
Never Fade

Page 107


“I can’t stop thinking about those kids,” I said, tears pricking the backs of my eyes.
“Good,” Vida said. “It’s on you to remember them and what that felt like to come up out of the dark and see what you’d done. Forgive yourself, but don’t forget.”
“And if it’s not enough?”
“Then I’ll stop you,” she said. “I’m not afraid of your crazy power. Not anymore, at least.” Vida stood up, brushing her pants off. “I’m going to go take a walk around. When I come back, you better already be asleep, or I’ll knock you out myself.”
“Thanks,” I said. “For listening, I mean.”
“Don’t mention it.”
I waited until Vida was heading down a trail before I turned back to the tent and crawled between Liam and Chubs. I was too tired and too drained to wonder or care if it was a bad idea. I settled down and closed my eyes, letting my thoughts slow and spill into a soft, pale blue dream.
I WAS SO USED TO THE STRANGE on-off sleep schedule of my life now, I’m not sure what it was that actually woke me up. Not a noise. Vida was back in the tent, humming softly, some old song I half recognized. I watched, disoriented, as she gleefully tore out scraps of White Fang’s pages, rolled each into a tiny ball, and threw them one by one into Chubs’s mouth, which had fallen wide open in sleep.
I sat up and rubbed my face, trying to clear the crud from my eyes. “What time is it?”
She shrugged. “Half past who the hell knows? Go back to sleep.”
“Okay,” I said, lowering myself down onto my elbows. Chubs’s rattling snores kept time with the persistent rip of each page. Both he and Jude were sleeping flat on their backs, shoulder to shoulder. I slid back down under the covers, turning onto my left side again. The blanket twisted with me, leaving Liam without an inch of it.
I sat up again, heavy limbs and all, and untangled myself from the soft wool. With Liam’s half of the blanket finally freed from under me, I tossed it carefully back in his direction, watching, with disbelieving eyes, as the pale peach fabric fluttered down through empty air and settled on the ground.
“Where’s Lee?” I hadn’t been awake before. I was now.
“He went out,” Vida said, not looking up from her work.
“Out,” I repeated, the word tasting like blood on my tongue. “Out where?”
“To walk around for a while,” she said. “He said he couldn’t sleep.”
“You let him go alone?” I scrambled for my boots, hands shaking as I pulled them on. “How long ago did he leave?”
“What’s going on?” Chubs mumbled.
“Liam left,” I said.
“What?” His hands smacked around on the ground until they found his glasses. He shoved them onto the bridge of his nose. “Are you sure?”
“I’m going to bring him back,” I said, tugging on the navy sweatshirt and an oversize dust-smeared black peacoat they’d grabbed by mistake as they left the warehouse in Nashville. “Vida—did he tell you where he was going?”
“Leave him alone, boo,” she said, not turning around. “He’s a big kid. Wears the underwear and everything.”
“You don’t understand,” I said, “he’s not coming back. He’s leaving for good.”
Vida’s lips parted as she glanced around, the full weight of realization knocking the breath out of her. “Well…you have the flash drive, right? It’s not a total disaster.…”
“Are you kidding me?” I shouted. Jude sat straight up, blinking, but I didn’t have time to answer any of his questions. “Where would he go? He’d need a car or a bike—did he mention anything to any of you?”
“No!” Chubs said. “I would have told you!”
“Definitely not,” Jude said. “He kept talking about all of us going together tomorrow. Maybe…I mean, he could come back, right? If we give him a few minutes?”
He could be right. I forced myself to gulp down a deep breath. I pressed a hand, hard, against my chest, trying to ease the fluttering beat of my heart. He could have just gone down to the falls. That was possible, wasn’t it? Liam would never have left without Chubs or some kind of—
I stopped mid-thought, noticing for the first time the tiny sliver of paper sticking up out of his shirt’s front pocket. The button there had been undone, making room for a folded note. I reached over and plucked it out before Chubs could stop me.
Gas station off highway, 2 miles south. Come by 6.
I crumpled the note in my fist, throwing it back at him.
“I didn’t know!” he said before he’d even read it. “I didn’t!”
We had a total of two guns that Vida and I traded off carrying, since both Chubs and Liam refused on moral grounds. The revolver was on the ground at Vida’s feet, and the black semi-automatic was resting on top of the deflated backpack. Which meant Liam had neither.
Of course—of course he would go to the one place he had the best chance of being spotted by someone else. What was he thinking? That he’d be fine under the cover of night?
I took off at a stumbling run, shoving the tent flap open. The thick soles of my boots smashed through the snow.
“Wait for me!” Vida shouted. “Ruby!”
Outside of our small shelter, the freezing air hit me like a bat to the face. In the precious few seconds it took for me to get my bearings and head toward the small road Chubs had pointed out earlier, large flakes of snow had already managed to work their way along my loose hair, down into the collar of my coat. But they weren’t nearly heavy enough to cover the careless footprints he’d left behind.