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“I have an older brother. He got stuck with Count. Again with the vampire theme. Count Dracula. She said it means noble but we’re on to her.” Shut up, she ordered herself but then the New Species laughed. She relaxed. “She’s weird but we love her.”
“What did your father think about those names?”
She hesitated. “He was a workaholic. He was gone a lot, out of the country on business when most of us were born so I don’t think he had much input. He pretty much got her pregnant and then flew away. We joke that we know when he had vacation time by counting back nine months from our birthdays. He’s retired these days.”
“That must be nice that he’s home now.”
“Well, my parents haven’t killed each other yet so I guess it is.” Vanni took another drink of her tea. She was downing it fast. It might silence her before she over-shared too much about her family just to find a topic of conversation. “I take it you’re here for the thing?”
He blinked. “Thing?”
“You know. The conference thing.” The New Species Organization was promoting the expansion of the NSO Reservation to start a wildlife sanctuary to take in more rescued animals. Gregory argued they were really training them to attack people. He was nuts.
He nodded. “Yes. Are you as well?”
She wasn’t going to admit it or he might ask who she’d come with. Pastor Gregory was one of New Species’ biggest adversaries. After hearing the vicious things Carl’s father had said about people like Smiley she was ashamed to be associated with that church in any way. He seemed nice and definitely not deranged. “Vacation,” she lied.
He nodded. “It’s beautiful here in Los Angeles. I love the city lights I see from my room. It’s like a different world from where I come from.”
“Do you live at Homeland or Reservation?”
“Homeland.” He drank more of his soda. “I’m here on security detail. I just finished my shift.”
She nodded, deciding to change the subject. “You’re drinking Red Bull and vodka?” She glanced at the glass he held.
He shook his head. “Most of my kind don’t drink alcohol. This is just a soda.”
She’d heard so many rotten things from Carl’s father about New Species but talking to Smiley proved him wrong, so far anyway. It wasn’t a surprise that the pastor was a gasbag. She cleared her throat, trying to think of a topic to talk about.
“Take my advice and just enjoy the city from your room. This neighborhood is nice but I wouldn’t want to venture a few blocks over. The crime rate is horrible.”
One dark eyebrow arched as he peered at her with curiosity.
“That older brother I mentioned is a cop. He made me swear not to leave the hotel after doing a computer check of the area before I arrived. I got a lecture about carjackings, muggings and rape complaints that had been filed. He acted as though I’d take moonlight strolls down alleys or something.” She grinned. “I’m always going to be five years old to him, I swear. I’m hoping that one day he realizes I’m an adult but I’m not holding my breath.”
“He worries about you.”
She completely relaxed. “That’s what big brothers do all the way from New York. He moved there five years ago but Dad mentioned my trip so I got ‘the phone call’. I know he loves me, even though he’s kind of a pain.”
“Thank you for the warning about crime but we aren’t allowed to leave the hotel.”
That surprised her. “Why not?”
“There are a lot of humans who wish us harm or death just because we exist.”
She thought she saw a flash of pain in his attractive brown eyes but hoped he didn’t notice her guilty look. Pastor Gregory and his church were part of the problem. “They are idiots.”
“The hotel has good security so it’s safe for us as long as we stay inside. We also have our own security teams in place but we’re under orders to stick together.”
She glanced around the bar then back at him. “I don’t see any other New Species.”
He hesitated. “The two humans sitting at a table in the far corner are on our task force. They are keeping an eye on me. We travel in teams. I just wanted some alone time.”
“I’m sorry. And here I am chatting away at you. I’ll go.” She started to slide off the barstool to give him privacy.
“Don’t. I didn’t mean that how it sounded. I wanted to get away from them, not you. I’m enjoying our talk.”
Vanni settled back into her seat and drank some tea but couldn’t resist glancing at the far corner. Two big, burly men regarded her from a table. They looked mean and she knew without a doubt they were part of Smiley’s security team. She stared up at him. “I hope they don’t deem me a threat.”
Smiley chuckled. “I’ll deserve some pain if you attack and cause me harm. No offense.”
“None taken.” She laughed. “I know I’m intimidating at five foot three. This flower-print skirt really screams badass, doesn’t it?” She glanced at her lap. “God, I hate this thing.”
“Why are you wearing it?”
Because I was ordered to and thought it was easier to put it on rather than argue with Carl. “I had a dinner to attend earlier and it was appropriate attire.” She didn’t offer more of an explanation, just sipped her tea and tugged at her shirt. She had begun to sweat. “Wow. It’s really hot in here.”