

Page 71


“Ah, so, ah...”
“Santana,” he warns. “Speak.”
“It’s just...well...”
He takes my chin, forcing me to look at him. His eyes study my face and he leans in, brushing his lips across mine. I sink into him a little. It might be the last kiss I get for a few days when he finds out what I’ve so stupidly done.
“Come on, honey,” he murmurs against my mouth. “Tell me.”
I pull back, taking a deep breath. “Well, the thing is...I um...well...when we were away I didn’t take my pill.”
His body flinches and his eyes widen. Oh no. Here we go.
“And...” he says, his voice low.
“Well. Ah. Shit.”
“Santana,” he growls.
“I’m pregnant, Maddox.”
Silence. Dead silence.
I look up, terrified. He’s staring at me, his eyes fixed on my face. There’s nothing in his expression. I can’t tell if he’s angry or happy or sad...
“Yes,” I squeak. “I found out yesterday and-”
He cuts me off with a holler that’s so loud I leap backwards with a squeal. Then he stands, drops his shoulder into my belly and lifts me into the air. He’s got one broken collarbone and a broken arm, but he uses his good shoulder and good arm to throw me over him. This isn’t good. He’ll make his injuries worse.
“Maddox!” I cry.
He literally charges out of the office and down the hall. I pound his back, knowing he shouldn’t be carrying me like this, but he doesn’t care. He reaches the bar and roars, “I’m gonna be a fuckin’ dad!”
The men erupt in cheers and hoots, and I can’t help but laugh. Maddox puts me down, pulling me into his arms and planting kisses on my face. Ash is squealing and jumping up and down, clapping her hands. Pippa is laughing, her face bright. Happy.
When I’m finally back on my feet, Maddox drops to his knees in front of me, circling my waist and pulling my belly to him. “We’re gonna have a fuckin’ baby!” he breathes, pressing his lips to the shirt covering my stomach. Tears well up in my eyes as I stare down at the big man kneeling before me.
“We’re going to have a baby,” I whisper.
“I fuckin’ love you, Santana.”
He pulls me close and drops his forehead to my belly. His sign of love. His sign of affection. I smile through my tears and wrap my arms around his head. Two years ago I was alone, thinking my sister was dead and that I’d never find my happily ever after. Now I’ve got her back and the man I love is cradling me as our child slowly grows inside my belly.
I’m going to have a family, one of my very own. I lost everything, yet slowly...really slowly...
I’m getting it all back.
2014 - Santana
A knock sounds at Mack’s door, and I put the cookies I was baking down and wipe my hands on my apron. It’s his birthday and Pippa, Ash and I have spent the morning baking for when he arrives home. I try to remove as much flour off my hands as I make my way to the door. I open it and see a woman standing on the front step, a baby in her arms.
“Can I help you?” I ask.
“Ah...” she looks at me, confused. “I’m looking for...Miakoda...”
“Mack?” I say, wondering who she is.
“He’s not here right now, did you want me to call him?”
She stares down at the bundle in her arms, and then looks back up at me. “Please.”
I nod and pull out my phone, dialing Mack’s number.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
I give her a warm smile, wondering who she is. I’ve never heard Mack mention a Tracy before.
“Mack, it’s Santana. There’s a lady here to see you...she says her name is Tracy.”
“A your door. Her name is Tracy.”
More silence.
“I’m comin’.”
Then he hangs up. Interesting. I look back up at the woman and smile again. She looks terrible. She’s got long, black hair that’s dull and the darkest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Her skin is pale and she’s skinny...really skinny.
“He’s on his way. Can I get you a drink?”
“No, I’ll wait here.”
I nod, but don’t leave her side. I make small talk until the rumble of a Harley Davidson fills the quiet street. She turns and we both watch as Mack pulls up. He throws his leg over the bike and walks up the front path, but stops dead when he sees her and the baby in her arms.
Oh man.
“Tracy?” he says, his eyes still on the bundle in her arms.
“Miakoda...I’m sorry to have to do this, but...I had no choice.”
“What are you doin’ here?”
I should turn away, but I can’t.
“This is what she wanted...I had to follow her wishes...”
She? She? Who is she?
Mack’s face pales.
“Tracy...” he says. “Why are you here?”
“Ingrid died...there was an accident and...”
Mack looks like someone just punched him in the face. His entire body flinches and he takes a step back. This isn’t good. I don’t know who Ingrid is, but it’s clear she meant something to him.