
Shadow Rider

Page 69


She could find more clothes at a thrift store, not take anything else from Stefano, but the money would get her out of the city and she could go somewhere completely different. She knew how to get lost on the street. She’d done it before, losing Barry’s man so he wouldn’t know when she boarded a bus.
She couldn’t go without money. She had to get a loan from Stefano. Once she was on her feet, she’d send him the money. She could work. She was a hard worker. She didn’t know how Barry had found her so fast, but she would get better at hiding. She had to get better. He was already breathing down her neck and she hadn’t been in the city that long.
Her phone rang. She stared down at it as if it were alive. She knew who it was. She flipped it open and put it to her ear.
“Don’t you dare fucking leave that store, Francesca. I mean it. Whatever is going on you tell me. You don’t plan to run off. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He hung up abruptly, not giving her a chance to respond.
There was no greeting and no nice ending to the conversation. Stefano was not happy. She took a deep breath. He would be there soon, and he would talk her out of leaving. She knew he could persuade her because she didn’t actually want to leave. She had to, to protect Pietro, Joanna, and even Stefano. He might look at it as running, but she knew firsthand that Barry Anthon was capable of murder and he wouldn’t hesitate if anyone got in his way.
She couldn’t go out the front door. Emilio and Enzo were out there. She whirled around and started down the hall, heading toward the rear of the building. She had to leave now, before she was ready. She could have asked for her pay. Pietro would have given her cash, but she didn’t dare wait one more minute. She yanked open the door and nearly ran right into Enzo.
He grinned at her. “Going somewhere, Francesca?” He blocked the exit with his body. He was solid. Impossible to move. He leaned one hip lazily against the doorjamb. “I have to tell you, sweetheart, that man of yours is in rare form. He blew up my phone with orders and promises of all kinds of pain and torture if you manage to evade me. Which you wouldn’t be so mean as to try to do, right? I mean, you know Stefano. He wouldn’t be in the least understanding if you slipped past me.”
Francesca stepped back, because she had no choice as Enzo stepped forward. She put a defensive hand to her throat. “I’m trying to do the right thing, Enzo. I’m protecting him. You have no idea of the enemies I have. I have to get out of here.”
Enzo shook his head, a small smile playing on his mouth. “You’re protecting Stefano Ferraro. My cousin.” He grinned at her. “That is so rich. Protecting him.”
“It’s not a laughing matter.”
The smile faded and he tipped his head to one side. “You’re serious.”
“Very. I know you love him. For his sake, you have to let me go. I’ll get on a bus and disappear.” She wasn’t certain she had enough money to get her anywhere. She still hadn’t gotten a real paycheck yet.
“Honey, Stefano Ferraro isn’t a man who needs protection from anyone. People need protection from him. Trust your man to take care of you. Trust our family.”
She sensed movement behind her, although she didn’t hear anything. Enzo lifted his gaze beyond her shoulder and she turned her head to see Emilio coming up behind her. The two men caged her in.
“Want to tell me what the hell is going on? Stefano is losing his fuckin’ mind,” Emilio greeted.
“Francesca here is leaving to protect Stefano from some big bad enemy she has,” Enzo supplied.
Emilio stopped in his tracks, his face showing shock. “What?”
“You heard me.”
Francesca had had enough. “Move, Enzo. You can’t stop me.”
“Honey.” Enzo grinned at her. “Physics apply here. You’re not up to taking me on.”
“Are you shitting me?” Emilio demanded. “You’re protecting Stefano.”
She sighed, trying to push down the relief. She didn’t want to feel relief, but she did. She was terrified of leaving. She didn’t want to go back to the streets, but more, she didn’t want to be alone anymore. Barry Anthon had terrorized her for so long she had forgotten what good was until she’d been with Stefano. She’d forgotten what safe felt like until she’d been with him.
“Fine. I’ll go back to work, finish my shift and face his majesty when I’m off work,” she capitulated.
“I think you’re officially off work for the day. He’s blown up my cell, Enzo’s cell and Pietro’s phone. I wouldn’t be surprised if every single one of his brothers as well as Emmanuelle show up.”