Indebted Epilogue
Page 28
I know I’ve forgotten people but my brain always goes on the fritz when doing these acknowledgements, hence why I don’t do them often anymore as I’m terrified of leaving people out.
Lastly, I thought I’d answer a few questions that had been asked over the past year while writing the Indebted Series. Now that it’s finished, I can shed light on any last minute questions and spend a little longer in the Indebted world.
Do you love knowing that you reach your fans on such a deep level when they read your books?
Yes, I’m beyond awed that I’m able to create an emotional response through words. I’m constantly grateful for messages saying they truly felt a scene or character. Nothing means more to me than that.
Will we get spinoff stories/prequel to this AMAZING series?
Yes, Indebted Beginnings will be released soon (no date as yet) and I might do a few more if the story strikes me. The history is very rich and a lot of avenues to explore.
Who did you vision as Nila and Jethro?
I don’t have an actor or actress in mind at the moment. But if you have someone in mind, email me and show me.
Who was your favourite character to bring alive? Who did you hate most?
My favourite was definitely Jethro as he had such a multifaceted character to bring out. Hate? Hard to tell because even if the characters were evil in the book, their strong opinions made it easy to write. I guess…Daniel was the hardest as I actually felt sorry for him and how he was treated.
Will there be audio books coming?
Yes, these are being created as we speak and will be out in early 2016, you can listen to a snippet HERE
Will you do signed paperbacks of this series?
Yes, you can order them from my website HERE. I’ll also have limited edition boxed sets. Debt Inheritance, First Debt, Second Debt in one edition, and Third Debt, Fourth Debt, Final Debt, Indebted Epilogue in another as there are too many pages for one complete book.
Who was the toughest character to write about? Who was the easiest?
I sort of answered this above but Jethro was easiest because I always knew who he was. Maybe the hardest was Kestrel because I fell in love with him and always knew his fate so it was bittersweet.
Can you please create a lineage of all Hawks and Weavers back to when the Hawks were given the document by the Queen. Would like to see the whole family tree - even if there are mysteries.
Yes, I’ll work on something like this to insert in Indebted Beginnings. I won’t share yet as if I do spinoffs I don’t want too many spoilers revealed too early.
This story is EPIC! Why is HBO or Starz not working on the TV show already!!? Seriously!
I would LOVE to see this as a TV Series. If I can make it happen, I will.
What do you have coming next, can you share with us?
I have a LOT coming in 2016. Sin & Suffer will be released on the 26th January 2016 and will complete the Pure Corruption Series. It will be in book stores and online. Unseen Messages will be my next release which I’m DYING to show you the cover and blurb. On the 20th December, I’ll reveal the insanely beautiful cover on my website. In January, I’ll also release the blurb and cover for the Super Secret Series I’ll be publishing in 2016. I’m BEYOND excited to share and have already fallen in love with these characters. Je Suis a Toi will be coming in 2016, too.
Will you be at any signings in 2016?
Not at this stage. I’m going to be focusing on writing as much as possible and building a home with my husband. I hope to travel again in 2017.
You mentioned a deleted sex scene from Final Debt, where is that?
Keep scrolling. It’s a few pages away from here.
If you have any other questions please email [email protected] or join the Indebted Group Read on Facebook to share with other readers.
I haven’t forgotten that I promised sneak peeks into Unseen Messages and Sin & Suffer…here is a little taster:
Unseen Messages
Copyright, unedited. 2016 release.
(Please sign up for release day alerts and my website to be the first to see the cover and learn of a publishing date)
Either unnoticeable or obvious, it’s up to us to pay attention.
I didn’t pay attention.
Instinct tried to take notice; the world tried to prevent my downfall.
I didn’t listen.
I will forever wonder what would’ve happened if I did pay attention to those messages. Would I have survived? Would I have fallen in love? Would I have been happy?
Then again, perhaps just like messages existed, fate existed, too.
And no matter what life path we chose, fate always had the final say.
I didn’t listen but it doesn’t mean I didn’t live.
I just lived a different tale than the one I’d envisioned.
Away from my home.
Away from my family.
But I wasn’t alone…
I was with him.
And he became my entire universe.
Sin & Suffer
Copyright, unedited. 26th January 2016 release.
(Please sign up for release day alerts and my website to be the first to see the cover and learn of a publishing date)
Ever since his voice deepened he’d mean and short-tempered. Mom told me that he was at a point in his life where he had to lose himself to find himself. I had no idea what she meant. I just…I just really missed my best-friend. —Diary entry, Cleo, age nine.
* * *
A curse or a blessing?
Lastly, I thought I’d answer a few questions that had been asked over the past year while writing the Indebted Series. Now that it’s finished, I can shed light on any last minute questions and spend a little longer in the Indebted world.
Do you love knowing that you reach your fans on such a deep level when they read your books?
Yes, I’m beyond awed that I’m able to create an emotional response through words. I’m constantly grateful for messages saying they truly felt a scene or character. Nothing means more to me than that.
Will we get spinoff stories/prequel to this AMAZING series?
Yes, Indebted Beginnings will be released soon (no date as yet) and I might do a few more if the story strikes me. The history is very rich and a lot of avenues to explore.
Who did you vision as Nila and Jethro?
I don’t have an actor or actress in mind at the moment. But if you have someone in mind, email me and show me.
Who was your favourite character to bring alive? Who did you hate most?
My favourite was definitely Jethro as he had such a multifaceted character to bring out. Hate? Hard to tell because even if the characters were evil in the book, their strong opinions made it easy to write. I guess…Daniel was the hardest as I actually felt sorry for him and how he was treated.
Will there be audio books coming?
Yes, these are being created as we speak and will be out in early 2016, you can listen to a snippet HERE
Will you do signed paperbacks of this series?
Yes, you can order them from my website HERE. I’ll also have limited edition boxed sets. Debt Inheritance, First Debt, Second Debt in one edition, and Third Debt, Fourth Debt, Final Debt, Indebted Epilogue in another as there are too many pages for one complete book.
Who was the toughest character to write about? Who was the easiest?
I sort of answered this above but Jethro was easiest because I always knew who he was. Maybe the hardest was Kestrel because I fell in love with him and always knew his fate so it was bittersweet.
Can you please create a lineage of all Hawks and Weavers back to when the Hawks were given the document by the Queen. Would like to see the whole family tree - even if there are mysteries.
Yes, I’ll work on something like this to insert in Indebted Beginnings. I won’t share yet as if I do spinoffs I don’t want too many spoilers revealed too early.
This story is EPIC! Why is HBO or Starz not working on the TV show already!!? Seriously!
I would LOVE to see this as a TV Series. If I can make it happen, I will.
What do you have coming next, can you share with us?
I have a LOT coming in 2016. Sin & Suffer will be released on the 26th January 2016 and will complete the Pure Corruption Series. It will be in book stores and online. Unseen Messages will be my next release which I’m DYING to show you the cover and blurb. On the 20th December, I’ll reveal the insanely beautiful cover on my website. In January, I’ll also release the blurb and cover for the Super Secret Series I’ll be publishing in 2016. I’m BEYOND excited to share and have already fallen in love with these characters. Je Suis a Toi will be coming in 2016, too.
Will you be at any signings in 2016?
Not at this stage. I’m going to be focusing on writing as much as possible and building a home with my husband. I hope to travel again in 2017.
You mentioned a deleted sex scene from Final Debt, where is that?
Keep scrolling. It’s a few pages away from here.
If you have any other questions please email [email protected] or join the Indebted Group Read on Facebook to share with other readers.
I haven’t forgotten that I promised sneak peeks into Unseen Messages and Sin & Suffer…here is a little taster:
Unseen Messages
Copyright, unedited. 2016 release.
(Please sign up for release day alerts and my website to be the first to see the cover and learn of a publishing date)
Either unnoticeable or obvious, it’s up to us to pay attention.
I didn’t pay attention.
Instinct tried to take notice; the world tried to prevent my downfall.
I didn’t listen.
I will forever wonder what would’ve happened if I did pay attention to those messages. Would I have survived? Would I have fallen in love? Would I have been happy?
Then again, perhaps just like messages existed, fate existed, too.
And no matter what life path we chose, fate always had the final say.
I didn’t listen but it doesn’t mean I didn’t live.
I just lived a different tale than the one I’d envisioned.
Away from my home.
Away from my family.
But I wasn’t alone…
I was with him.
And he became my entire universe.
Sin & Suffer
Copyright, unedited. 26th January 2016 release.
(Please sign up for release day alerts and my website to be the first to see the cover and learn of a publishing date)
Ever since his voice deepened he’d mean and short-tempered. Mom told me that he was at a point in his life where he had to lose himself to find himself. I had no idea what she meant. I just…I just really missed my best-friend. —Diary entry, Cleo, age nine.
* * *
A curse or a blessing?