
Oliver's Hunger

Page 85


Faster and harder. You feel the pressure build.
Oliver watched in rapt fascination how her body reacted to his suggestions. He’d never seen anything like this: every thought he planted in her mind took root and transformed Ursula into a woman burning with passion and desire. Her eyes shone with lust, her entire body was glistening with moisture, and her lips released sounds of pleasure he’d never heard from her. Her moans and sighs, her soft cries, they all aroused him, hardening his cock again. Even though he’d come only a few short minutes ago, he was ready again. All because Ursula excited him.
You feel my fangs pulling harder. Wanting more. And you want more too. You want to give me everything you have. You open up. You lay yourself bare. And then you feel everything at once. My fangs in your neck, my hands on your breasts, my tongue on your clit, and my cock in your pussy. Then the waves hit you like a tsunami. They wash over you.
Ursula’s interior muscles clenched around him, squeezing him just as tightly as he’d predicted when she climaxed, an expression of wonder in her eyes.
Oliver let go of his own control and joined her in her moment of bliss, shooting more semen into her welcoming body until they finally both stilled. He hugged her to him, pressing gentle kisses on her face and neck.
“Oh, my god,” she murmured, still breathless. “I never thought . . . ”
He lifted his head and smiled. “I’ve never experienced anything better.” It was the truth.
Ursula enjoyed the way Oliver’s arms held her to his body as he lay behind her in the bathtub. The warm water sloshed around them, and she felt more relaxed than she had in a very long time. After they’d made love, he’d apologized for being so rough with her and had insisted that they take a bath together so he could soothe her sore body. It was true, he’d been a little rougher than the first time, when they’d had sex in the van, but he hadn’t hurt her.
“How did you become a vampire?”
She turned her head to look at him, and Oliver brushed a wet strand of hair from her cheek. His gestures were so tender and gentle that it was hard for her to reconcile them with the fact that he was a vampire.
“I had an accident. I was driving down a winding road with Quinn. We’d just left a party. I saw the car that came toward me too late and swerved. We hit a crane. I was thrown through the windshield.”
“You weren’t wearing a seatbelt?”
He shook his head. “I’d forgotten to put it on. I don’t know why—I always wore one. Maybe it was meant to be.” He forced a grim smile. “I was impaled on the shovel of an excavator.”
Ursula pulled in a deep breath. “Oh my god!” She could only imagine how painful it must have been.
“I don’t remember the impact or what followed. I was dying. If Quinn hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be here today. He turned me right there and then.”
“He saved you.” She stroked her hand over his cheek. “Why were you with him in the first place?”
“I worked for Scanguards. I think I might have told you about that before. I was the personal assistant of the owner, Samson. He took me under his wing, and he trusted me.” A pained expression came over his face.
“What’s wrong?”
Oliver closed his eyes for a moment. “When I realized that they were going to hide you from me, I was so angry I said terrible things to Samson.”
She tipped his chin up. “You have to apologize to him.”
“I know. But I can’t let him know that I found you. If I do, they’ll most likely move you somewhere else. I hate lying to my colleagues, but they don’t give me much of a choice.”
She faced away from him again and leaned against his chest. “They don’t believe that you can control your urges, is that it?”
Oliver combed his hands through her hair. “To them, I’m young and inexperienced. They think they know better.” He sighed. “Come, I’ll wash your hair.”
He pushed her lower in the tub so her hair sank into the water then pulled her up again. As he shampooed it, he continued, “Most of my colleagues have been around for a very long time. They’ve lived so many lifetimes that I think sometimes they forget what it’s like to be young.”
As Oliver massaged her head gently, she sighed contently. “You might be young, but you’re very good.”
He chuckled. “Good at making love?”
Ursula laughed. “Good at washing my hair.”
He huffed in mock-protest. “Wait until I get you underneath me again.”