
Touch of Power

Page 20


“Get some sleep, Avry.”
Despite Kerrick’s promise of a peaceful rest, a commotion outside my door woke me in the middle of the night. The lantern had been turned down low, and Quain had replaced Loren. He stood near the door with his dagger in hand.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
He shushed me, and cracked the door open. Mom’s frantic voice pierced the darkness. Pounding steps drummed past my room. Other voices joined Mom’s. Unable to wait any longer, I slid from the bed and crept beside Quain. He shot me a dark look before returning his attention to the hallway.
“Well?” I whispered.
Quain pointed his dagger at me. “Go back to bed.”
After being on Kerrick’s bad side, Quain’s attempt to intimidate me didn’t work. It fact, it had the opposite effect. “No.”
He jerked in surprise. Opening his mouth, he paused, then shut it.
The noises from the hall died down. Then Kerrick pushed into my room with the others behind him. Their expressions told an interesting story. Belen concerned, Loren uneasy, Flea angry and Kerrick impassive as usual.
“Since we’re all awake, we’ll leave now,” Kerrick said.
Flea swallowed his squawk of protest when Kerrick glared at him.
“Why’s Mom so upset?” I asked.
“It’s not our concern,” Kerrick said. “Belen, do you have her cloak?”
Belen nodded.
“Belen, tell me,” I said.
“Melina’s missing,” Flea answered. “Over the past six weeks, someone’s been kidnapping girls and disappearing into the woods. None of the town watch has been able to find them.” He stared at Kerrick.
“It’s not our concern,” Kerrick repeated. “We don’t have time for this.”
I rounded on him. “You’re a cold, heartless bastard.”
He remained calm, but I sensed his fury simmering. It would soon boil. Too bad.
“Of course it’s our concern! Mom took us in, she helped me. You can find them.”
“In case you haven’t been paying attention, if Ryne is more important to me than Belen’s life, then he’s certainly a higher priority than some girl.”
“Girls, Kerrick. Not girl. The beast has done it before and will do it again. You hold your prince in such high esteem, what would he think about you abandoning Melina and Mom for him?”
Anger twitched on his face, but Kerrick held his temper.
Belen answered for him. “Ryne would be appalled.”
That was the first good thing I’d heard about Ryne. Unfortunately, the argument had no effect on Kerrick.
Time to make a concession. “Find Melina, and I won’t make any more escape attempts. We’ll be able to travel faster if I cooperate,” I said.
“And you’ll heal Ryne?” Kerrick asked.
“No, but I’ll give you until we reach him to change my mind. How’s that?”
“Will you swear to it?” he asked.
“I, Avry of Kazan Realm, give you my word.”
“Agreed.” He held out his hand.
When I clasped it, a strange tingle of magic zipped up my arm. I let go quickly.
“Okay, gentlemen, looks like we’re going hunting,” Kerrick said.
Everyone rushed to get ready. Before Flea hustled from my room, he touched my shoulder. “Thanks, Avry.”
“Are we friends again?” I asked.
“Yep.” He flashed his lopsided grin and ran after Quain.
I stopped Belen. “Do you have my knapsack? I need to change into my travel clothes before we leave.”
“You’re staying here,” Kerrick said.
“No. Melina might need me.”
“We’ll bring her back here.”
“If she goes with you. She might be traumatized and not trusting a bunch of men. Forcing her will only make it worse.”
He considered.
I added more incentive. “The town watch is combing the woods—there’ll be no one here to protect me if the mercenaries catch up to us.”
Belen hid his smile as Kerrick’s shoulders drooped just a smidge. “Fine.”
When Kerrick left, Belen shook his head. “Flea argued and begged Kerrick to help Melina. I tried and so did Loren. No luck. But you changed his mind.”
“Only because I gave up my freedom.”
“I don’t think so. You can really get under his skin. This has been a most interesting trip. I can’t wait to see what else happens.”
“I can.”
When Belen returned with my knapsack, I asked him why Kerrick was the one in charge. Belen was a few years older, stronger and more personable.
“Prince Ryne asked him to find a healer.” Belen turned his back so I could change into my extra set of black travel clothes. Which were now my only set. I folded the tunic and skirt, tucking them into my pack just in case.
Belen handed me his two daggers. “Keep them with you just in case.”
“Won’t Kerrick be upset?”
“He never ordered us not to give you a weapon.”
I smiled, thinking how he and Kerrick acted like brothers. “Kerrick and you are both from Alga Realm. So how did you meet Ryne?” I asked.
“Long story. Let’s find Melina first.”
Easier said than done. Despite Kerrick’s magical connection, we couldn’t find the man who had taken Melina. When dawn woke the colors of the forest, I hoped we’d find a trail to follow. No luck.