasses, zeroed in on me. We were to come back for the final rally in two more nights. Meanwhile, we ran the city.
And I, unfortunately, witnessed three more kills.
We’d been in Charleston more than a week now, and, after the last run, I hit the bed, exhausted. Eli was always there, attentive, seductive, sexy as hell. He awakened my tired body, making me feel more alive than ever. Just the brush of his lips over my skin aroused me. He was one drug I never wanted rehab from. Finally, spent from mind-blowing sex, I fell into a deep slumber. No dreams awakened me. Even Victorian left me alone.