
When He Was Bad

Page 10


Yes. But I take care of those by myself. I have a very handy vibrator.
Van laughed. Hed never met a woman who openly admitted, in general conversation, she liked to get herself off.
Look, Im a feminist, Van Holtz. I feel theres absolutely nothing wrong with a woman physically taking care of herself.
I see.
She glanced at her bandaged side. I can feel so many stitches. You know, I saw an open-heart surgery once and let me tell you
Irene, he cut in, before she could run off on some tangent, Im still back on the detesting-sex conversation.
Oh. All right.
Is this conversation bothering you?
Okay. Van got comfortable next to Irene Conridge. Normally, a woman told him she had no interest in sex and he had no interest in her. And although his sexual interest in Irene had gone far, far away, he still found talking to her kind of . . . well . . . to quote her, fascinating.
Do you ever miss sex?
Do you ever miss being around people?
I am around people. I live with Jackie.
True, but I mean, someone in your bed. Holding you. Or do you and Jackie . . . uh . . .
She stared at him blankly and he realized that he could get rid of those kinky fantasies, too. Apparently Dr. Conridge didnt like sexual intercourse with anyone. Male or female.
If you mean lesbianism, then no. I have no interest in women either. But you shouldnt feel bad for me, she calmly insisted. Im not frigid in the clinical sense and I like the way my life is. Except for being mauled, its relatively simple and calm. And thats just how I like it.
Then thats all that matters, doc.
Thats how I feel. She gazed up at him. What you did tonight . . . I do really appreciate it. I know enough of shifter politics to know you didnt make any fans this evening.
Ill handle them. You just get better. And any chance youll tell me why you were out there in the first place?
No. And you know I dont have to stay if Ill be in the way.
Yes. You do have to stay, Irene. Ive got to work something out with the Lwes and the Duprises to ensure they dont come after you. Until I have that, you cant leave.
Is completely safe. Shes spending the night here and shes more than welcome. She just went to bed about an hour ago after watching every move our doctor made.
Without thinking, he carefully tucked the sheet around her body.Ill make sure youre safe, doc. I promise.
Im sorry, she said after several moments.
For what?
Irene shrugged, then grimaced, probably regretting the move, considering the pain it most likely caused. For always thinking you were an asshole.
Van grinned. I am an asshole. And youre a cold bitch. But that doesnt mean we cant be friends, doc.
Friends? She nodded. I dont mind being friends. I have so few of them.
Really? With your natural charm?
Ha, ha, Van Holtz. And she gave what almost looked to be a smile.
Van slipped out of bed and headed toward the door. Ill send one of the She-wolves in to get you to the bathroom and Ill make you some breakfast.
You? Make me breakfast?
Of course. Just wait until you taste my waffles, doc. Youll see God.
Considering my personal belief system, I somehow doubt that.
Van stepped into the hallway and closed the door. As he made his way past his familys rooms, he caught sight of one of the She-wolves and motioned for her to take care of Conridge. The look on the girls face was how hed imagine shed look if hed ordered her to stand in front of a firing squad. As he walked down the stairs, he saw his sister sitting on the bottom step reading the newspaper. He sat next to her and shook his head in disbelief.
Youre right.
Im right about what?
About Conridge. I dont think anything will be happening between us anytime soon.
Carrie patted his shoulder. Shut you down, did she?
You could say that.
She reminds me of the computer from Alien.
You know, This ship detonates in T-minus five minutes and counting. Thats her.
Van chuckled. Shes not that bad. Shes just different. I like her. Well probably be friends. Which means Ill never have sex with her.
Youre pathetic.
Yeah. Yeah, he said, standing up to head to the kitchen to make breakfast for the entire Pack and Irene. I love you too, sis.
Oh, and Dads looking for you.
Van stopped but immediately shook his head. Ill talk to him later. I cant deal with him right now. He again headed toward the kitchen, his sister following right behind him. And get on the phone. I want that meeting with the Lwes and the Duprises set up as soon as possible.