
Sweet Temptation

Page 94


He puffs out his chest and declares, “Dearly beloved!” like an old, Southern minister.
We all lose it. And shite, I don’t realize how blazin’ tense I am until we’re all falling over with laughter.
“All right,” Blake says when we finally calm down. He looks at me. “For real this time. Keep your eyes on Anna and repeat after me. You ready?”
I run my hands through my hair, frustrated by this persistent nervousness. Nothing has ever been this important to me. I’ve been thinking of this as Anna’s special day, but as I exhale sharply and take her hands again, I realize I want this as much as she does. I lock eyes with Anna and prepare to vow my love and loyalty to her alone. My voice drops an octave as I fight back emotion.
“I, Kaidan, take you, Anna, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.” I struggle to get the next words out. “. . . till death do us part.”
Anna’s eyes drift closed, forcing tears to roll out. I quickly wipe them and whisper, “No tears, luv.”
Her chin quavers but she nods. We grip hands tighter. Her voice is pure and angelic when she says her vows, and I let each word soak into my skin, through muscle and bone, into my very soul where I’ll cherish them for eternity.
She beams up at me when she finishes, and my broad smile matches hers.
“Time for the rings,” Blake says.
Anna’s face falls. “Oh, I didn’t—”
“Don’t worry,” I say, reaching into my pocket. I know she is a reasonable girl, I hope too reasonable to expect diamonds, but I’m still anxious about her reaction. I open my palm to show her.
“I figured we’d have to wear these on our opposite hands after today,” I explain when she says nothing. “And since it’s our secret, I decided on your birthstone instead of a diamond. I had to guess your size.”
She stares a moment longer before grinning up at me. “I love it.” The awe in her voice makes me stand taller.
I hand her the men’s band and we exchange rings, sliding them on to each other’s fingers as a symbol of our love and commitment.
Blake claps a hand onto my shoulder. “Now for the good part. You may kiss your bride.”
“’Bout time,” I say, leaning forward to seal the most important moment of my life.
“No tongue!” Gin shouts.
“Yes tongue!” Marna counters.
Oh, for the love of—
Anna flings her arms about my neck and snogs me good to shut them up. Marna and Blake cheer and Ginger snorts. I drown them out and focus on Anna’s lips.
We press our foreheads together, and her eyes sparkle with glee.
“Did we really just do that?” I ask.
She smiles and nods and bursts into excited giggles. I grab her around the waist and lift her up, kissing her again, fighting the instinct to take her straight into the loo for a bit of privacy.
“Should I be this turned on by a wedding?” I ask.
“You get turned on when the wind blows!” Ginger says with a laugh.
Right enough. Anna laughs and I grin at her.
We’re all a bit mad at that moment, as if we’ve had loads to drink, though in fact we’re sober as nuns. I suppose that’s how rebellion feels—living with purpose—like each second is monumental and full. I soak it in, because I’m not fool enough to think it will last forever. But it’s ours now, all ours.
“You trace my lines, stirring my soul,
Shoot sparks at the heart of the world and I watch it explode.”
—“Run” by Matt Nathanson
The extravagant cabin is even better than I’d hoped. Anna certainly seems to agree. She’s rushing about the rooms in hyper speed, sighing and touching and exclaiming about every detail. The bed looks as if it’s been carved from an ancient tree, complete with overhanging branches and wood beams in the ceilings. Everything resembles autumn, with fabrics of red, brown, and yellow, and rustic wood furniture. I want to kiss Anna every time she flits past, but I can’t bloody catch her. Finally I nab her in the ginormous bathroom, and our mouths meet.
When she tenses, I pull back. “What’s wrong?”
She glances down. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Ah. She’s already thinking ahead.
“Anna?” I ask.
“Hm?” She’s gone shy.
“Have you ever felt as though you were fumbling around awkwardly when we’re together?”
“Um . . . I guess not.”
“Exactly. Some things come naturally, so don’t overthink it. I’m going to take care of you.”
She talks quietly, not looking me in the eye. “But I want to take care of you, too. You have to show me what to do.”
My lovely Anna is too kind. She has no clue how anything she does this night will only further satisfy my growing need for her.
“I’m not as hard to please as you might imagine. I’ll show you anything you want.”
She swallows and nods.
“Also . . .” I clear my throat. “Two days ago when Father told me he was sending me to seek you out . . . I had a test done. Just in case anything were to happen with us—I just wanted to be sure.”
Damn good thing, too, because after Marna, I’d be paranoid as hell tonight.
“Oh,” Anna says. “To make sure you’re really . . .”