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And my men. Occasionally, I imagine, even me. With a smile. He looks her up and down, slo-mo. Youll look good in the uniform. Do we have a deal. In typical Ryodan fashion, his voice doesnt rise at the end of the question. He knows they have a deal. He can read Jo like a book with see-through covers.
My chains rattle as I test them with everything Ive got. He is not putting Jo to work in the kiddie subclub. Shes got the kind of face thats so delicate and pretty that she can wear really short hair like she does and look totally hot. Even those stupid glasses she wears when she reads just make her look good because they make her bones seem even more dainty. She has something ethereal. She is not wearing a short plaid skirt, tight white blouse, socks, and baby doll heels. She will not be waiting on him and his men! Chesters will swallow her up like a tasty morsel and spit out blood and gristle.
No, Jo, I say flatly. Dont you dare.
We have a deal, Jo says.
He unchains Jo, hands her the application and a pen.
She flattens it out on the wall and signs it without even reading it.
He folds it up and hands it back to her. Take the elevator back up the way you came. Lor is waiting for you there. Hell get you a uniform. You start tonight. You have a single prioritymake my patrons happy.
Lor is waiting for me, Jo says. She pushes a hand through her short dark hair and gives him a look that kind of surprises me, its got so much balls in it. I thought you said your men expected you to kill us.
If you dont hand him the signed application, he will. I suggest you make sure he sees it the instant you get off the elevator.
What about Dani?
Shell be up soon.
She comes with me now, Jo says.
Never. Tell. Me. What. To. Do. Ryodans talking soft again, and I dont know about Jo but it gives me a shiver when he speaks like that.
Get out of here, you stupid fecking sidhe-sheep! I say. Ill be fine. Id have been finer if youd never showed up! He owns her now. Hes got some kind of spell on her. It pisses me off so bad Im shaking.
After Jo leaves, Ryodan glides toward me in that weird fluid way he has. He didnt move that way in front of Jo. He walked all slow-mo when she was here.
I see the glint of a silver knife in his hand.
Dude, no need to cut me. Ill sign the fecking application. Just give me a pen. I have to get out of here. I have to save Jo. She put herself on the line for me. I cant stand it.
Kid, when will you learn.
Youd be amazed the things I know.
You might be able to thrash your wayout of a spiderweb, but thrashing in quicksand doesnt work. The harder you fight, the more ground you lose. Struggling merely expedites your inevitable defeat.
Never been defeated. Never will be.
Rowena was a spiderweb. He touches my cheek with the hand holding the knife. The silver glints an inch from my eye. Do you know what I am.
A great big pain in my ass.
Quicksand. And youre dancing on it.
Dude, whats with the knife?
Im not interested in ink anymore. Youre going to sign my contract in blood.
Thought you said it was an application, I say pissily.
It is, Dani. To a very exclusive club. Whats Mine.
Aint nobodys.
You cant make me.
Or Jo dies. Slowly and painfully.
Dude, why are you still talking? Unchain me and give me the fecking contract already.
Theres a guillotine above my neck. I hear it swishing as it slices through the air. Theres a name carved into the shiny blade: JO. I see it in my periphery with every step I take. Its going to make me nuts.
After I sign his fecking contractI got a paper towel in my fist because my palms still bleeding where he cut mehe lets me go. Just like that. Unchains my other arm and legs, offers to heal me, to which I say a great big kiss-my-booty, then escorts me to the elevator and tells me to go wherever my current version of home is.
I expect him to tell me I have to move into Chesters so he can watch my every move, like Barrons did with MTP.
I expect him to go all control-freak on me.
I dont expect him to give me my sword back and send me on my way with a casual reminder to show up for work tomorrow at eight P.M. He says theres something else he wants me to see.
I hate this.
Hes not reeling off one thousand and one Ryodan commandments like I thought he would.
Hes giving me all kinds of rope to hang myself with. I tie knots with rope. And I move really fast. Its inevitable Ill get tangled up in all that rope somehow, with a loop or two around my neck.
How am I going to get Jo out of this?
Four of his big scarred dudes are waiting for me when I get off the elevator. I glance warily around for Barrons and TP as I wave my contract big and noisy at Ryodans men so they dont give me any grief before they take it from me to put it wherever it is Ryodan plans to keep it and Im going to have to eventually steal it back from. Im out of protein bars and not in the mood for a pissing contest. Fortunately, TP is nowhere to be seen.