
Night Broken

Page 7


No, she said. He started calling me. I answered the first oneI didnt know it was him. I said too much. But that was the only one of his calls I took until he changed his number. After that time, I only answered calls from people I knew.
Ill need the phone numbers he used, Warren said.
She nodded. I have them on my phone. He sent e-mails, too. I read up on stalkers and all the advice I found said that I shouldnt respond in any way at all. So I didnt. She took a deep breath. Then the presents started to arrive. I order a lot of things online. The first one I thought was a misordera red silk scarf. I called the place that had sent it and found out that someone had purchased it in person and had it sent to me. They wouldnt give me the name.
Theyll give it to me, said Warren. Do you still have the address?
She nodded. On my laptop. Ill go get it. She pushed away from the table and made an escape. Up the stairs.
I looked at the stairway thoughtfully, then looked at Adam. I thought shed be using the guest suite.
She was afraid to be on the ground floor, he said, and I could tell by the way he said it that I wasnt going to be happy about which upstairs room shed taken. Warren gave him a guy look, the one that said, I wouldnt be you in a million years, but good luck.
She likes the peach room, I said. It was the bedroom next to ours.
Blue makes her sad, he told me. The blue guest room was across the hall and next to Jesses room.
There was nothing to say that needed saying. I stood up, collecting as many dirty plates and silverware as I could. Adam touched my arm.
Mary Jo, he said. If youll help Mercy clear the table, Ill grab the tablecloth and toss it in the laundry.
Mary Jo waited until we were in the kitchen loading the dishwasher to say anything to me. Its not her fault, she said finally.
Whats not her fault? I asked. That Christy attracted a stalker?
Her face flushed. That theres tension between her and Adam. They were a couple for a long time. She called to see if Id come and defuse the situation, so that youd be more comfortable. Shes trying.
I shut the dishwasher and started it. Yes, I said. She is trying. I didnt say what Christy was trying. I was pretty sure it wasnt what Mary Jo thought it was.
Her eyes narrowed at me, so I guess my tone wasnt as neutral as Id hoped.
Its okay to like her, I told her gently. To worry and feel sorry for her. Thats all just fine. I want her safe, too.
I wiped my hands off on the back of my jeans and let my voice drop into a threat. Just be careful, Mary Jo. Be very careful. Youve made mistakes before. Everyone makes mistakes. One you should not make is to imagine that Christy will ever be Adams mate. He is mine, and unlike her, I dont throw away people who are mine.
Mary Jo met my gaze, and I held hers. Held it until she looked at the floor and tipped her chin, exposing her neck.
Jesse had told me about her mother and Adam, back when shed been too young to know that people shouldnt share other peoples pain, and I had been too too involved to stop her. Her mother had told Adam he scared her, that the werewolves scared her, and that he smothered her. But Id always thought that the real trouble between them had a lot to do with Adams looking younger than she did. Which made her attraction to a younger man something to keep in mind.
I returned to the dining room and the interested faces of Adam and Warren. Both of them had heard the conversation between Mary Jo and me, but before they could say anything, Christy was back with her laptop.
She sat next to Warren, and the two of them paged through her e-mail. Adams phone rang, and he glanced at the number.
I hired a man to watch over Christys condo, he told us. This is he. He put the phone to his ear, and answered, Hauptman.
Its Gaven, said a strangers voice; in the background, I could hear sirens. There is a situation here.
Adam stiffened. Hes there?
Uh, no. That is, maybe, but I havent seen him. Ive been watching your wifes sorry, ex-wifes apartment building since about two this afternoon. I havent seen anyone who matches his description, but her building is on fireyou might be hearing some sirens. The fire definitely started on her floor, and Im pretty sure it was set in her condo. I happened to be looking up and saw a flash of colorflames in one of the windows of her place. I called it in myselfthough downtown Eugene isnt exactly deserted this time of day, so I wont have been the only one. The fire department is fighting it, but its going up fast. Its been There was a pause and a muffled swearword. Sorry. Pieces of it are falling, and I was a little too close. Its only been ten minutes, and the whole place is in flames.
I glanced at Christy, who was watching Adam with a little frown that made me realize that she was the only one in the room who couldnt hear the other side of Adams conversation.
Youve told what you saw to the police? Adam asked.
Gave my card to the fireman whos giving orders. Told him Id seen something. Hell relay. Im planning on cooperating fully with the authorities.
Of course. Adam glanced at Christy, who had come to attention at the word police. They already know that there is a problem. Make sure they make the connections, all right? They have my number, but it might not hurt to give it to them again.
Theyll want to talk to her, too, the investigator said.
Whats wrong? Christy asked.
Adam held up a finger. Of course. Shes not answering her phone directly. Theyll have to leave a message for her to call them back.
Adam ended the call and looked at Christy. I think your stalker just burned down your condo, building and all.
She paled. Did they get everyone out?
Adam shook his head. Its a big building. There is no way that they could know that this early. Theyre still fighting it. Theyll know more in a few hours, but it could be days before everyone is accounted for.
The war committee continued to discuss Christys stalker with periodic interruptions from people calling with updates on Christys home.
Adams investigator told us the whole building was a loss and then gave Adam a few numbers of people involved in the investigation. Once he figured out that Adam was the famousAlpha werewolf, the arson guy got almost chatty. He told Adam that theyd have to wait until the building cooled before anyone could be certain, officially, that the fire had been set. But unofficially, his gut instinct was that the fire was arson. The first police officer called shortly thereafter to ask pointed questions about insurance policieswhich seemed to imply that the arson investigator had not only shared his unofficial gut instincts with the police, too, but also told them that Adam was interested in the outcome.
Courteously, Adam told the policeman that Christy had filed a report about a stalker who had assaulted her. And when Adam had recently contacted the Eugene police on the matter, hed been told that Christys stalker might also be involved in the death of a man shed been dating. Adam gave him the phone number of the officer in charge of the Eugene police investigation without looking it up. The information seemed to mollify that police officer. But not the second one who called.
None of the calls Id made concerning Coyote had been returned, but Zack called around ten and apologized for not showing up. Hed found a place to stay and also work, but the job had required him to start immediately. Hed come by as soon as he could.
I understand, Adam said. But Id prefer to bring you into the pack as soon as possible for your safety. My wolves wont bother you, but there are other things running around town that might if you dont have pack protection.
Im on call this week, Zack told Adam. I cant afford to turn down hours, nohow. I dont know when I can come out.
Lets dispense with the formal ceremony, then, and do something quicker, Adam said. Where are you staying?
Almost reluctantly, Zack gave the name of a rent-by-the-week motel.
Okay, Adam said. My mate and I will be there in about half an hour. Ill call my second. The three of us will make it official. Meeting the pack can wait until you know your schedule.
This could all wait, Zack said.
No, Adam told him. I have no intention of letting you run around my city unprotected. He hung up before Zack could argue further.
Ill keep an eye on everything here, boss, said Warren. You go welcome the new wolf to the fold.
Mary Jo, go home, Adam told her. Youve helped a lot tonight, but you need to get some sleep before you go to work.
She gave Christy a worried look.
I wont chew on her, said Warren ironically. You go on shift tomorrow at five in the morning. Go home, Mary Jo.
Ill see you when you get off work, said Christy, managing to look like she wished Mary Jo would stay while indicating just the opposite with her words. It was quite a feat. We can go get a manicure at that place we like in Richland.
It closed, Mary Jo told her.
Im sure we can find another shop. Auriele will know someplace good.
Mary Jo grinned. She will. Are you sure youll be okay?
Mary Jo, Adam said. Go.
Left with no choice, Mary Jo preceded us out the door. Are you sure shell be safe with just Warren? She looked back over her shoulder.
Dont be ridiculous, said Adam with more patience than Id credited him. Her stalker set her apartment on fire tonight. There arent any direct flights, and its a six-hour drive from Eugene to here. Even if he came directly to murder her in my home, guarded by one of the toughest wolves I know, Juan couldnt get here before I get back.
Adam opened the passenger door of his SUV for me, shut it, and got the driver-side door of Mary Jos Jeep for her. She thanked him gravely, when shed have given any other man the rough side of her tongue for his courtesy. Opening a womans door was ingrained in Adam, but he was careful not to do it where one of her coworkers might see it. Apparently firemen, even if they were women, were supposed to be too independent to have doors opened for themand Mary Jo didnt want to get teased about it.
Zacks motel was in east Pasco. The Tri-Cities doesnt have really dangerous neighborhoods, but east Pasco comes close. The motel was one of those old ones with little rooms that opened out onto the parking lot, the kind they dont build anymore because they arent really safe.
The big, shiny black SUV garnered the interest of a group of boys hanging out smoking at the edge of the parking lot. They were in that fourteen-to-sixteen age category when men are old enough to feel the testosterone and too young to have acquired common sense.
Hey, gringo, one of them said. You sure you want to park that there?
Why dont you just leave that chica with us, gringo. Cus we know what to do with bitches like that. She dont need no white meat. Cus everybody knows white meat is bad for you.
Adam, whod rounded the front of the car, kept walking until he was next to me. Then he turned his face a little up and out, letting the weak yellow illumination of the motels parking-lot lights hit his features full on.
The boys had been advancing in a slow, semi-menacing manner, obviously ready to enjoy running off some poor couple in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Wed had some real trouble with gangs in the Tri-Cities a few years back, but, except for the serious drug traffickers, who were too concerned with money and keeping a low profile to be harassing tourists for being in the wrong neighborhood, most of the gang activity had died down.
One of the boys paused, squinted at my husbands face, and came to an abrupt halt. Hey, man, he said in a completely different tone of voice. Hey, man. Its okay, right? We didnt mean nothing by it. Just having some fun. Right, man? We dont want no trouble with you.
The rest of them paused, disconcerted by the about-face.
Its the werewolf dude, he whispered loudly. From the TV? Dont you idiots watch the news? You dont screw around with him.
The others turned to give Adam a closer look, then they all melted away with fake nonchalance.
They make me feel old, Adam said mournfully once they were gone.
Thats because you are old, I told him without sympathy. Hed enjoyed backing them down. Come on, old man. Lets go bring our new wolf into the fold.
Before we could, a sleek silver 67 Mustang pulled in next to the SUV, and Darryl got out. Darryl is big in daylight, but the night hides the intelligence in his face and the beauty of his features, which can distract from his size. In the dark, he is huge, and right then he was carrying a tide of irritation that made him even scarier than usual.