

Page 31


    Time to head to the Tower of Might for my next training session with Levi.
    I stuff the arsenal I’ve collected into a backpack and blow my brother’s hologram a kiss. He’s reclined in a beautiful walnut crib. Four posts stretch toward the ceiling, each carved to resemble a tree trunk with curving branches up top. He kicks his legs as he giggles at me.
    A feed of me plays on his walls, and he likes to watch me. I’m a source of entertainment.
    My heart swells with love for him, strengthening my determination to end the war between realms. One day, he’ll be old enough to join the army. If peace reigns, he’ll never have to fight. He can enjoy the fruits of my labors.
    “I’ll come see you when my session ends,” I tell him.
    He farts.
    Meredith visited with him a little while ago. Now his nanny sits in a rocking chair beside the crib, reading a passage from the Book of the Law. Nose wrinkling, she waves a hand in front of her face. “That was more than gas, wasn’t it, my lovely,” she says and stands. She’s a beautiful girl, with red hair and a wealth of freckles. “I bet you filled your little diaper with toxic waste.”
    Ann-nn-nnd that’s my cue to go. “Bye, guys,” I say.
    “Bye, Ten,” she replies. I like her. She’s been nice to me from the start. “Have an enlightened practice.”
    “I will, thank you.” I’m smiling as I exit my apartment...the cathedral. Light spills from the exquisite watery sky, stroking and warming me. My insides hum with energy.
    I might not be ready for my first mission, but I’m eager to help the girl infected with Penumbra. While rotting inside Prynne Asylum, I often fantasized about someone swooping in to save me. Then came Archer and Killian.
    A familiar pang of guilt—I miss you so much, Archer. A electrifying thrill of anticipation—I crave you like air, Killian.
    Levi hasn’t mentioned my email exchange with “the Myriadian,” and I haven’t brought it up. If I’m going to be penalized for consorting with the enemy, I’d rather wait until after my first assignment...because I have every intention of consorting again.
    I take my usual route through two different Stairwells and three Gates. The first Stairwell leads me to the manna fields. I count one hundred thirty-seven people hard at work this bright and sunny morning.
    My name—well my preferred name, Ten Lockwood—equals one hundred thirty-seven when the letters are changed to their numerical counterpart.
    20 + 5 + 14 + 12 + 15 + 3 + 11 + 23 + 15 + 15 + 4 = 137
    I pluck a purple petal from a nearby branch and nibble as I walk to the first Gate. The breakfast of champions who are on the go. I receive nods, waves and smiles.
    I spot redhead Nico, adorable Rebel and the charming Clementine. The boys give me a thumbs-up.
    “How’s training going?” Clementine asks.
    “Slowly,” I reply. “How’s it going for you guys?”
    “I’m rocking it.” Nico flexes his biceps. “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for these two clowns.”
    Snickering, Rebel punches him in the shoulder. “You’re only good with a musket, old man.”
    Clementine crosses fisted hands over her heart. “We’re going to be Laborers under General Chanel’s command. She’s the best!”
    “Unless we’re late,” Nico adds.
    She looks at the comm on her wrist. “Oh, crap! Gotta run.”
    “Have an enlightened day,” I call as we hurry our separate ways.
    The next Gate takes me to the House of Secrets. In my black catsuit, I stand out. Everyone else is wearing a white robe. Some robes have gold thread, some have red, blue or green. The Grid supplies the reason: the threads denote different sub-positions. Gold—those who are in charge. Red—assistants. Blue—assistants to the assistants. Green—trainees.
    Hoshi, Sawyer and Winifred are here, their heads bent over a table of books. Oh, look. Fatima is here, too. She’s in the middle, almost too short to distinguish. The little girl has begun training already?
    I take another Stairwell to a different section of the city, and the brands in my palms vibrate. Great! I have five minutes to make it to the Tower of Might.
    I pick up the pace. My brands continue to glow as if...are they absorbing Light?
    As a Conduit, I have the ability to absorb sunlight and turn it into Light, then project it to others. Or I should have the ability. The rays energize me before fizzling. The very reason I can’t send any Light to Levi when our hands are joined.
    Frustration and disappointment plague me. But come on, what did I expect? I haven’t deciphered my Key, haven’t unlocked the secret doors inside the Grid. Whatever that freaking means! I’m still at a complete loss, and no one knows how to help me. My code isn’t like theirs, and theirs isn’t like mine.
    I reach the third Gate...exit and—
    I careen to the side and land on my hands and knees. Sharp pain explodes through my head, dizziness following. I come close to blacking out. Lifeblood leaks into my eyes, hazing my vision. A high-pitched ring assaults my ears, but even still I think I hear gleeful laughter from two different sources. A boy and a girl.
    A whistle of air catches my attention. Incoming! I roll to my back, kicking up to knock—A board slams into my calf, another burst of pain exploding inside me. The board sticks to me, spiked tips sinking past flesh to bite into muscle.
    I gag as I pull out the board, but I don’t hesitate to swing at anyone or thing in my vicinity.
    There’s a grunt. Shuffling footsteps. Who’d I hit? I stand on shaky legs in time to watch three retreating figures; my mind is desperate to reject the idea I’ve been attacked. But I was. Three against one. The shock nearly sends me to my knees.