
The Ending I Want

Page 20


I have this sinking feeling in my stomach. He must really like her.
I can’t believe he brought me here. If they had something together and he liked her enough to buy her a salon…then he brings me here, to meet with the woman he’s currently fucking…well, it’s just poor taste.
I suddenly feel bad for Megan, too.
“Wow. That was kind of him.”
“Yeah. Liam is a great guy. Sadly, he’s straight though, but you already knew that.” He gives me a conspiratorial wink. “Have you met Cam yet?”
“I haven’t.” I have no clue who Cam is.
“He’s Megan’s older brother. He and Liam are best friends. Known each other since school. Now, Cam is one fine male specimen. Straight as an arrow as well.” He frees my hair from the gown. “How did you meet Liam?”
I meet his eyes in the mirror. “On the flight here.”
“So, how long have you known him?”
I flick a glance at the clock. “Um…about…thirty-six hours.”
Jamie grins at me, causing a goofy smile to slide onto my lips. “You are my idol, girl.” He lifts his fist, fist-bumping me. “Right, I’m just going to mix up your color, and then I’ll be back. Then, you can tell me what the inside of Liam’s apartment looks like ’cause I’ve always wondered.”
He gives me a wink, and I’m guessing apartment is code for something else.
“Do you want a drink?” he asks, his hand on my shoulder.
“Coffee would be great.” I smile.
Three hours later, my hair is three inches shorter, and it’s pink.
And I have to say, I love it.
It looks really edgy and hot.
Liam hasn’t returned yet, and I’m at the counter, ready to pay.
“Taylor’s already paid for,” Megan tells the girl at the reception counter.
“I am?”
“Liam paid. Didn’t he tell you?”
“No. He didn’t.”
“Sounds like Liam.” Megan smiles softly. “Speak of the devil.”
I turn to see Liam coming through the door. Instead of feeling happy to see him, I just feel pissed off.
First, he brings me here. Then, he pays for my hair, like I’m his little woman.
I don’t know which I’m madder about.
“Wow, look at you…gorgeous.” He slips his fingers into my hair.
Ignoring his compliment, I turn abruptly, forcing his hand to fall away.
“Thank you,” I say to Megan. “And would you give this to Jamie and tell him thanks?” I push a twenty-pound note into her hand.
“Of course.” Megan smiles.
Moving away, I brush past Liam, leaving the salon.
“Hey”—Liam catches my arm as I’ve just exited the salon—“what’s wrong?”
I spin around to face him, a frown on my face. “You paid for my hair.” My tone is accusing.
Wariness enters his eyes. “I did.”
“And why did you do that?”
“Because I can.”
“Because you can.” I grit my teeth.
I am mad about the money, but really, I’m pissier about Megan. It’s stupid, I know, but it is what it is.
And his superior attitude is annoying me even more.
So, he’s going to get it about the money and not about the fact that he took me to his fuck buddy’s hair salon.
“I can pay for my own hair, thank you very much. I’m not a fucking charity case.”
He frowns, his dark brows drawing together. “I know you’re not a charity case. I just thought it would be a nice thing to do.”
“Well, I don’t want your nice.” I turn from him and start walking again.
He stops me and stands in front of me. Refusing to look at him, I stare past him.
“Is there something else going on here?” he asks.
“No.” Yes.
“So, you’re just mad because I paid for your hair?”
I grind my teeth together and bring my eyes to his. “Yes. I don’t like people to pay for me. I pay my own way in this world.”
“Okay.” He blows out a breath, the look in his eyes contrite.
And then, suddenly, I feel like a total bitch.
“I’m sorry I paid for your hair without consulting you first. I wasn’t trying to be a dick. I just wanted to treat you. A welcome-to-England kind of thing.”
“You welcomed me to England just fine last night with your tongue.”
That’s my lame way of trying to defuse the situation I just created. It’s a crappy attempt. But it makes him laugh, a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest. The sound eases my guilt a little.
“Yeah. That was definitely a good way to welcome you to my country.”
I smile, unable not to.
“I’m sorry.” His voice is low, and it touches me deep inside.
Liam lifts a hand to my head and wraps a lock of my new pink hair around his finger. “Your hair looks really sexy. I can’t wait to see it spread out all over my pillow.” He steps close, pressing his chest to mine.
And, just like that, he has me.
I stare up into his eyes. “I think we can arrange that.”
He drives his fingers into my hair, gripping it, and tips my head back. “I’m going to wrap your sexy pink hair around my fist and pull it hard while I fuck you from behind.”
I swallow down. “I-I…think I can live with that.” My voice trembles with a sudden need. A need for him.
He brings his mouth down to mine and kisses me deeply, slowly, his tongue sweeping over mine.