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Justice took a deep breath and his full attention snapped to her. His catlike eyes narrowed. “Shit.”
“My sense of smell isn’t as good as yours but I’m right, aren’t I?” Smiley queried.
Vanni shivered, suddenly cold again, despite the jacket draped around her and she grabbed at the edges, holding it tightly against her middle. She wanted to draw her knees up and curl into a ball just to try to get warm.
“Who are you working for?” Justice North glared at her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s worse,” Smiley whispered. “I think she dosed my drink too.”
A terrifying snarl came from Justice North and he flashed some scary, sharp fangs, never taking his eyes off her while he spoke to Smiley. “You think or you know you were dosed?”
“I’m pretty sure I was. I’m sweating, my heart rate is up and I’m feeling it in my jeans. She’s attractive and I’m starting to hurt. I didn’t drink enough to lose control but I’m in for some hell.”
“What is the emergency?” A New Species arrived, sporting the NSO uniform, his black hair pulled into a ponytail. He was huge. He sniffed and growled. “Breeding drug. I can smell it.”
“It’s coming from her,” Smiley informed him. “She drank it and dosed me too, Brass.”
Chapter Two
“I want to go now.” Vanni was afraid and confused. They were talking about her as if she’d drugged both Smiley and herself. She tried to slide off the barstool to escape but Smiley prevented her from leaving when he grabbed her h*ps and pushed her back against the seat.
His hands were warm where he held her and she noticed again how really good he smelled. She couldn’t believe she noticed that with everything going on but she did. “What’s happening to me?”
She stared into Smiley’s eyes, hoping he’d tell her. Some emotion flashed in them but she couldn’t identify it. He turned his head away but kept hold of her as he looked at Justice North.
“I don’t think they warned her what would happen. She’s scared. No one could act this well.”
“We need to get both of you out of here.” Justice withdrew a phone from his pocket. “I’ll order two SUVs to drive around the hotel and we’ll take you out a back door rather than asking the hotel for permission to use their heliport. It’s the least suspicious way. There are too many reporters on scene. Medical will be on standby when you reach Homeland. You’ll be taken in separate vehicles.”
“No.” Smiley shook his head. “The trip will take about two hours and she’ll attack the males if her symptoms worsen.”
“They can restrain her.” Justice turned and strode a few feet away to talk on the phone. He kept his voice low so she couldn’t hear what was said.
She looked around the room and was terrified to see the bar had been cleared of everyone except New Species and men wearing NSO uniforms. She counted over a dozen.
“Vanni?” She looked up at Smiley. “It’s going to get far worse. How much pain are you in?”
“A lot,” she admitted. Her stomach hurt and she was very aware of the area between her thighs. “What’s wrong with me? Is it poison?”
“Worse.” He bent down until their faces were close. “That drug you put in our drinks is a breeding drug.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about but I didn’t do it.”
“You sat next to me. You’re the only one I let down my guard around.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
His expression softened. “I want to believe you.” He glanced around then spoke to the guy with the ponytail. “Brass, she said she didn’t do it. Perhaps it was someone else.”
The male stepped forward and visually examined Vanni. “Where is your purse?” He patted her down, removing the hotel key card from her skirt pocket then frowned, staring at her. “Where is your identification?”
Vanni fought to form words. “I don’t have any. I left it in my room.”
Brass scowled. “That’s suspicious. Humans always carry certain things and she doesn’t have any of them. No purse. No driver’s license. Did any other hotel guests come near you, Smiley?”
“No. Just her and the bartender.”
“We cleared him, for now. All the humans who work here had thorough background checks. She appears to be the guilty one.”
“What’s going to happen to me? Are they going to call an ambulance?” Vanni’s unease was spiraling into fear.
“A human hospital can’t help us. We need to go to Homeland. That drug was invented for New Species. Our doctors have more knowledge than yours would.” Smiley leaned in closer, holding her gaze.
A hot flash struck and she groaned as her skin started to feel as if it were on fire. She released the lapels of the jacket and latched on to Smiley’s upper arms. A sharp stabbing sensation pierced her stomach and jolted lower to her vagina. She cried out and clung to Smiley. It felt as if someone was tearing her apart with a sword.
“Does anyone have a stun gun on them? We need to put her out.”
It alarmed Vanni when someone said that. They were going to hurt her? She whimpered and leaned forward, pressing her face against Smiley’s shoulder. He stepped closer and allowed it.