
Treasured by Thursday

Page 21


He leaned against his desk and felt a chuckle deep in his gut. “That was very entertaining.”
She started laughing harder, and it was impossible to sit there without feeling it grow and erupt inside him.
“He threatened my life,” Hunter told her.
Gabi hiccupped, wiped tears from her eyes.
Hunter laughed. “It wasn’t funny.”
She was doubled over now, finding the humor for the both of them.
He walked to the private bathroom in his office and brought her some tissues. She thanked him, wiped her face, and continued to laugh.
“If my mother . . .” She started to laugh again. “My mother shows up, you might want to duck.”
“What, she’ll throw a chair at me?”
“Let’s hope that’s all.”
Hunter watched as Gabi took hold of her laughter. She was radiant in her designer jeans and button-up shirt. The loose hair flowing over her shoulders looked like silk. No wonder her brother was so protective of her. He must have had his hands full watching over her all her life. The men must have flocked, like ducks to a pond.
“Do you always fight like that?”
“In Italian?”
“That and the yelling.”
Gabi shrugged. “It was a fight. He shouldn’t have come. Though it warms my heart that he cared enough to do so.”
Hunter shook his head. “I’ll never completely understand women.”
“I would hope not. Where would be the mystery in life if we understood the opposite sex completely?”
“Mystery should be about the prize in the cereal box, not a question as to what weapon your family is going to come at me with.”
That had Gabi laughing again. “Well if you’d just jump in front of a bus, we wouldn’t have these concerns, now would we?”
She made him smile again as she stood to leave. “I ditched the real estate agent. Probably should get back to the search.”
“I’ll walk you out.”
“That isn’t necess—”
“By now most, if not all of my office staff, has heard of our marriage. Letting you leave alone not only speaks of trouble, it will suggest the rumors are wrong. We’re married, and it’s time to practice some of your acting skills.”
She offered a short nod, and to her credit didn’t flinch when he placed a hand to her back and walked her out of his office.
Tiffany lowered the phone and stood as they walked by.
Hunter didn’t spare a glance, where Gabi offered a smile and silently walked beside him.
It was close to five, but it didn’t seem any of the staff left even a minute early. Hunter ignored the looks and continued to the elevators.
“Everyone is staring,” Gabi whispered close to his ear.
“They’re all trying to figure out who you are. Hold your head up.”
She stiffened her spine and walked into the elevator. They were silent beside the other passengers as they slowly made their way to the ground floor of the building.
Still eyes lingered, he felt them, knew Gabi did, too.
He noticed his car parked with the emergency lights flashing. The Aston suited her . . . elegant, classy.
“Mr. Blackwell.” The doorman moved to the car. “I was about to call your office.”
“No need, Benny. I assume you’ve met.” Hunter looked between Gabi and the doorman to the office.
“Not really. I ran in,” Gabi told him.
Hunter moved closer to the woman at his side and smiled. “Well then, Benny, this is Gabriella Blackwell, my wife.”
Surprise took over the irritated look on Benny’s face.
“Feel free to have the valet take care of the car in the future.”
Benny nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Hunter walked Gabi around to the driver’s side and opened the door.
When she attempted to move around him, he blocked her path. “Try not to jump,” he whispered.
“Excuse me?”
Using the hand lingering on her back, he pulled her close and lowered his lips to hers.
Shock registered in her eyes. She couldn’t back away, the car was there to stop her, but she didn’t push.
He kept his hold loose, didn’t want to scare her.
Her full lips were soft, the scent of her skin and the exotic floral aroma of her hair were something he’d think about long after she left.
“Relax, Gabi.”
Hunter felt her effort. Watched as her dark lashes fluttered closed.
He placed a hand to the side of her face and tilted her head back. Her lips parted enough for a brief, intoxicating taste.
The tight rein of control Hunter always had on his emotions, his desires, started to unwind. He pulled away, almost as abruptly as he’d begun their kiss.
Their eyes locked.
Gabi sucked in her bottom lip.
Hunter ran his thumb over her chin, coaxing her lips apart. “I’ll call.”
Her throat constricted with a swallow, and she slid out of his arms and into the car.
Hunter moved to the curb and watched her pull away.
“Was it awful?” Meg asked over the phone.
Gabi called her the minute she pulled into the parking lot of the real estate agent’s office.
“I’m just happy Hunter doesn’t understand Italian. Val threatened bodily harm with a half a dozen weapons.”
“He’ll calm down. He’s worried.”
“I know. But for my sake, make him go home. The last thing I need is him hovering over me.”
“I’ve already booked his flight. He’ll be back here tomorrow.”
“Good. Thank you.”
Gabi lowered the visor and looked in the mirror. The smudge of her lipstick reminded her of Hunter’s unexpected kiss.