

Page 82


Now it’s more than just panic I feel. I’m terrified. He’s leaving, not just for the night, but for many. Perhaps for the rest of the nights of my life.
His hand falls to my doorknob. And I know, this is it: the moment he walks out of my life.
All because of one single kiss. One kiss that revealed his wings.
Never before had I seen them. The one single time the unshakable Des slipped up was with me.
That has to be worth something, right? Something worth fighting for.
“One final wish.” My voice is harder than I imagined. More resolute.
He bows his head. “Don’t, Callie,” he says, almost begging me.
His one weakness—a bargain. He can’t seem to help himself when it comes to granting me favors.
I don’t know what comes over me, what strange compulsion pushes me to say words that I have no right saying to the Bargainer. I only know that my very world has come to a standstill, and if I do nothing, it will fall off its axis.
I close my eyes, and words from an old book flow from my lips. “From flame to ashes, dawn to dusk, for the rest of our lives, be mine always, Desmond Flynn.”
All I hear is his ragged breathing.
I don’t even have the presence of mind to be embarrassed. The old binding verse spoken between lovers felt right leaving my lips.
I open my eyes, and the two of us stare at each other. I’ve never seen horror and wonder share space on someone’s face, but he manages to wear both. And then he vanishes in a wisp of smoke.
I didn’t know then that he wasn’t coming back.
A fairy doesn’t show his wings to his betrothed. A fairy shows them to his soulmate.
I stop breathing.
The entire world goes quiet, until all I can hear is the pounding of my heart, my stupid, hopeful heart.
“You lie,” I whisper.
He gives me a small smile, his eyes shining so brightly. “No, cherub, I’m not.”
I feel like I’m on the verge of breaking. “So you’re saying … ?”
“That I’m in love with you? That I have been since you were that obstinate teen with way too much courage? That you’re my soulmate and I’m yours? Gods save me, yes I am.”
My knees nearly buckle.
Yes, my heart whispers, soulmates.
Seven years ago I buried my past and recreated myself. Seven years ago I fell in love.
I fell in love, and I never fell out of it. Which was problematic, because seven years ago my first love broke my heart.
“But you left,” I say softly.
He stays rigidly in place. “I did,” he says, his eyes sad. “But I never meant to stay away.”
“Then why did you?”
He runs a hand through his hair, looks away, then takes a deep breath, his gaze returning to me. “You were so damn young,” he says quietly, his eyes searching my face. “And you’d been abused. And my heart chose you. I felt it that first night, but I didn’t believe it, not until the feeling grew until it couldn’t be ignored.
“I couldn’t stay away, I could barely resist you at all, but I didn’t want to push you into something. Not when you’d just escaped a man that took and took. I didn’t want you to think that was all men were good for.”
I can’t breathe. A silent tear tracks down my cheek. Then another.
Des wipes my tears away, his expression so gentle. “So I let you play your game, buying favor after favor from me, until the day I couldn’t take it. No mate of mine should owe me. But my magic, it has a mind of its own … like your siren, I can’t always control it. It thought that the more you owed me, the longer I could guarantee that you were in my life. Of course, that strategy came to an abrupt end the moment you cast your final wish.”
Tears are still dropping down my face as I rack my brain for the wish he’s referring to.
“That final wish of yours,” he continues, “it was bigger than either of us. You wanted me, I was falling for you and it wasn’t right, Callie. I knew it wasn’t right. Not when you were sixteen. But I could be patient. For my little siren, my mate, I could.”
He flashes me a soft smile, his eyes brimming with some deep emotion.
And I feel light as air. This is everything I wanted to hear all those years ago. And now it’s making me cry harder. I thought my scarred heart had fallen for the one man who couldn’t love me back.
His eyes go distant. “But that wish … I was a prisoner to it.”
“What wish?” He keeps mentioning this ominous wish, and I have no idea what he’s talking about.
Des’s focus sharpens. “Your last one. On the night of the dance—‘From flame to ashes, dawn to dusk, for the rest of our lives, be mine always, Desmond Flynn,’” he says, quoting the binding verse I spoke long ago.
My face heats. “You never granted that one.”
“Are you sure about that?”
My skin goes cold as his words sink in. “You … you granted it?”
“I did,” the Bargainer says, his eyes moving to my lips.
He’d agreed to be mine. My brain is exploding at that.
I glance at my bracelet. “But the beads never showed up …”
“They wouldn’t, since you were already paying them off. We both were.”
My breath catches, and a lump forms in my throat. “What do you mean?” I barely get the words out.
“A favor as large as the one you requested requires steep payment,” the Bargainer continues. “Do you think my magic would allow you to buy yourself a mate so easily? That kind of favor requires a good dose of heartbreak and years of waiting—seven years, to be precise.”