

Page 30


Behind me, the glass doors out to my balcony shatter, and the night sweeps in, darkening the room. With it comes a wave of menace so palpable my hair stands on end.
Des steps out of the shadows, every line of his body tense. “Well, doesn’t this look cozy,” he says, taking in the two of us.
Eli begins to growl, something so deep and sinister that my hair stands on end, and it’s not even directed at me. “You,” he says.
“Me what, dog?” Des responds, crossing his arms.
Dog? Did the Bargainer just guess that Eli was a shifter, or had he known? I hadn’t told him about Eli when he asked about my relationships …
“Des,” I warn.
Eli pushes me behind him, like the Bargainer is the one we should all be worried about right now. “Stay out of this, Callie,” he orders.
See, now that—that was what was always wrong with our relationship. Eli taking command and assuming I’d fall in line. Which was about the equivalent of him poking a hornet’s nest with a stick.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to give her orders,” Des says. He cocks his head. “Did you really think someone like Callypso would actually want more from you than your dick?” he says, stepping forward, bringing the night at his back in with him.
I can feel the tug of Desmond’s magic luring me out from behind Eli, whose growl is getting louder with every passing second.
“What can you give her besides that?” The Bargainer continues. “Intellectually stimulating conversations?” His eyes flick over all six plus feet of hulking, barely-contained shifter. “That’s a definite no. I’m sure she’s been getting that need fulfilled elsewhere.”
Eli’s growl is so loud, I swear the house is vibrating with it.
“If you touch her …” Eli can barely get the words out. “If you lay one hand—”
Des flashes a sinister smile. “I have already laid a hand on her. And my mouth. And all other sorts of things—”
Eli lets out a roar, his muscles tensing. I think he’s going to rush the Bargainer, but instead he takes a staggering step forward, his skin rippling.
I’ve never seen the change happen in person, but oh my sweet baby Jesus, I’m about to. In less than a minute Des and I will be trapped in a room with a werewolf.
This is why shifters stay away from non-shifters during the full moon.
Unless, of course, they want to turn a particular non-shifter into a shifter.
That couldn’t be why Eli’s here, could it?
Eli knew I didn’t want to change, and even if I did, a witch should always be close at hand, just in case the change didn’t take, or the body became too weak, or any other sort of complications arose.
But Eli hadn’t been in the right frame of mind since he arrived, his brain already more wolf than man.
“You won’t change,” Des’s voice resonates throughout the room, and I feel the magic brush past me, forcing itself on Eli. “Not in this house, not so close to one whom you consider your … mate.”
How much had he heard of our conversation?
How much had he already known?
A whine interrupts the string of deep growls coming from Eli. He turns to me, his eyes already amber. There’s nothing of the man I cared for in them. Just the feral eyes of a wolf. Yet I don’t fear him. Eli’s protective instinct is innate, and I’m part of his pack.
But he will hurt Des. Des, who is competition, Des who is in his territory, exerting control on his—ugh—mate. Des, who I can feel staring at me. I can sense his growing need to take me away.
“Eli,” I say quietly. I hold his gaze as shades of brown start to bleed back into his irises.
I begin to relax, especially when he straightens.
Then Eli’s head swings towards Des, and the growl erupts in his chest all over again.
And then something makes him snap. Letting out a snarl, he charges Des.
My heart nearly stops.
Fear, the likes of which I haven’t felt in a long time, courses through me.
“Eli, don’t touch him.” This time, when I use the glamour, I know what I’m doing. My voice is strong and unwavering.
Eli stops just short of Des, bound by my magic.
I crossed a line. I know I did.
I don’t care. That’s the truly frightening part. I took away Eli’s free will, and all I feel is relief that Des is unharmed.
The panic I felt, the utter terror …
My eyes meet the Bargainer’s. His are unreadable.
“It’s time to go, cherub,” he says while Eli chuffs in confusion mere feet away.
I give the shifter a worried look. Eli might’ve forgiven me using glamour on him once. But twice?
No way.
He makes a baying sound, something that cuts me deep. “Callie, no,” he says. He’s beginning to hunch over again, his brown eyes bleeding to gold. Not even the Bargainer’s magic can hold the change back for long.
I hesitate, realizing what this is—a crossroads. Down one path is Eli and everything he represents; down the other is Des.
If Eli killed the Bargainer, I’d be released from my debts. Des probably deserves death. And with the Bargainer gone, I’d get another chance at life with Eli. And eventually I would become his mate. It would be so easy to just say yes, to give into a life that a thousand other women would want.
But eventually Eli would want me to make the change. Eli had already started bringing that up —that and … pups. Shifters were big family people. I’d be his wife, mother of his many children.