
The Lonely Hearts Club

Page 34


Tyson liked Morgan! Why couldn't he have admitted it earlier?
"Just forget that I said anything." He opened up his notebook and started to vigorously write something down. I peeked over his hunched shoulder and saw that all over the paper were words -- most likely lyrics. I wanted to grab the notebook out of his hands and read it. I'd noticed him writing things down before -- I just thought he was doodling or writing down his band's name over and over again. Little did I know that he was pouring his heart onto the page.
I walked to the cafeteria in a daze. While I was waiting in line, debating between the pizza and chicken nuggets, I heard that awful high-pitched voice.
"Ohmygod! How pathetic!"
Missy was standing next to me with a couple of Missy wannabes.
I grabbed a slice of pizza and a bottle of water and headed to the cash register. She followed closely behind me.
"Guys, ohmygod look, it's lonely Penny. Where's your group of followers, Penny?" Missy whipped her head from side to side dramatically, looking around the cafeteria. then she got in my face, her herd giggling behind her. "Do you only let pathetic people into your club?"
I rolled my eyes and tried to move around her, but she moved to block me.
"Are you even being serious?" I asked back. "What exactly is your problem?" More people were watching now.
Missy opened her eyes wide, trying to look all innocent. "Problem? Moi? No, no, I just think it's so sad that you're so lonely." the Missy-lites high-fived each other.
"this is ridiculous. . . ."
I tried to turn around, but Missy grabbed my elbow. "What? I can't join your club? Oh, watt -- I can't, because guys actually want to date me."
A voice came from behind me. "You can't join because we only allow people who have an IQ." Missy dropped her grip, and I turned around and saw Diane standing there with her arms folded across her chest. "And, we usually prefer people who have their own sense of self Nice top, Missy." Diane motioned toward Missy's scoop-neck sweater with a tie at the waist. "That is so me, two years ago."
I thought that would be it, but then Diane leaned in to Missy and said, "You can try to be me all you want. He'll never date you."
if humanly possible, I bet smoke would've come from Missy's ears. I was enjoying the moment so much I was a little startled when Diane linked her arm in mine and said, "Let's not waste any more of our time, Pen."
We got a round of applause when we reached our group of tables, Diane curtsied.
"Hey, guys!" A loud voice silenced the group. I looked over my shoulder to see Rosanna Shaw, a senior, with her lunch tray. She put it down in the small space between me and Tracy. "Do you mind moving over?" she said to Tracy.
Tracy shifted over and Rosanna sat down. "I absolutely loved, LOVED the article, guys. What's going on?" Rosanne asked, as if there was something important she was missing.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing, we were just talking about our days --"
"Anyways, you aren't going to believe what happened to me this morning when I was getting ready for school. . ." Rosanna started telling this overly long story that I think had something to do with her losing the hot water in her shower, but it was getting so drawn out I had to stop paying attention. I looked around the table and saw everybody looking down.
Kara leaned in to say something to Morgan.
"Watt, I'm not finished yet.'" Rosanna exploded.
"Um, actually," Diane said, "people are allowed to talk amongst themselves at lunch."
A few people at the table laughed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Guess I'll have to catch up on the rules later. I just think it's rude to interrupt people."
Rosanna continued to talk for the rest of lunch. Not surprisingly, most people left the table early.
"Ugh, Penny, we seriously need to develop some kind of process to join," Tracy said on the way to my locker. "After the article, more people are going to want to become members, and I don't necessarily think for the right reasons. You can't seriously think that Rosanna Shaw is for female bonding. She just wants a bigger audience for her lame stories."
I hesitated. "I know she can be annoying, but I think we should at least give her a chance."
"I guess. Hey -- aren't you impressed I didn't yell at her or anything? I think this Club is mellowing me out!"
I was shaking my head as I retrieved my books for the rest of the afternoon.
"Hey." Ryan started to go through his locker. "That article in the paper was really great."
"thanks." this could really only last a day, right?
"So," Ryan leaned against the lockers and started playing with the corner of his Physics book. "Are we still on for next week?"
"Yeah, why?" I asked him.
"Oh, nothing... ." He put his hand on my shoulder and I felt a jolt of electricity. "Since you're technically a celebrity now, you might need some security." He held out his arm. "May I escort you to your next class?"
I hesitantly began to reach for his arm. My nerves were completely on edge.
"Jesus Christ, you have got to be kidding me," Todd, said as he approached Ryan. "Don't you start encouraging Eleanor Rigby."
Ryan dropped his arm. "Todd, --"
"Whatever, Ryan, Are we going to class or not?" Todd, wouldn't even look in my direction. Before Ryan could say anything, I told him that I had to go and headed down the hallway.