

Page 99


“It’s all a lie!” Gregory clutched at his chest. “That was all Bruce.”
“He used money that you gave him to do your bidding. You’re caught and you will pay for your crimes, Pastor Woods.”
“I think I’m having a heart attack.”
“Okay.” Smiley didn’t move. “Have one. I wouldn’t mind watching you take your last breath.”
“You can’t let me die. I have followers, damn it. They’ll storm your gates and kill everyone.”
“They believe you fled the country and abandoned them. No one will even know if you die. We’ll just bury you in that graveyard you say we have.” Torrent looked amused. “He could be the first body we put in it.”
Smiley grinned. “Sounds like a plan.”
Big tears rolled down Gregory’s cheeks. “You can’t do this to me. I’m important.” He glanced between them. “I’m also rich. I’ll pay you to get me out of here. How much do you want? Name the amount.”
“We don’t care about money.” Smiley cocked his head. “I just wanted to look you in the eyes before you were sent to Fuller Prison. Vanni is safe and you’ll never have the opportunity to harm her again. You’ll pay for everything you’ve done. I’m not angry with you for what was done to me but you tried to harm the female I love. Big mistake. I just wish I enjoyed this more but you’re too…” He seemed to struggle to find a word.
Torrent helped. “Pitiful.”
Smiley flashed him a grin. “Yes.”
Gregory’s face reddened and he sputtered. “You’re barbaric!”
“What do you expect? You attacked us.” Smiley straightened. “You should have learned more about your enemy before you struck out at us.” All trace of humor faded from his features. “You’re going to be the one living the remainder of your life in a cage. Isn’t that what you wanted for us? You’ll learn what it’s like not to feel the sun on your face or experience the simple act of kindness from your guards. It’s a fate you wished for us. Fuller Prison will be your zoo. You just shouldn’t expect any visitors.”
“You creatures aren’t going to get away with this.” Gregory shot out of his chair. “I’m Gregory Woods. Everyone will be looking for me and they won’t ever stop. You’re going to pay for this. People will wise up and realize what you’re really up to.”
“What is that? Taking over the world? We just want peace. You’d have learned that if you’d really done your research. We just want humans like you to leave us alone. You couldn’t do that.” Smiley moved to the side and opened the door. “I’m done, Torrent. You can have them transferred now.”
“Thank you.” Torrent grinned. “I can’t wait to put them in the van.”
Smiley peered at the glass then glanced into the empty hallway. Vanni thought he might be searching for her and stood but had no real desire to speak to Gregory. Torrent was right. He was pathetic but she didn’t pity him. He deserved to be locked up but seeing him in that room had helped her find closure.
She walked to the door and opened it. “Let’s go,” she said loud enough that Smiley would hear her.
He turned toward her and met her gaze. “We’re done here?”
She nodded.
Smiley closed the door to the interrogation room behind him and came to her. He reached out and she clasped his hand. “Are you okay?”
“I am now.”
“Do you want to Taser him?” A gleam of amusement lit up his eyes. “It might be fun.”
“I don’t think Torrent wants to hear him cry again,” Vanni teased.
“True.” Smiley looked over her head. “We’re ready to go, Jericho. Will you give us a ride to the hotel?”
“Let’s get out of here.”
The door to the interrogation room opened and Vanni stepped to the side a little to stare beyond Smiley. Gregory was led out of the room. He turned his head and saw her. Their gazes met and he stopped walking.
“This is all your fault, Travanni. I always hated you.”
Smiley rumbled and spun. Vanni clutched him tighter and grabbed his arm too, hoping he wouldn’t go after Gregory.
“He’s not worth it,” she insisted.
Smiley rumbled again but he relaxed in her hold. Gregory turned farther to face her and pointed at her. “You’re going to pay for this.”
Vanni released Smiley’s arm and flipped Gregory off. “I always wanted to do that. Screw you, Gregory. Smiley and I are getting married. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me and I wanted you to know it. You did me the biggest favor of my life. Choke on that the next time you open your mouth and spew your hate.”
Torrent shoved him, forcing him forward. “Move, crybaby. I see you are braver when you’re confronting a small female. Why am I not surprised? You’re truly pathetic.”
They turned at the end of the hall and walked out of sight. Vanni looked up and waited for Smiley to turn his head. He did and she saw his anger.
“Let it go. I plan to.” She stepped closer to him and placed her hand on his chest. “Let’s leave it in the past and never think about them again. They really aren’t worth it.”
“You’re right.”
She winked. “I like hearing that.”
Smiley wrapped his arm around her waist. “You’re also very sexy when you’re giving someone the bird.”