
Shadow Rider

Page 60


She thought it strange that his sister woke him up instead of her parents, but he didn’t enlighten her further so she took another sip of the delicious brew.
“I’ve been thinking about your living arrangements. I’ve come up with a great solution. John Balboni and his wife, Suzette, own the hardware store. They’ve wanted to travel for a while, but she’s nervous about leaving their home unattended and they got into a little trouble financially a couple of years ago. They have a little guest unit. I think it would be mutually beneficial if you could live in that unit. She’d be happy, they could use the money and she would feel they could comfortably leave home.”
It sounded perfect but . . . there was Barry. If he found out where she was staying, he would come after her. He’d destroy any property. The horrible apartment building where she’d lived didn’t much matter, but the Balbonis sounded like a nice couple who couldn’t afford to have their guest unit destroyed.
He nodded as if reading her mind. “You see the problem. Barry is probably searching for you right now. How did you pay for your bus ticket?”
“When I got out of the hospital, I knew I had to get away from Barry’s influence, so I stayed on the street and in shelters. I knew he had someone watching me. Street people stick together and they helped me evade the watcher. Joanna had sent me money and I used it to buy a bus ticket. I got rid of all my clothes, selling them, or trading in the thrift store so they couldn’t recognize anything I wore. I boarded the bus and came here.”
“But you know he’ll find you.” He made it a statement.
Francesca nodded. “Eventually. I was hoping I had the chance to get back on my feet before he did. He left me too afraid and too exhausted.”
“So we’ll have to change plans. This hotel is secure. You’ll have to stay here. With me. He won’t get his crew past security and there’s no way he can destroy where you’re staying.”
Francesca held her breath. Her eyes met his. Temptation was a man who was so beautiful he looked like sin. “Stefano . . . Thank you, but I can’t accept.”
“I wasn’t asking, bella. It’s the only solution. It keeps you and everyone else safe. Besides. I’ve wanted to take on Barry Anthon for a long time. You’ll stay here and we’ll put a plan together to draw him out. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you. He won’t get close to you. With you under my protection, he’s going to have to change his game. He’s comfortable with that game, and he’s going to start making mistakes.”
“But I can’t let you . . .”
“Did you not fucking hear me? You’re staying here. With me.”
He was back to swearing, impatience in his voice. She let her breath out. She wasn’t as afraid of Barry as she was of staying with Stefano. She might not just lose her body to him; she would definitely lose her heart. Still, even with knowing that, she couldn’t resist temptation. Or safety. Or that bed. She nodded slowly.
Francesca stomped out of her bedroom, hair still damp, dressed in a soft skirt that fell to her ankles and a camisole that emphasized her generous breasts and narrow rib cage. She’d never worn anything like it in her life, but she’d definitely seen both items before—she’d admired them in the window of Lucia’s Treasures. She had new underwear, a drawer full. Every pair of panties and each bra was exquisite—again, something so incredibly nice that she’d never worn before. She loved them, but they didn’t belong to her.
She needed clothes because she had to go to work, but this was too much. How had Stefano managed to acquire clothes at three or four in the morning? And it had to have been after three or four. And how had they gotten into her room?
“These aren’t mine,” she greeted him, trying not to stare. Of course he looked gorgeous, already dressed in a pin-striped three-piece suit, his dark hair gleaming under the lights at the breakfast table. He glanced up from reading what clearly had to be some kind of report, his blue eyes meeting hers. Her heart stuttered in her chest and her reprimand died in her throat. No one should look that good in the morning.
Stefano smiled at her, his gaze drifting over her. “You look beautiful. Good morning. I ordered breakfast. I wasn’t certain what you’d like so I took a chance on eggs and potatoes. They sent up fresh squeezed orange juice and coffee. There’s tea if you prefer.”
“Stefano, where are my clothes?”
He stood and reached for her. His long fingers settled around her elbow and he drew her to the chair opposite to where he’d been sitting. She sank into it more because her knees were suddenly weak than because she wanted to sit. She actually wanted to walk around, to continue feeling the swish of the soft material on her legs.