
The Mane Squeeze

Page 103


Ric watched Gwen disappear into the crowd before he turned back to his friend. So are you going to be like your uncles and move your woman into your house to live in sin, or like you father and marry her in a proper wedding?
Lock smiled like Ric hadnt seen him smile in years. Im thinking a combination.
Always smart.
Just one problem.
Which is?
Hands slammed down on the table in front of Lock. Wheres my sister?
Lock sighed. Them.
Ric stared up at the lion siblings. How Lock hadnt killed them already, he didnt know. If nothing else, Ric would have had themmanaged by now. Theyd be alive, but in Siberia.
Where is she? Mitch Shaw snapped again.
Lock shrugged.
Arent you keeping an eye on her?
Because she suddenly cant take care of herself? the grizzly asked.
No. Because my mother shaved McNellys head!
The two friends stared at each other across the table and then both burst out laughing at the same time.
Ric wished his family was half this interesting.
This isnt funny, Brendon Shaw said, shaking his big lion head. Not funny.
Its a little funny, Lock argued.
No. Not funny, Mitch snapped. Because Dee-Ann just told us she followed Donna McNelly and her Pack to this club, then lost em.
Locks laughter cut off instantly and he peered up at Mitch. When was that?
I dont know. Sissy and Dee are trying to find out if they got in and Im trying to find Gwen, because she doesnt know that our insane mother shaved a womans head out of retaliation for Labor Day weekend!
Ric stood up. Everyone calm down. Well figure this out. Lets just find Gwen and then
His words trailed off as he watched his friend slowly stand up, his head moving as he cast for a scent.
Lock had always amazed Ric; he was able to pick up scents nearly twenty miles away.
Locks large body faced the direction Gwen had gone off, his head lowering, his breathing becoming heavy, and the air around him filling with a tension Ric had never been able to name but understood all too well.
Lock started moving and Mitch went to grab him, but Ric caught his arm. Dont get in front of him, dont cut him off, and do not touch him. Follow and keep your mouth shut.
When the brothers started to argue, Ric said, Gentlemen, you need to trust me on this.
Johnny stopped midway on the stairs that led to the basement and picked up the skate he found lying there.
She probably fell down the stairs, Gwen said behind him. It takes a certain skill to learn to go down stairs inskates.
She took the skate out of his hand and kept moving, Johnny following.
He couldnt believe hed been reduced to this. Most days Kristan Putowski made him crazy, but lately shed been really getting on his nerves. To be honest, he couldnt wait until he graduated in June and headed off to college. He needed to get away from her, her constant chatter, her annoying personality, and her goddamn scent! It was beginning to drive him insane, and it was getting harder and harder to resist her.
Nope. Distance was good. In fact, he might be able to manage distance a little sooner if he could get into the summer music program in Ohio. Three months of practice, classes, private concerts, and lectures. But most importantlyno Kristan.
Dont worry, kid, Gwen said. Well find her.
Once they were in the basement, Gwen sniffed the air and headed to a door a short way down the hall.
She had her hand on the doorknob but stopped. She leaned in, sniffed again, and thats when she reached back.
She slammed her hand against Johnnys chest and shoved him away. Go get
From the other side, the door was torn open and a frighteningly large female reached out and grabbed Gwen by the hair, yanking her inside the room. A male came out and reached for Johnny, but he scrambled back and took off down the hallway, grateful hed gone with one of the Roman soldier costumes rather than the more complicated and heavier medieval armor costume. The male was closing in behind him as Johnny made it up the stairs. He slammed his hands against the unlocked door, shoving it open. Hands grabbed his shoulders, pulling him back. An arm went around his chest and Johnnys mouth was covered.
Desperate, he reached for the switchblade hed had since he was twelve and living with a foster family that had made him extremely nervous. But before his hand could reach it, he looked up at a massive body wearing only a kiltand rage. Forgetting his blade, he watched as the bear reached down and grabbed hold of the arm wrapped around Johnny. Lock took it and twisted until the arm snapped.
The wolf released Johnny and howled in pain as Lock dragged the unknown canine away, flinging him across the club.
When the bear looked back at him, Johnny pointed down the stairs and said, Theyve got Gwen.
She hit the ground, the wind briefly knocked out of her, poor Kristans skate flipping out of her hand and disappearing under one of the tables.
McNelly reached down and caught hold of her neck, lifting Gwen up. Always the do-gooder, rushing down here to help the kid, she said.
One of the males had hold of Kristan, his hand over her mouth, his arm around her waist. She was struggling, tears pooling at her feet. Poor kid. She was one of those protected pups, not used to this kind of attack. But Gwen and McNelly? They were more than used to it.