
Wolf's Bounty

Page 6


Larsson lifted one corner of his lip.“As if a Tygerian pirate knowsanything of honor.”
One of the Rogers made as if to take his arm and lead him away but stopped his hand in mid-air at the look on Larsson’s face.
“No, don’t touch him,” Tarr said. “Let’s not poke the beast any more than we have to. Darling, please follow my men to your new quarters.” He quirked up an eyebrow at the vicious look Larsson turned on him.
“What? I said please.”
Larsson gave him an evil glare,turned stiffly and followed the Rogers from the room, Tarr’s soft laughter followed him down the corridor.
Damn him! Larsson had never felt so furious, so helpless in a situation. When Kyle had come home, Larsson had listened to his explanations of falling in love with Taz Bonnet with incredulity, and it must be said, a bit of contempt. By that time, he knew Tarr was his mate, but he was determined to overcome his own feelings. He refused to be trapped by some kind of crazy physical obsession with someone like Tarr Bonnet.
Unlike his cousin, Kyle, Larsson was positive he could overcome this obsession he had with Tarr Bonnet.He didn’t want to feel this way about him and he wouldn’t. It was as simple as that. He just had to work on his feelings a little harder.
When he’d snarled at his own alpha the night Lucas had threatened Tarr with the knife, he knew then he was out of control. Later, talking it over with Lucas, after apologizing over and over again, he’d told Lucas he thought he could get a handle on these outrageous feelings. Lucas had heard him out, but he shook his head when Larsson was finished.
“Larsson, you know I just mated too, and I’ll tell you, this curse of ours is a powerful thing. I don’t pretend to know how it works myself, but I can tell you that once it gets you by the throat, it never lets go.I’d do anything for Kai—I love him far more than I ever thought possible.”
“Well, Kai is lovable. I mean, look at him—he’s beautiful, innocent, and so sweet. However, I’ve imprinted on fucking Tarr Bonnet. The biggest reprobate in the galaxy! I can get over this, Lucas. Iknow I can.”
“Tarr is gorgeous too, in case you’ve forgotten, and he has a lot of charm when he chooses to exert it.” Lucas shook his head sadly.“I think you may find this a lot harder than you think.”
“No,” he’d insisted. “I’ve seen what the curse has done to Kyle.He’s claiming to be happy with his Tygerian, but he’s little better than his love slave. How can he be content with a life like that?I’m not Kyle, and I never could be happy with that situation.If Tarr Bonnet thinks he’ll make me aslave, he’s got another think coming.”
Lucas shrugged.“Kyle’s happy. He convinced me of that before he left, but ultimately this is his life and his choice, not yours or mine. And Taz is crazy about him—I don’t think Kyle’s any kind of slave at all. Maybe you should push some of those male hormones of yours aside along with your pride and just let this happen. Fighting it will only make it worse.”
Had that conversation been only a few short months ago? Hard to believe.He’d finally accepted his feelings for Tarr as irrevocable, but that didn’t mean he had to pursue the man. They hadn’t made love—not exactly, anyway, and he hadn’t given Tarr a mating bite. There was still hope.At least that’s what he kept telling himself.
The two Nilaniums took him to a door and gestured for him to go inside. He opened the door to a large room that was surprisingly neat. The door slammed behind him as he entered and he heard the lock snick shut. Assholes. He sat on the bed and found it fairly comfortable. He stretched out on his back, deciding to close his eyes for just a few minutes and decide how he was going to get out of this shit. If Bonnet thought he was going to meekly accept being his little love slave, he had another think coming.
He must have gone to sleep after all because he came slowly awake to a hand rubbing slowly over his naked stomach. He blinked his eyes open and found himself looking up into a pair of bottle green ones, fringed with thick red eyelashes. Bonnet! Larsson made an attempt to sit up and found himself pinned down by Tarr’s big hand on his stomach. Tarr had pushed up Larsson’s shirt and was tracing a circular pattern on his skin.
Larsson glared up at him and pushed roughly at his hand.“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Tarr smiled down at him and circled his nipple with one finger.“I’m just enjoying my latest acquisition.”
Larsson snorted.“Acquisitionmy ass!”
“Mmm…your ass is a nice change of subject.” he replied, running one hand down to caress his hip as he slid his tongue over Larsson’s nipple.
Larsson jerked away, but Tarr simply grabbed his flailing hands in one of his and stretched them over his head, holding them there. Damn it, how could he be so fucking strong!
“Let me go, damn you!”
“No, nobyo, I don’t think I will. You’re too tense.Just relax and I’ll do all the work.”
Larsson blew out an angry breath and stopped struggling.It just wasn’t dignified. He turned his face to the wall and refused to give Tarr the satisfaction of struggling with him.He couldn’t resist jerking up a knee to try for his groin, though. Tarr easily blocked it with his own and wrapped a leg around Larsson’s to hold him down.
“Temper, temper, darling. So much hostility…”
“Why are you doing this, Tarr? Is it revenge against my family? Is that what this is about?”
Tarr pulled back his head to stare down at him, a little smile playing around his lips.“Don’t pretend you don’t know why you’re here, nobyo.”
Larsson huffed out a breath and glared at him.“You can’t do this!”
“All evidence to the contrary,” he purred, licking up the side of Larsson’s face.
Larsson shivered and leaned into him.He couldn’t help it, damn it. Blindly, he turned his face toward Tarr, giving in to the powerful feelings that came over him every time he was near. This was his mate, thanks to the gods damned curse, and though the idea of a relationship with Tarr was impossible, and he knew it was doomed to failure, he could take some small moments for himself, surely. He lifted his lips and Tarr took them with a low growl, releasing Larsson’s hands and pulling him underneath him even further.
“You smell so good, nobyo,” he murmured. “Why can’t I ever get enough of you?”
One of Tarr’s hands slid down Larsson’s stomach to unfasten his pants so he could slide his hand in. He dragged his fingersslowly up and down Larsson’s aching shaft. “Does this pleasure you, darling?”
“W-What?” Larsson said, unable to even think when his mate was stroking him. “Yes, yes, it ppleasures me.”
“Would you like me to suck it for you, baby? Suck your beautiful cock? Ask me, nobyo. Ask me to suck it for you.”
Larsson’s cock grew even harder at his words. Tarr stared down at him, holding his gaze and refusing to let it go. “Ask me, nobyo.”
Larsson looked at his beautiful mouth, imagining those lips wrapped around his shaft. He shivered. “W-Will you…will you…oh hells…”
Tarr rubbed his thumb over the slit, sinking his fingernail in ever so slightly, and Larsson almost came off the bed. Chuckling softly, Tarr held him down with one hand on his abs.
“Okay, okay! Will you suck my cock, damn it?”
“Yes, Larsson, I will. Just as soon as you agree to be my nobyo, my own sweet little warrior. Admit that you love me—only me, and that I’m your master.”
“Fuck you!” Larsson yelled angrily. Damn the man! Larsson’s face burned and he tried to pull away, heaving his body up, but Tarr simply slid back over to lie on top of him, holding him down.
Larsson struggled, even with Tarr pushing his wrists up by his head again as he nuzzled and nipped at his throat and his ears. Larsson tried to head butt him, but Tarr buried his face in Larsson’s neck and held on to ride him until Larsson sagged with exhaustion. As he lay there, his chest heaving up and down as he struggled for breath, he realized his damn cock was still hard. His struggles had only succeeded in dragging his pants down even further, a fact Tarr was taking advantage of by humping him shamelessly.
Seeing that Larsson was somewhat subdued, he took one hand to shove his own pants down so he could slide his cock against Larsson’s. The velvety skin against his own made Larsson gasp even more for breath. He realized that Tarr was murmuring softly to him, calling him silly names as he kissed and nuzzled and stroked him, as if he were some pet. The worst thing was, Larsson was actually responding to it, or rather his wolf was responding, curling up with contentment inside him, happy to be so close to its mate.
Larsson breathed out a tired sigh and Tarr kissed his sweet lips, gently, taking great care with him and saying his name over and over. He wrapped his hand around both their cocks, slowly moving his hand up and down their lengths. It felt incredible to him, and Larsson seemed to be giving into it too. Tarr stroked them together for a long time, not trying to climax, just keeping Larsson—and himself—on the edge.
Larsson’s body felt so good in his arms, and he knew that this was his true mate, his own sweet nobyo—now he just had to convince Larsson of the fact. Hecould feel Larsson’s body relaxing under him, releasing that rigid control of his and finally allowing his body to rest against him.
Larsson was so defiant, so resistant to mating with him. Tarr knew he had his work cut out for him if he planned to seduce this Lycan. He was also very aware that Larsson was more than a little attracted to him. From time to time, that control of his would slip, waver just a little, and he succumbed to his feelings. He was doing that now, and Tarr reveled in it.
Larsson was a true alpha, and Tarr knew he’d never make him a good nobyo if what he wanted was a submissive little lover. On the other hand, it would always be exciting with Larsson, a constant challenge to tame him or to at least quiet him and love him enough to make him decide to submit. It would always beLarsson’s decision, Tarr knew that about him already. He also knew that from time to time, Larsson would win this game they played between them, and he would have to allow him to be the dominant partner.