
The Dark Highlander

Page 59


Not only was refusing a Keltar male’s bed a difficult thing to do, but it was a criminal waste of a woman’s time, in Gwen’s opinion. Drustan was an extraordinary lover, and with all that raw sexual heat Dageus was giving off, she had no doubt he would be too.
Long ago, in another century, she’d watched Dageus sit on the front steps of the MacKeltar castle in the gloaming, staring at the night sky. She’d recognized his loneliness—she’d been lonely once too—and had made a vow to help find him a mate. It seemed he’d found her himself. The least she could do was help him win her. The debt she owed Dageus MacKeltar was enormous.
She tucked her bangs behind her ear, smiling faintly. She would have to let slip a few comments to Chloe about Keltar expertise and stamina. As well as imparting a few other bits of hard-earned wisdom when the time was right.
Hours later, Dageus followed Drustan abovestairs. They’d talked long into the night and soon it would be dawn.
After Gwen had left, he’d told Drustan about the attack on Chloe’s life, and the words her strange assailant had said, then filled him in on the few references he’d found about the Draghar. Unfortunately, Drustan had been as baffled as he. They’d bandied about possibilities, but Dageus was getting blethering weary of possibilities. He needed answers.
“When will you be leaving?” Drustan said, as they reached the end of the north corridor and prepared to part for their respective chambers.
Dageus looked at Drustan, savoring the sight of his brother alive, awake, and happy. Though he’d like to spend more time with Drustan and Gwen, now that he was on Scottish soil again, he couldn’t afford further delays. Chloe was in danger, and his time was growing short. He could feel it. He suffered no doubt that another attack would come, and didn’t know if the Draghar, whoever they were, could follow them through time. If they were part of the Tuatha Dé Danaan, they could follow them anywhere.
“On the morrow.”
“Must you go so soon?”
“Aye. I doona ken how much time I have.”
“And the lass?” Drustan asked carefully.
Dageus’s smile was icy. “She goes where I go.”
“Say no more. If she doesn’t go, I doona go.”
“I would protect her for you.”
“She goes where I go.”
“And if she doesn’t wish to?”
“She will.”
• 14 •
“ ’Tis time, Chloe-lass,” Dageus said.
“Wh-what do you mean?” Chloe asked warily. “Time for what?”
“It occurs to me that mayhap I’ve no’ made my intentions clear,” Dageus said with soft menace, stalking toward her.
“What intentions?” Though Chloe was determined to hold her ground, her cowardly feet had other plans. Traitorous little ninnies, they took a step backward for each step he took forward.
“My intentions about you.”
“Oh, yes, you have,” Chloe assured him hastily. “You want to seduce me. You’ve made that crystal clear. Any clearer would require an X rating. I’m not going to be just another one of your women. I’m not made like that. I can’t leave my panties beneath a man’s bed to be swept out with the trash. That’s why I’m still a virgin, because it means something to me and I’m not going to toss my virginity at your charming feet just because you’re the most gorgeous, fascinating man I’ve ever met and I happen to like your last name. Those are not good enough reasons.” She nodded her head to punctuate the rush of words, then looked horrified by what she’d admitted at the last.
“The most gorgeous, fascinating man you’ve ever met?” he said, his dark eyes glittering.
“There are oodles of gorgeous men around. And dusty, boring ancient texts are fascinating too,” she muttered. “Stay away from me. I’m not going to fall for your seduction.”
“Doona you even wish to know my intentions?” he purred.
“No. Absolutely not. Go away.” Her back struck the wall and she stumbled a little, then folded her arms across her chest and scowled up at him.
“I’m not going away. And I am going to tell you.” He rested his palms against the wall on either side of her head, walling her in with his powerful body.
“I’m waiting with bated breath.” She faked a delicate yawn and examined her cuticles.
“Chloe-lass, I’m going to keep you.”
“Keep me, my ass,” she snapped. “I don’t agree to being kept.”