

Page 22


"He's not my boss."
"What about the slimeball that just tried to reduce my skin to melted wax? How did he get powers that match mine?"
"The Dark One granted him abilities for the purpose of collecting you," Haniel answered, crossing his arms across his chest.
"If he can do that, then why does the Dark One need me?"
"Your abilities cannot be completely duplicated. The Dark One has always been envious of the power of The Light. He covets what cannot be his."
"Why didn't you tell me about the skin-melting-assface?" I threw the question at Emrys like a dagger. "You knew he could hurt me."
"I planned on telling you. I was just waiting for the right time."
"Really? Like between kisses or when you were conning me into thinking you were a good guy?"
"I never lied to you, Jordyn. But I was waiting until yourfamily clued you in on what you really are," he ground out through gritted teeth.
I turned away, unable to face him anymore. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked the only person I thought I could trust, no matter what. Despite his lies, Emrys was right. Everything hinged on the fact that I'd been fed a load of crap by those I considered family. "I trusted you. You know how much it bothered me, not remembering anything."
"We only knew you needed our help. We had no idea about your origins," Lynn answered as a rare single tear tracked down her cheek. It was too late for that. My heart had hardened like a piece of granite.
"I trusted all of you," I said, sobbing. Emrys made a move to comfort me. "Don't touch me. You're no different than them," I added, holding up my hand to stall his approach.
"I don't belong here. I'm not like any of you," I said as tears began to course down my cheeks. I swiped them away with the back of my hand, thinking of a place I'd studied only hours ago, although it now felt like an eternity. I welcomed the picture in my confused and hurt mind, embracing it with every fiber of my being.
Comprehension dawned across Haniel's face, but he was too late. I was gone before he could reach me. Gone from those who had lied to me. Gone from those who had torn my heart to shreds. Gone from the only life I knew.