
The Final Detail

Page 8


Hackensack, it was nearly 10:00 P.M. Big Cyndi sat in the rain, shoulders hunched; at least Myron thought it was Big Cyndi. From a distance, it looked like someone had parked a Volkswagen Bug on the courthouse steps.
Myron stepped out of the car and approached. "Big Cyndi?"
The dark heap let loose a low growl, a lioness warning off an inferior animal who'd wandered astray.
"It's Myron," he said.
The growl deepened. The rain had plastered Big Cyndi's hair spikes to her scalp, as if she were sporting an uneven Caesar coif. Today's color was hard to decipher- Big Cyndi liked diversity in her follicular tint-but it didn't look like any hue found in the state of nature. Big Cyndi sometimes liked to combine dyes randomly and see what happened. She also insisted on being called Big Cyndi. Not Cyndi. Big Cyndi. She had even had her name legally changed. Official documents read: Cyndi, Big.
"You can't stay here all night," Myron tried.
She finally spoke. "Go home."
"What happened?"
"You ran away." Big Cyndi's voice was childlike, lost.
"You left us alone."
"I'm sorry about that. But I'm back now."
He risked another step. If only he had something to placate her with. Like a half gallon of Haagen-Dazs. Or a sacrificial goat.
Big Cyndi started to cry. Myron approached slowly, semileading with his right hand in case she wanted to sniff it. But the growls were all gone now, replaced by sobs. Myron put his palm on a shoulder that felt like a bowling ball.
"What happened?" he asked again.
She sniffled. Loudly. The sound almost dented the limo's fender. "I can't tell you."
"Why can't you?"
"She said not to."
Big Cyndi nodded.
"She's going to need help," Myron said.
"She doesn't want your help."
The words stung. The rain continued to fall. Myron sat on the step next to her. "Is she angry about my leaving?"
"I can't tell you, Mr. Bolitar. I'm sorry."
"Why not?"
"She told me not to."
"Esperanza can't bear the brunt of this on her own," Myron said. "She's going to need a lawyer."
"She has one."
"Hester Crimstein."
Big Cyndi gasped as though she realized she'd said too much, but Myron wondered if the slip had been intentional.
"How did she get Hester Crimstein?" Myron asked.
"I can'i say any more, Mr. Bolitar. Please don't be mad at me,"
"Tra not mad, Big Cyndi. I'm just concerned."
Big Cyndi smiled at him then. The sight made Myron bite back a scream. "It's nice to have you back," she said.
"Thank you."
She put her head on his shoulder. The weight made him teeter, but he remained relatively upright. "You know how I feel about Esperanza," Myron said.
"Yes," Big Cyndi said. "You love her. And she loves you."
"So let me help."
Big Cyndi lifted her head off his shoulder. Blood circulated again. "I think you should leave now."
Myron stood. "Come on. We'll give you a ride home."
"No, I'm staying."
"It's raining and it's late. Someone might try to attack you. It's not safe out here."
"I can take care of myself," Big Cyndi said.
He had meant that it wasn't safe for the attackers, but he let it pass. "You can't stay out here all night."
"I'm not leaving Esperanza alone."
"But she won't even know you're here."
Big Cyndi wiped the rain from her face with a hand the size of a truck tire. "She knows."
Myron looked back at the car. Win was leaning against the door now, arms crossed, umbrella resting on his shoulder. Very Gene Kelly. He nodded at Myron.
"You're sure?" Myron asked.
"Yes, Mr. Bolitar. Oh, and I'll be late for work tomorrow. I hope you understand."
Myron nodded. They stared at each other, the rain cascading down their faces. A bowl of laughter made both of them turn to the right and look at the fortresslike structure that contained the holding cells. Esperanza, the person closest to them both, was incarcerated in there. Myron stepped toward the limousine. Then he turned back around.
"Esperanza wouldn't kill anyone" he said.
He waited for Big Cyndi to agree or at least nod her head. But she didn't. She hunched the shoulders back up and disappeared within herself.
Myron slid back into the car. Win followed, handing Myron a towel. The driver started up.
"Hester Crimstein is her attorney." Myron said.
"Ms. Court TV?"
"The same."
"Ah," Win said. "And what's the name of her show again?"
"Crimstein on Crime" Myron said.
Win frowned. "Cute."
"She had a book with the same title." Myron shook his head. "This is weird. Hester Crimstein doesn't take many cases anymore. So how did Esperanza land her?"
Win tapped his chin with his forefinger. "I'm not positive," he said, "but I believe Esperanza had a