
One King's Way

Page 24


A tentative relief began to move through me. “Yeah?”
His eyes widened slightly and he braced himself up over me now, his hands on the mattress at either side of my head as he studied my face. “Tell me that wasn’t the best you’ve ever had . . . I dare you.”
My relief began to grow. “Was it the best you’ve ever had?” My heart was pounding as I waited for his answer.
His head dipped. He brushed his mouth gently over mine before locking gazes with me. Sincerity and desire mingled in one heated tangle in his eyes. “I’ve never wanted a woman so much in my life, and I promise you . . . I’ve never come so fucking hard in my life.” His lips quirked up at the corner in dry amusement. “I thought for a minute there I was going to come before you did. That would have been a blow to my ego.”
“Literally.” I grinned.
He laughed and kissed me again. “So . . . was it as good for you?”
I rolled my eyes at his silly question. “You know it was.”
“No, I don’t.” He pressed his fingers to my chin, turning my face so I had to look at him. “I’ve always gotten satisfaction in getting a woman off. Some guys don’t care as long as they get their rocks off. Well I care. But with you it’s different. I fucking care. I need to know this was more than whatever you’ve had before.”
I swallowed hard, finding courage in his rare moment of vulnerability. “The best I’ve ever had,” I whispered. “I promise you that.”
His eyes flared and he kissed me hard, his groan of gratification rumbling through me.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays were Craig’s nights off and he’d decided Tuesday night would be the real starting-off point for their relationship.
He’d called in a favor with Braden and gotten a last-minute reservation at his restaurant La Cour. It was one of the swankiest French restaurants in town and not Craig’s usual sort of place, but he wanted Rain to know she was special.
Her eyes had widened at the sight of him standing in her doorway wearing the suit his mum had insisted on buying him for Christmas last year. She said every man should own a suit. This was his first time wearing the tailored three-piece suit. It was a dark gray and a slim-cut fit.
Rain’s chocolate eyes had darkened to almost black. “You look sexy as hell.”
Craig had taken in the dark red, fitted dress that was similar in style to most of the dresses he’d seen her in. This one, however, was cut lower in the neckline and she was wearing a silver locket that was nestled in her cleavage. He was going to have to try hard not to become fixated on that damn necklace for the rest of the evening.
“You look stunning,” he’d said. “But then, you always do.”
“Where are we going that you’re all fancied up? And am I dressy enough?”
“You always are. And it’s a surprise.”
Now Rain was sitting across from him at their cozy table in La Cour, smiling curiously at him as the waiter poured them each a glass of champagne. He didn’t really drink champagne, although he didn’t mind the taste of it. He was more of a whisky guy, but again he wanted Rain to feel special, and an eighty-pound bottle of champagne should hopefully help do that.
When the waiter left Rain gave him a wry smile. “La Cour? I thought you had to make a reservation weeks in advance.”
“Joss’s boyfriend, Braden, owns it.”
“Ah.” She nodded. “Connections.”
“You’ve never eaten here, then?”
“Nope. You?”
The curiosity shone in her eyes. “Then why are we here?”
He leaned across the table and covered her hand with his. “Because I wanted this to be a special night.”
“This is lovely,” she said, her expression turning serious, “but you do know that you don’t have to spend loads of money on me to make me feel special?”
She turned her hand so she could clasp his in it. “Craig, I just wanted to go on a date with you. Fish and chips and a stroll down by the waterfront would have been just as amazing. I need you to know that.”
“I do now.” He felt a moment of worry that he’d perhaps done this all wrong. He felt a little out of his depth with this whole serious-dating stuff. “Is this too much?”
She smiled and like always he felt something shift in his chest when she did it. “No. No one’s ever thought enough of me to take me somewhere like this. It’s a magical first date.”
The tension left him. “Good. I’m glad.”
They shared an intimate smile before checking out the menu.
“Although I’m not sure what half of the stuff on the menu is,” she muttered.
“Thank fuck,” he muttered back. “Because neither do I.”
*   *   *
Dinner was finished and although they’d been wary of what they were ordering, the food turned out to be as delicious as Braden had assured. They were waiting on dessert, and Rain seemed to have a nice buzz going from the champagne. In all honesty she was the most relaxed Craig had ever seen her.
He decided to at least set something straight while she was in a good mood and not readying herself to run for the door.
“To me this is a relationship,” he said. “I want this to be a real relationship. Monogamy and all.”
He saw her shoulders tense a little. “Craig . . . we should take this slow.”