
In Your Corner

Page 63


“Suck me, baby. Don’t tease.” Jake fists my hair, holding my head still as he thrusts into my mouth. He fills me, thick and hot, and I close my eyes and lose myself in the sensual scrape of his piercing over my tongue, the scent of his soap, and the musk of his arousal.
“Take it all.” He groans and thrusts deeper. “You know how to do it.”
My clit throbs and pressure builds fast in my center. I release his c**k and slide one hand between my legs. Thank God he took off my panties.
“That’s it, baby,” Jake whispers. “You get off with me.”
Moaning against his cock, I spread my wetness up and over my clit while Jake surges in and out of my mouth, following the slide of my lips. With each thrust, the piercing drives farther into my throat, the sensation both frightening and deliciously arousing.
Suddenly his hand tightens on my neck and he thrusts hard and deep. “Fuck, baby. Oh f**k.” A low guttural groan tears from his throat as his c**k thickens and swells.
And then he pulls away.
“Jake…what’s wrong?”
Jaw tight, body tensed, he takes a deep breath and then another. “Gotta stop. I love your sweet mouth, but something’s eating you, and I’m gonna find out what it is. And to do that, I need to love you, not take you. I’m gonna love you until you break and let me in.”
Nononononononono. I don’t want loving. I want Jake coming in my mouth. I want hard, fast, furious f**king. I want my body slamming into the wall, his piercing dragging over my G-spot, freezing my brain with exquisite pleasure until I can’t take any more.
But Jake has other ideas. Suddenly I’m in his arms and his lips are pressed against mine and he’s kissing me the way I imagined he would kiss me every night after we broke up. Lips soft and teasing, teeth nibbling, questing tongues and heavy breathing. My body sags, melts into him. He groans softly, curls his hand around my neck, and draws me in to feast on my lips until I am panting and breathless, ready to offer him anything for another taste of the steel that throbs between us.
“That’s it,” he whispers. “Slow and gentle. The way we should have done it the first time. The way I wanted to do it the day we met again.” He undoes the buttons on my shirt one by one, his fingers lingering on my bare skin as he exposes me ever so slowly to the heat of his gaze. He takes similar care with my skirt, following it over my hips and down my legs with the smooth caress of his fingers until he is kneeling in front of me.
“There is not an inch of your beautiful body I don’t want to touch.”
He jumps easily to his feet and leads me to my living room, then spreads his suit jacket over the center of the area rug, a soft, thick French Provençal–inspired cottage floral with pastel tones to set off the white shabby-chic covered sofas and faux-chipped light green tables.
“Down you go, baby.”
Moments later I am surrounded by Jake, the silky slide of his suit jacket under me, the scent of his cologne around me, and his body, hot and heavy, on top of me. His lips slide down my neck, and he peppers tiny kisses over the crescents of my br**sts. I arch my back and he reaches behind me to unclasp my bra, and then flings it on the rapidly growing pile of clothing beside us. Without another word, he proceeds to ravish my br**sts like he’s never seen them before, kissing and licking, nipping and sucking, until they are sore and swollen and my ni**les peak, reaching for the ceiling.
With a quiet moan, I slide my hands through his soft curls and hold him tight against me as my body trembles beneath him.
“Shhhhh. Let it go.”
Then his lips are back, skimming over my heated skin, my abdomen, and brushing gently over my mound, but never going where I want them to be. My body throbs and pulses with need, and even the cool, silk lining of his jacket gives me no respite.
“Do you know why I like you bare?” he whispers.
My clit pulses under the heat of his breath and I moan. “Why?”
“Because I can give you more pleasure.” His fingertip slides through my folds and, when I least expect it, brushes right over my throbbing clit.
My back arches at the exquisite sensation and a whimper escapes my lips.
“Oh yes. You’re gonna give it all up for me. All that fear. All that stress. You’re going to let go because that’s what you need and that’s what I want.”
A violent shudder wracks my body and fear twists icy tendrils around my spine. I can’t give myself to him. What if he sees me, all of me, and finds me lacking? What if I give myself to him and he lets me down? What if I open up and he walks away? “Jake…”
“Let me take care of you.”
My brain fuzzes with lust and I tug on his shirt, trying to pull it off. I want to smooth my hands over his warm skin, feel his muscles ripple under my touch. But more than that, I want to feel him hot and hard and heavy in my hand.
I get nothing.
Jake grasps my wrists and gently lifts my hands up and over my head. Then, balancing on one knee, he loosens his tie and dangles it in front of me. “Are you okay if I restrain you with this?”
Pulse quickens, lungs tighten, skin tingles. Trembling as arousal rockets through my body, I moan, “I thought you were going to love me.”
He gives me a half smile. “I am loving you. But you need to think about only my touch and you can’t do that if your hands are in the way. Plus, you’re so damn sexy, I don’t think I could take your hands on me. Not if we’re going to take it slow.”