

Page 19


“From time to time.”
I never thought of the Bargainer as having a place of his own, but of course he does. He visits earth often enough.
I take in the climbing bougainvillea and the gurgling fountain set into the front yard. Beyond it, his house stands majestic.
“This place is unbelievable,” I say. Suddenly my little home seems dingy and dilapidated by comparison.
He glances around, and I get the impression he’s trying to see his house through my eyes. “I’m glad you like it. You’re my first guest.”
I balk at this. “Really?”
First he shows me his wings. Now he shows me his hideaway. Both of these revelations are obviously important, but I can’t figure out the Bargainer’s motives.
“Does that make you uncomfortable?” he asks, his voice dropping low. “My bringing you here to my home?”
I get the distinct impression that he wants me to be uncomfortable.
He’s doing good job of it too.
“Curious, not uncomfortable,” I say, challenging him with my eyes. After all, he’d been in my home hundreds of times when I was younger.
The corner of his lip quirks, his eyes darkening with whatever schemes are brewing in that mind of his. He extends a hand forward. “Then come inside, we have much to discuss.”
I move through his entryway slowly, taking in the polished wooden floorboards and gleaming metal wall fixtures. No iron, I notice.
My brows furrow when I see two Venetian masks hanging along the wall. I used to have an identical pair back at Peel Academy. I feel goosebumps break out along my skin.
It means nothing.
A series of panoramic photographs line the entryway and spill into the living room, each one taken from a different corner of the world. The bright bazaars of Morocco, the austere mountains of Tibet, the red tile roofs of Cuzco. I’ve seen them all in person, thanks to the man at my side.
I can feel Des’s eyes on me, watching my every reaction.
Tentatively, I make my way into the living room, a worn leather couch rests on a shaggy fur rug. His coffee table is a giant wooden chest, the brass buckles dull with age.
“Tell me what you’re thinking, Callie.”
I love your place.
I want to bury my bare feet into that shaggy rug and feel the fur tickle my toes. I want to sprawl out on his couch and hang out with the Bargainer like we used to.
“I never realized how close you lived,” I say instead.
His eyes narrow, like he knows I didn’t speak my mind.
I crane my neck and try to peer down a darkened hallway.
“Want a tour of the place?” he asks, leaning against one of his walls. With his low-slung jeans and windswept hair, he looks like he invented the word sexiness, which is really annoying when you’re determined to harden your heart against someone.
I’m nodding before I think better of it.
So much for hardening my heart.
And so the Bargainer shows me his house, from the fancy kitchen to the guestroom I so recently furnished. The only two rooms he doesn’t show me are one, the room that contains a portal to the Otherworld—the land of the fae—and two, his bedroom, a.k.a., the two most interesting rooms in his house.
We end up back in his kitchen, an area of his house that, while much more polished than mine, is nonetheless a place you want to linger.
“Why did you bring me here?” I ask, idly opening a copper canister he has sitting against the wall. At first I think I’m staring at flour, but when it catches the light, it shimmers.
Fairy dust?
Instead of answering, Des sets the canister I hold aside and grabs my wrist. He runs a hand over my bracelet. “Tonight I want a truth from you,” he says, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Tell me, cherub, what have you been up to in the last seven years?”
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, I can feel the magic compelling me to talk. It’s not pushy like it was last night, because there is no time limit to this, but it does coat my tongue, beckoning me to speak.
“I went to Peel Academy for one more year,” I begin, “ and that’s when I met my best friend Temper.”
I swear I see him react to even that one little detail. He once held the prize position of my best friend, odd match though we were.
“She got me through that last year.” I don’t need to elaborate for him to understand that the thing I was getting through was him.
The hand that still hold my wrist now tightens.
“On graduation night Temper and I left the UK. We moved to L.A. and started our own business.”
“Ah, yes, West Coast Investigations is it?” he says.
My eyes widen before I can help it. “You know about it?”
He releases my hand. “I’m the Bargainer, I know all about your little business.” He says that like he keeps tabs on everyone. “Seems I’m not the only one extracting secrets these days.”
I can’t tell whether he’s pleased, or annoyed.
“Does that bother you?” I ask.
“It pleases me. And it angers me that it pleases me.” He frowns, folding his arms over his chest. “I never wanted you to end up like me.” All the trickery is gone from his voice when he says that.
“I didn’t realize that you cared one way or another.” Is that bitterness my voice? I think it is.
He gives me a rueful smile. “Tell me about your business.” He says this innocently enough, but I still feel his magic on my tongue, forcing me to answer.