
More Than Want You

Page 12


“Maxon…” She sounds almost distressed.
“Here, sunshine,” I growl. “You ready?”
“Yes. Damn it. Oh…” she pants, body heaving and bucking against me. “Yes. Please. Deeper. More. Like that.”
I hammer her now—fast, unmerciful, an onslaught of power, desire, and determination to make her come.
Color splashes across her chest, creeps up her neck to stain her cheeks. Rosy. Aroused. So fucking beautiful. Her entire body tenses, and I know she’s there.
I brace for my own orgasm. My blood has reached a boil. I’ve been holding off the tingling brewing in my balls but they feel heavy. I’m close to exploding. The time is now.
As if she can hear my internal monologue, she tenses and looks at me as if only I can save her.
“Keeley.” I mouth her name because my voice is too scratchy. “Now. Come!”
We’re so perfectly in sync that she lets go the moment I speak her name. Her body stiffens as she thrashes beneath me, all over my cock. I feel her everywhere—under, around, beside—not just my shaft but my whole body. I’m aware of her scream, of her goose bumps, of the gentle sheen of her perspiration.
Then the orgasm I’ve been trying to hold back runs me over, and all I can do is hold on for dear life and shout her name as I lose my self-control completely.
I’m hoping I haven’t lost my sanity, too.
After lingering for a few moments, I have to pull away. I’m not ready to break our connection, but the damn rocks are killing my knees. While she rises, I find a trash can beside the nearby towel stand and do away with the condom. When I turn back, I expect to find her dressing.
Instead, she’s run stark naked into the water.
I’d ask anyone else if they were crazy, but Keeley flips a laugh at me over her shoulder, like she knows I’m wondering what the fuck she’s doing. Instantly, I see a bright happiness beaming from her face. Since that’s what she wants out of life, I feel good. Weirdly content.
“Come in the water,” she calls to me.
“I’m not skinny dipping in the ocean. What if someone calls the cops to say there’s more than one moon shining on this beach?”
Her laugh this time is heartier. “Then we sweet-talk our way out of it or go to jail, but how many times in life will we have the chance to do something like this?”
Probably not very many. She has a point.
I shuck my shoes and pants. “I must be crazy. I blame you.”
“Good.” Keeley turns to me, flashing me a full frontal of her glorious nudity. “You should.”

I just had a monster climax less than five minutes ago, but I’m already hoping my recovery time is short. I’d love to get her back to the condo, into my bed, and do every crazy, dirty, wonderful thing to her I can think of.
“I will,” I promise as I head into the brisk Hawaiian water.
Her smile—whether she means it or not—looks sultry. “I love being a dangerous woman.”
Though she sometimes seems so sweet I could get a cavity, I sense her wild side just under the surface. The male animal in me wants to feel her again. Tame her—at least for an hour or two.
I take her hand. With the other, she bends to splash me.
“You want a fight?” I challenge.
She’s flirting. I love it. I’m never playful after sex. Most of my partners get their clothes on and leave, which is a relief. Tiffanii always showered the smell of sex—of me—off her body before she rolled over and went to sleep. In fairness, as a flight attendant, she often had to be up by four to work the 6:30 a.m. flight to Honolulu. Still, it pissed me off.
But Keeley wants to…frolic. I can’t think of a better word. She’s splashing and giggling and enjoying life.
It’s contagious. I smile and splatter her with water in return.
With a sigh, she falls against me, still grinning, then steals a kiss. She’s gone before I can pull her in closer, staring out at the vast ocean again.
I sidle up behind her and wrap my arms around her. My lips fall to her shoulder. She’s the perfect height for me to press kisses there. She shivers in my arms.
“If you don’t stop making me happy, how are you ever going to get rid of me?”
“Who says I want to?”
She scoffs. “Oh, I know your type. If you’re too busy to come home and take advantage of this view, you’re too busy for a relationship. It’s okay. I get that you want satisfying, not meaningful.”
A few hours ago, I would have agreed with her. Now I don’t know what the hell is going on. An impulsive side of me I would have sworn didn’t exist is telling me that I should try to make something of my connection with this girl. Keeley is interesting. She holds my attention. She’s not into herself—her life, her parties, or her looks. She’s into the people around her. She’s into living. She makes me look at my life differently. Come to think of it, she’s everything I’ve never had in a woman before.
If Britta truly knew this woman, my assistant would approve.
But Griff, the thirty-million-dollar listing, and the task I need to ask of Keeley tomorrow loom. I want to keep her with me longer…but my brother will lose his shit when he meets her. He’ll fall all over himself to win her. He’ll half-ass the Stowe estate to be with her. Doesn’t that sound stupid? But trust me, it’s true. And once the Stowe heirs see he’s too busy chasing tail to chase leads, they will cut him loose. Then bam, I’m in. It’s gold. I’ll celebrate.
But I’ll be celebrating alone.
Well, not exactly. I’ll have Rob and Britta. They’ll make a pretty penny from this deal, too. And I’ll find another woman to make me feel good again, right? Now that I know how important personality and a carefree spirit are, I’ll look for those qualities.
“I may surprise you yet,” I tell her.
Not with the meaningful relationship stuff. Although…I wonder if there’s any chance she’ll agree to distract Griff and continue to sleep with me.
That sounds bad, I know. I probably shouldn’t even consider the possibility. I’m worried about asking, too. I’ve seen what she can do to a man’s gnads. It makes me shudder.
“Really?” She turns in my arms and smiles. “I think I’d like that. Now take me back to your place. It’s getting cold.”