

Page 90


“Thank you for letting us know.”
“Go bond with your mate.” The phone disconnected.
Vanni gave him a curious look after he returned the phone to the cradle and faced her. “Is everything okay?”
It was a reminder that she was human. Jericho had a voice that carried and a Species would have overheard the conversation, sitting so close to him.
“Fine.” He stretched out next to her. “You can touch me.” He was hopeful she still wanted to. “That was my friend Jericho. Gregory is annoying everyone at Reservation. We’re flying there earlier in the morning than planned.”
She lay on her side against him and placed her palm on his stomach. He tried to keep his breathing slow and steady but his heart raced. Her touch excited him as her fingertips stroked over his lower ribs.
“They want to transfer him to Fuller Prison. That’s where we send humans who commit crimes against Species. It’s run by humans.”
“I’ve never heard of it.”
“It’s a secret location that humans don’t know about. We didn’t want to put our people in the position of being jailors to the ones who harmed them. It didn’t seem fair or right to punish them by suffering their presence after they were sent away.”
Her gaze lifted and she smiled. “That sounds really smart.”
“We try.” He caught his breath when her fingers played lower, just under his bellybutton. She turned her head a little and grinned at the state of his lower half.
“I told you that I really enjoy your touch.”
“I see.”
“I get hard for you.”
“I see that too.” She lifted her hand away and he muffled a groan of protest.
Vanni sat up and climbed down the bed a bit, putting her closer to his hips. She rolled over onto her knees, a position that made him wish he were behind her. Color flooded her cheeks but she smiled.
“So we’re like married, right?”
“I’m not real forward but I would like you to do something. Is that okay?”
She laughed. “I didn’t even tell you what I want you to do. You really should ask before agreeing to it or I could take advantage of that. What if I said I wanted you to take out the trash?”
“You’re not mean. I’m hopeful that it’s something sexual.”
Her laughter was the best sound ever. Her hand came down on his thigh, the touch gentle when she gripped him just inches away from his dick. It jerked in response, hopeful too.
“You’d do anything for me?”
“Yes. Name it.”
Her humor faded to a sincere expression. “You’re amazing.”
“I’m grateful you think so. What would you like me to do, my Vanni?” His gaze lowered to her thighs and he remembered she was shy. “Would you like my mouth on you?”
She sucked in a sharp breath, drawing his attention. The blush returned and he grinned. He could tell by her reaction that she wasn’t opposed to it. He sat up a little, prepared to do it, but she shook her head. He froze.
“I’d like to know if you’ll lie real still and let me, um…” She swallowed hard and shot a quick glance at his dick. “Um, you know. On you. I don’t think I’m really good at it but practice, right? I want to. Would you mind?”
“You want to put your mouth on me?” He winced a little at the gruff tone of his voice. He cleared his throat. “That’s a yes.”
She was adorable when she blushed even more and ducked her head. Her hair created a curtain, obstructing his view of his dick when she leaned over him. He slid flat and fisted his hands to avoid touching her. The soft strands of hair tickled his belly but he suppressed it. He was afraid he’d startle her or make her change her mind if he moved it. Hot breath fanned the crown of his dick and he closed his eyes.
“You can do anything,” he managed to get out. “I’m all yours.”
Her hot, wet mouth wrapped around the head of his dick and every muscle in his body grew rigid. The feel of her tongue hesitantly licking at him, tasting him, made his nuts ache. He eased his legs apart very slightly, hoping she wouldn’t notice. She took a little more of his shaft and moved up and down, stroking him in a way that made everything around them fade into nothingness. It was just Vanni and the pleasure she inflicted upon him. He clenched his teeth to avoid making sounds.
She stopped, releasing him. “Am I doing okay?”
Sweat beaded on his forehead and he opened his eyes. “Yes.”
“You’re sure? You’re really tense and you are kind of breathing weird.”
“I’m trying not to scare you.”
She twisted her head and lifted it, tossing her hair out of the way. Their gazes met and her eyes widened. “Your face is red. I am bad at this, aren’t I?”
“You’re perfect. I swear. I just am afraid I’ll startle you if I make noises and I don’t want you to stop. It is so amazing when you do that.”
She didn’t seem convinced.
“Remember my mouth on you? It’s that good.”
“It’s so good it almost hurts but in the best way?”
She surprised him when she suddenly moved and pushed against his inner thigh with her hand. He spread wider and she climbed between his legs, facing him on her hands and knees. She opened her hands on him just above his knees and gently pushed. He spread more, having no idea what she was doing, but he’d let her do anything.